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10 Steps to Successful Networking
"It's not what you know, it's who you know." This old saying rings true in everything we do, especially in business. Finding contacts is key to the success of your business, and a great place to meet these contacts is at networking meetings or events. It is not enough just to attend networking gatherings, you need to know how to network. There are many sources of networking tips and information, but the following are ten tips that I find most useful. 1. Set a goal prior to the event Figure out who will be in attendance. Decide who you would like to target and what you would like to take away from the event. Having a specific goal will ensure that you remain focused and will have success. 2. Pre-plan personal greeting You need to get a person's interest right away or you've lost your chance. Planning a personal greeting before hand will be very helpful. The greeting should be not more than thirty seconds long, interesting, informative and about you. You need to sell yourself before you can sell a product or service. 3. Be first to arrive and last to leave The longer you stay, the more contacts you will meet. 4. Be aware of how you smell Sounds funny? It's really a very important part of how people react to you. Do not smell like a cigarette. Many people find it very disgusting, and it can create a negative first impression. Also, your favorite perfume or cologne may not be another person's favorite. Be sure that when applying these scents that you do so lightly. A strong scent can be overbearing and force people to go as far from you as they can. 5. Be positive and enthusiastic Nobody like to be rejected, but if you don't at least try to talk to someone you may lose out on an opportunity. Keeping a positive attitude will increase the positive results. Additionally, nobody wants to be around an unhappy person. Be sure that you are in an upbeat mood before you enter the event and keep smiling the entire time. 6. Spend time with people you don't know Although it is okay to spend some time with acquaintances you've already made, the majority of your time should be spent meeting new people. People with whom you are already friendly know what you offer. Networking meetings should enable you to expand your contact list. 7. Say the other person's name three times A person's name is a pleasing sound for them. In addition, repeating the name will help you to remember it. People are really impressed when you remember their name the next time that you see them after you had only met briefly before. 8. Collect business cards with a purpose When you leave you have a stack of business cards, great? It is only good to have a lot of business cards if each one allows you to an action. They should have notes on the back giving you a follow up opportunity with the person. 9. Learn what the other person does You don't want to spend all of your time explaining what you do. First, find out what the other person does. Not only do people love to talk about themselves, but it will give you time to understand their needs and how you may be of service to them. 10. Dress for success Attractive people receive attention. This doesn't mean you have to the be the star of a beauty pageant to meet contact. Anyone can be attractive with the right attire. Dress for a networking meeting as you would if you were going to visit your biggest client. A sharp, neat, and coordinated attire is sure to focus all eyes on you! Martin Cohn is president of The Cohn Group, Inc., a full service public relations firm in Needham, Massachusetts. You can read more articles at http://www.cohngroup.com
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Remember not every one in the world is as smart as you are or sees as much dealing with all these different types of customers in so many different professions each day. Therefore they may have incorrect political views and disagree with you. You do not have time to change everyone's mind nor should you bother trying. Since we have a two party political system and it is pretty much split down the middle, you have a 50% chance of pissing someone off when talking about politics in an office building. The owner may be Republican but the people overhearing the conversations may be one-half Democratic and they are also potential customers. Please don't talk about abortion, assault weapon bans or cigarette laws. People who are into these issues are really into them, and if your opinion differs from theirs, you have just created an enemy and lost a customer. 10 Top Tips for Successful Networking 1. Recognise the importance of networking Where Does That Word Come From? "Instead of a handshake, I gave Toby a high-five to break the ice; and when we sat down on the front porch and started talking off the cuff, it was as if serendipity brought us together." 10 Steps to Successful Networking "It's not what you know, it's who you know." Create a 10 Second Introduction From Your USP You can generate a ton of business by networking, whether you belong to a networking organization or just get referrals from existing (satisfied) customers. Whenever you meet a new potential client, it's important to create the right impression about you and your business straight away. That's where a 10 second introduction comes in handy ? and the more this introduction stands out from the rest, the more likely your new acquaintance is to remember you. Four Brainless Self-Promotion Techniques To Avoid Many workers think that their hard work will speak for itself. They quietly do their job and stay late at the office hoping that their boss will notice their efforts. 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And the advice is coming from this confirmed non-networker who, in 20 years of business, considered networking a colossal waste of time. The old dog is here with a new trick. How to Generate More Business by Telling People What You Do What do you tell people when asked what you do? Many small business owners and independent professionals repeatedly miss great opportunities to generate new business or develop leads by answering the "what do you do?" question with a poorly crafted or completely unplanned answer. If your answer does not regularly start a conversation about your business you need to change your answer. Should You Offer Commissions For Customer Referrals? As a small business owner you may find yourself in a situation where you want to partner with another business but they are asking for a commission on your services. You will want to be prepared to handle such a request BEFORE you find yourself in this situation. Getting Leads How many leads do you pass on? Lessons from the Wedding Mafia One of my clients shared a story with me from his networking group, a chapter of BNI. Ivan Misner, the creator of BNI talks about what he calls "contact spheres". ![]() |
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