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Politics, Religion, Race; Conversational No-No?s in Business
Do not destroy all your positive displacement and high energy and customer confidence by discussing politics in your small business. Remember not every one in the world is as smart as you are or sees as much dealing with all these different types of customers in so many different professions each day. Therefore they may have incorrect political views and disagree with you. You do not have time to change everyone's mind nor should you bother trying. Since we have a two party political system and it is pretty much split down the middle, you have a 50% chance of pissing someone off when talking about politics in an office building. The owner may be Republican but the people overhearing the conversations may be one-half Democratic and they are also potential customers. Please don't talk about abortion, assault weapon bans or cigarette laws. People who are into these issues are really into them, and if your opinion differs from theirs, you have just created an enemy and lost a customer. Religion? Wow! You should never try to convince anyone to join your religion or argue against theirs. If you want to do this, do it on your own time, invite them to church, temple, whatever. If a person is really religious, offer them your car wash fundraising services. Even if you don't agree with their religious beliefs, you are bound to meet a lot of really good people by doing a fundraiser car wash for their church's youth group. It's good for business and you'll be helping in a positive way keeping kids away from drugs, gangs, graffiti and violence. This will also be promoting the family unit. Race is something you just shouldn't talk about at all. Many races have been persecuted and hated in our country for decades. These same people have money to pay for your small business's products or services. Don't be stupid. No matter how you feel and everyone (whether they admit it or not) is a little prejudiced, throw it away, drop it, stop worrying about it and go make money. Some cultures do business differently. You should simply realize that there have always been differences and there always will be. Many of these differences have to do with their country's free-market system, or lack thereof. Some people may like to wheel and deal. That's how they transact business. It's the way they feel they're supposed to do it. Instead of getting angry, simply understand that their background is different than yours. Just because they conduct business differently than you are used to doesn't mean its wrong. Your way of doing business may seem wrong to them. Some of these people are your very best customers. They: Are more loyal customers Tip better Refer you to friends Treat you like family So remember, if you have a problem with any group of people, drop it. Enough said. If you don't believe us, you'll learn. It just doesn't matter. Everyone is your potential customer and in business discrimination does not pay. Play it safe and think about your business future and your customers, listen to their opinions and nod your head, but do not chime in otherwise you will lose other customers. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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You Can?t Spell Networking Without Serendipity "Fear not to entertain strangers for by so doing some have entertained angels unaware." How to Make the Most of Those First 30 Seconds Did you just meet the most important person in your career/business? Tongue tied and not sure what to do about it? With advance planning and creative thinking you can be confident you will know how to handle this situation should the opportunity present itself. Giving Referrals to Get Referrals One of the best ways to get a referral is to give a referral. When you give someone a referral, they are forever grateful and will feel obligated to return the favor. Are You Really Listening: The Importance of Strong Communication Skills Let's face it, when most people think of IT professionals, the image that comes to mind is the guy or girl with the glasses huddled behind a myriad of computer monitors, incapable of communicating with anyone other than their keyboard Putting The Fun Back In Networking Networking is one of the most important skills a person can attain to be successful... in anything. I only recently realized that people don't know how to do it. Or they are uncomfortable with it and I think to myself are you crazy? Networking has always come natural to me. As a matter of fact, I was networking even before the word or idea became popular among business professionals. Perhaps it was because when I was a kid I would sometimes go along with my Dad on a Saturday on his business route. He was a merchant wholesaler, selling fresh meat to butchers. My Dad was a natural networker in the sense that he could build rapport quickly, he always followed through on what he said he would do, and he knew how to size up an individual in an instant. If alive today, he would just look at me puzzled and say networking, hogwash, what the heck is that, what I do is just plain old-fashioned getting things done. A New LinkedIn Discussion Forum for High Power Dealmakers For those of you interested in international business transactions or the business networking organization, LinkedIn, a new Yahoo groups discussion forum has been created. Several Yahoo discussion groups already exist on the uses and preferences concerning LinkedIn, such as the Yahoo Group forum called MyLinkedin Power Forum (MLPF), but the messages on that forum were biased. The moderator of MLPF censored opposing points of view. He is the type of person who would criticize a group member's message, but not let that member respond to his criticism. In many respects, the MLPF and forums like it were just plain boring: a large cacophony of disjointed and disconnected messages on everything from trolling for people with the same last name to using LinkedIn to advertise products or services. How to Keep from Sounding LIKE Totally Stupid June is reality check month. Lots of the resolutions have been made and most are already broken. It's time to take a hard look at where you are going in 05 and beyond. