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34 Power Affirmations for Networking with the Affluent
Here are 34 affirmations I have created after studying the book "Networking with the Affluent" by Dr. Thomas Stanley. Even though the book is targeted to sales people, I believe that it is to everyone's advantage to network--especially to network with successful people. If enough successful people are favorably impressed with you and choose to help you, you can accomplish almost anything--certainly with respect to meeting your own needs and helping other people. As with most tasks in life, success in networking begins with the proper mindset. The right attitude. When people fail at networking, it is usually the result of two things: They approach the contact with an unconsciously selfish attitude. They want time with the prospect to show their products or services so that they can make a sale. While they may claim (and convince themselves) that they are really working in the best interest of the prospect, their interest only goes as far as how their product can help met a prospects need. What they are really saying is "I'm happy to help you, but only if the end result is that you buy my product." This is usually an unconscious thought process. This is one reason that affirmations can be very effective in eliminating this problem. Affirmations can condition your mind so that you are always sensitive to what the other person needs. If you are really effective in helping others meet their needs (even when they have nothing directly to do with your product or service), then the odds are much greater that they will eventually not only buy your product or service, but refer others who also need your services. Here's a hint: the biggest need and concern of most business owners, is increasing their revenues. Find ways to enhance their revenue, and maybe they will help you enhance yours. Not networking strategically. Unsuccessful networkers, are a "master of the ones." They have one or two contacts in a lot of affinity groups. There's no concentration of power. Most of the time, they don't even know what affinity groups their contacts belong to. Successful networkers network in clusters. They target the leaders of networks. They use tools of mass communication to reach large blocks of potential contacts--especially, publishing articles and giving speeches/seminars. Of course these articles and speeches cover topics that are considered important to the target audience. These tools allow them to help multiple members of their network in a short period of time and establish themselves as experts in their specific field. Here are several affirmations I have written for myself as the result of studying Thomas Stanley's book. 1) My power network is multiplying everyday. 2) I help people in my network achieve their goals and objectives. 3) I now serve my network with respect, professionalism and intelligence. 4) I connect to new contacts and allies everywhere I go. 5) I regularly participate in fund raising activities for worthy, charitable causes. 6) I am a network facilitator. I bring people in my network for their mutual benefit. 7) I create powerful, positive connections with good people everywhere I go. 8) I create new business opportunities by connecting with people at the point of their needs first. 9) I establish expertise and credibility by studying and understanding issues important to my target network. 10) As I connect with my network, I ask questions and listen carefully for indications of their needs. 11) I now find creative ways to help members of my network multiply their revenues. 12) I take the initiative to be an advocate of issues important to my network. I am an activist. 13) I read the trade publications of people in my network regularly. 14) I multiply my network by regularly publishing articles in their trade publications-articles that are of interest to them. 15) By reviewing trade publications and attending trade association meetings, I stay current with the issues and challenges important to the members of my network. 16) I help members of my network fulfill their needs regardless of any immediate personal benefit to me. 17) I am now a strategic networker. 18) I now network with the major business and political leaders in my community. 19) I regularly network with opinion leaders in targeted affinity groups. 20) I multiply my network in clusters. 21) I regularly participate in and contribute to strategic organizations and associations. 22) Opinion leaders contact me regularly for my help and advice. 23) Opinion leaders seek me out to add me to their network of contacts. 24) I regularly network with the advisors of affluent and influential leaders. 25) I am a master of clusters rather than a master of the ones. 26) I am a recognized industry leader and expert in my profession. 27) I demonstrate my expertise by regularly publishing articles of interest to my strategic network. 28) I have a clear understanding of the anatomy of wealth and power in my community. 29) I write articles that target my network and have them published regularly. 30) I am now well known by the opinion leaders in my network. 31) I regularly connect with community and government leaders at the local, state, and national level. 32) I target clusters of networks, not just individuals. 33) I regularly recognize the achievements of people in my network. 34) I have made a lifetime commitment to helping members of my network solve their specific problems. I am patient in developing my network. Copyright (c) 2005 Bill Marshall - All rights reserved. Feel free to republish this article provided you include the copyright information and the weblinks where possible. For practical self-improvement tips, visit http://www.poweraffirmations.com . Get my new free e-book, "Power Affirmations: Power Positive Conditioning for Your Subconscious Mind"
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Since we have a two party political system and it is pretty much split down the middle, you have a 50% chance of pissing someone off when talking about politics in an office building. The owner may be Republican but the people overhearing the conversations may be one-half Democratic and they are also potential customers. Please don't talk about abortion, assault weapon bans or cigarette laws. People who are into these issues are really into them, and if your opinion differs from theirs, you have just created an enemy and lost a customer. A Vital Habit For Selling Big Ticket Items I hope the title of this article aroused your curiosity! What could this habit be that will help you sell Big Ticket Items? 10 Top Tips for Successful Networking 1. Recognise the importance of networking You Can?t Spell Networking Without Serendipity "Fear not to entertain strangers for by so doing some have entertained angels unaware." 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Should You Offer Commissions For Customer Referrals? As a small business owner you may find yourself in a situation where you want to partner with another business but they are asking for a commission on your services. You will want to be prepared to handle such a request BEFORE you find yourself in this situation. Social Networking: A Link To Like Minds Not all dot-com dreams died when the Internet stock bubble burst. Land the Ideal Job Using Social Networks With at least 60% of job-seekers finding employment through networking, it's no wonder that people are turning to their colleagues and acquaintances for advice and help in finding employment. The old adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know" rings true when it comes to sources of labor in today's economy. Building Business Relationships in a Roomful of Strangers You approach a stranger at an association meeting or industry conference with you arm outstretched and say: "Hi. My name is?.." And you're off and running. Create a 10 Second Introduction From Your USP You can generate a ton of business by networking, whether you belong to a networking organization or just get referrals from existing (satisfied) customers. Whenever you meet a new potential client, it's important to create the right impression about you and your business straight away. That's where a 10 second introduction comes in handy ? and the more this introduction stands out from the rest, the more likely your new acquaintance is to remember you. Putting The Fun Back In Networking Networking is one of the most important skills a person can attain to be successful... in anything. I only recently realized that people don't know how to do it. Or they are uncomfortable with it and I think to myself are you crazy? Networking has always come natural to me. As a matter of fact, I was networking even before the word or idea became popular among business professionals. Perhaps it was because when I was a kid I would sometimes go along with my Dad on a Saturday on his business route. He was a merchant wholesaler, selling fresh meat to butchers. My Dad was a natural networker in the sense that he could build rapport quickly, he always followed through on what he said he would do, and he knew how to size up an individual in an instant. If alive today, he would just look at me puzzled and say networking, hogwash, what the heck is that, what I do is just plain old-fashioned getting things done. ![]() |
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