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Lessons from the Wedding Mafia
One of my clients shared a story with me from his networking group, a chapter of BNI. Ivan Misner, the creator of BNI talks about what he calls "contact spheres". Here's how it works: A group of related business owners work together to get referrals for each other. Here are some of Misner's examples of contact spheres: *Business services: printers, graphic artists, specialty advertising agents and marketing consultants. *Real estate services: residential and commercial agents, escrow companies, title companies and mortgage brokers. *Contractors: painters, carpenters, plumbers, landscapers, electricians and interior designers. *Healthcare: chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists and nutritionists. *Weddings: the caterer, the florist, the photographer and the travel agent. The story my client told me was about the last group which has been dubbed "The Wedding Mafia". When one gets new wedding business, the whole group gets new wedding business. It makes it very difficult for anyone else to get referrals. It's a tremendous business builder. I have a client in real estate who does this very well also. It's one of the most powerful business building tools ever. So, my client and I were joking around about me developing a "Small Business Mafia"-a small business consultant, an insurance agent, a financial planner, a printing company, an office supply company, a tax preparer, etc. The more we joked about it, the more powerful an idea I realized it was. And since I do business both locally and nationally, I could form numerous branches of my Small Business Mafia and then (insert evil laughter) I could CONQUER THE WORLD!!! Whooooaaaaa! Hold on. The key to success of any referral group like this is finding good people. The business owners you work with have to be people you feel completely comfortable in referring your valued clients to. Otherwise, your name and reputation will get dragged into the ditch. Once you've found people you love to refer, be sure they're very familiar with your business and the types of clients you're looking for. Give the group as much or as little structure as needed to ensure that referrals are flowing both ways. Then, go out and conquer as much of the world as you want. Caroline Jordan, MBA helps self employed professionals build satisfying businesses, enhance their reputations, improve cash flow, and develop additional sources of revenue. For more tips and strategies visit http://www.TheJordanResult.com
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Powerful Networking: Focus on Building Connections, Not Closing Sales You can find numerous references in the business literature about the importance of a company's mission. These sources emphasize that the mission is not to make a profit; that a profit is the outcome of and reward for fulfilling the mission. In the same sense, the mission of networking is not to gain business and close sales. The mission of your networking activities is to make connections, develop relationships, and help others. The outcome of these activities will ultimately be increased business. It's the reward, not the purpose. How To Make Your Next Networking Event A Success There are people who are natural born networkers - those people that can make conversation in any situation and have no problem walking up to complete strangers. This article is for the rest of us - networking tips that help reduce the stress of attending a networking event and will have you walking away from the event with prospects. Four Brainless Self-Promotion Techniques To Avoid Many workers think that their hard work will speak for itself. They quietly do their job and stay late at the office hoping that their boss will notice their efforts. However, when a job promotion or pay raise goes to someone else, many employees retreat into a corner, wondering what happened. How Speakers, Exhibitors, Consultants, and Meeting Planners Partner-Generate More Money and Value ? "Make Every Moment Count" is the title of a CD that a pharmaceutical company gave away at their exhibit booth at two major conferences. Building Bridges - The Importance of Being Connected Where You Live As a Young Professional (YP) in the up-and-coming city of Milwaukee, WI, I can tell you that it's very important to find a way to get connected in your city. It's important because in order to make a difference, you need to know who those difference makers are. To influence, you must know who holds the influence. Remember, there is influence in numbers, so you'll need to get connected with others that are like you. YP groups are sprouting up all over the country, none better than Milwaukee's own Young Professionals of Milwaukee (YPM). Are You Sitting With The Right Company? When I walked into Dallas's famous Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse, all I wanted to do was to enjoy my New York Strip steak, relax and quietly review my notes for the following day's speech. Little did I know that a valuable business lesson awaited me at the table. The Quest for Passive Income Passive Income, residuals, royalties three ways to get paid multiple times for a one-time effort. You write a song in 1970 it gets covered by many artists. Each artist sells many albums or radio stations play your tune and Presto! you get a royalty check in the mail, even decades after you first published the song. Here's another example: Should You Offer Commissions For Customer Referrals? As a small business owner you may find yourself in a situation where you want to partner with another business but they are asking for a commission on your services. You will want to be prepared to handle such a request BEFORE you find yourself in this situation. Lesson 14 - Whats In A Handshake? The Story Defining a Quality Networking Group When it comes to quality, how do you choose the group that matches your expectations? Talk Isnt Cheap The most successful organizations have good communication skills. Survey after survey bears this out. Poor communication skills are often cited in employee surveys as a reason for poor morale and performance. Networking: Strangers, Friendship, and Business Growth You already know that uncomfortable feeling, that knot in your stomach that forms, when you enter a room, a bus, or any other location where only you and a total stranger occupy the formerly quiet space. What do you say? Do you say anything? Do you even dare make eye contact? Do you locate a point exactly 180° away from the other person and make that spot your own? Mother Said - Wash Your Hands Think health articles are boring? This one isn't, so read on - it may save your life... Networking Skills: Arguing in Context If you're fond of a good debate, you know how to annihilate someone else's position in an argument while still somehow managing to keep a friendly rapport with that person. This tactic is frequently used by politicians and lawyers, and one that will no doubt come in handy in online networking. Networking is for discussion, and discussion leads to disagreements. You must learn how to argue properly if you ever expect to survive in a volatile networking world! Community Involvement Networking It is important for you to join at least one service club in your area to help your small business in the community. It might be wise to get with other small businesses which are friends and figure out how each of you can join a different service club to maximize your word of mouth referral base in the community. How to Announce a New Product How can the introduction of new products affect the way I network at meetings? 34 Power Affirmations for Networking with the Affluent Here are 34 affirmations I have created after studying the book "Networking with the Affluent" by Dr. Thomas Stanley. Even though the book is targeted to sales people, I believe that it is to everyone's advantage to network--especially to network with successful people. If enough successful people are favorably impressed with you and choose to help you, you can accomplish almost anything--certainly with respect to meeting your own needs and helping other people. Small File Box With Resumes to Help Customers I bet you have not thought about it much, but there are many ways you can help your customers in their daily lives. If you have a customer who just got laid off from their job, tell them you will be glad to take a few of their resumes and put them in a file box and when Corporate Executives come into the store you will be sure to put a good word in for them. Many years ago I use to drive from company to company to wash cars. Sometimes companies were hiring and sometimes laying off or closing. It was easy to put a small box behind the seat of my work truck and sense most of those who gave me their resumes were customers. I helped them and maintained a customer, because once they got a new job they could resume my mobile car wash services. It sure made people happy. I use to laugh at that, but I placed so many people over the years in jobs and they were so grateful they always referred so many new customers to me. As business owners we know thousands of people and we understand networking, use this skill to keep your customers gainfully employed so they can continue to patronize you. When you see someone out looking for a job, get their resume and keep it in a small file box behind your seat. Label ten folders with categories such as: Unforgettable First Impressions Part 2: Its All About Them! Jean de la Bruyere said, "The great gift of conversation lies less in displaying it ourselves than in drawing it out of others. He who leaves your company pleased with himself and his own cleverness is perfectly well pleased with you." Hey, Whos the New Guy? How to Make Guests and First Timers Feel Welcome The New Guy is a person we all know. And regardless of age, gender, race or personality ? spotting The New Guy and stepping onto their front porch is your duty as an existing member of any organization. Here's why: ![]() |
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