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to update all your personal credentials including your bio & your resume. Small File Box With Resumes to Help Customers I bet you have not thought about it much, but there are many ways you can help your customers in their daily lives. If you have a customer who just got laid off from their job, tell them you will be glad to take a few of their resumes and put them in a file box and when Corporate Executives come into the store you will be sure to put a good word in for them. Many years ago I use to drive from company to company to wash cars. Sometimes companies were hiring and sometimes laying off or closing. It was easy to put a small box behind the seat of my work truck and sense most of those who gave me their resumes were customers. I helped them and maintained a customer, because once they got a new job they could resume my mobile car wash services. It sure made people happy. I use to laugh at that, but I placed so many people over the years in jobs and they were so grateful they always referred so many new customers to me. As business owners we know thousands of people and we understand networking, use this skill to keep your customers gainfully employed so they can continue to patronize you. When you see someone out looking for a job, get their resume and keep it in a small file box behind your seat. Label ten folders with categories such as: Unforgettable First Impressions Part 1: Discover the CPI People like others whom they are like. So if you want to make a flawless first impression, it is your duty to discover what you have in common with every person you talk to. Networking Know-how Successful networking requires the understanding from the get-go that it is about what we can do for each other. Networking requires time, patience, and a commitment to helping others. Honest networking is not just meeting as many people as you can with the intent of citing a "mini-commercial" about what you need. No room for selfishness here; networking requires showing an interest in others that will help build credibility and trust -- establishing a real relationship. 62 Ways to MAXIMIZE Your Approachability If you walk into your local bookstore and pick up any random title on interpersonal communication, the majority of the books will simply remind you to "always be approachable." Give People Something to Talk About! My husband and I tried an experiment one night. We were invited to a dinner party with three other couples we didn't know. What we did know is that we were all around the same age. We also knew what we were having for dinner. The purpose of the dinner party was to have an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Effective Networking The process of finding out about a job, getting interviewed, and eventually receiving an offer for employment starts with networking. By networking I don't mean sending out hundreds of copies of your résumé unsolicited to H.R. managers throughout the country, but by establishing contacts with people who may be in a position to hire you or refer you to someone who is in the position of hiring... you! How to Organize a Successful Bad Sweater Party "Hey Scott, would you like to go to a Bad Sweater Party this weekend?" 8 Ways To Develop Confidence In New Situations Do you enjoy one-on-one networking, however, the thought of walking into room full of people you don't know horrifies you? You're not alone. Yes, even a social butterfly, President of the Social Committee in High School and avid networker knows how you feel. Here are some of my tricks. And they have all worked! Develop a Great Network - Pay It Forward for Maximum Success Who needs a network of people to talk to about the struggles you're encountering in your profession? You do! The more people you have in your personal network, the more people that can help you Make it Great! Don't be afraid to ask for help, as you can't do everything alone, contrary to popular belief. By developing your network, you can actually become more dependant on others, and they will become dependant on you. 5 Ways to Wow People Who Wear Nametags People wear nametags more often than you think. The majority of retail establishments, stores and other social gatherings require nametags for several purposes. Sometimes it's for security. Other nametags are solely for identification. But simply stated; people wear nametags for one reason: so other people can use their names for friendlier, more personable service and conversation. How NOT to Waste Your Time Networking Ever wonder if networking, referral groups, and conferences are a waste of your time? Think about it?how many hours do you invest in deciding where to network, registering, getting there, "working the room," and then following up? How much real business do you generate from your networking efforts? How do you know where to invest and where to cut your losses? Flying High, Flying Far "What me? Sell myself? You have to be joking!" The Festive Season: Your Networking Opportunity The festive season is a great time to sharpen and hone your networking skills. There is not a better time to start building long-term business relationships. Christmas offers a chance to meet new people in a relaxed a social atmosphere whilst maintaining a professional relationship level. ![]() |
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