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What I Do Is Not Who I Am... The Networking Factor
Ah, the personal touch that continues to make a big difference for the better in our lives and the lives of those who have an opportunity to experience a personal touch from us. If networking and effective communication are centered on other people, can we effectively network or communicate without the help of other people? For the sake of argument, let us define networking as: finding out what another individual wants or needs and then fulfilling the want or need of that other person. People want to know that their existence makes a difference. The term often used 'dissed' meaning an individual feels disrespected by another might seem petty to us but it is usually very real to the individual complaining. An example, my friend Bill a Plummer who is financially set for many years to come doesn't always get properly acknowledged. We all realize that there is nothing we can do without the help of other people. Yet, in Bill's profession he is not always highly respected. This is because society has taught us to value the title of the individual and not the individual. Let us take responsibility for going back to the basics and simply treating people like we ourselves would like to be treated. We will never know who can help us until that time comes. Really, it doesn't take much imagination for us to think of ways a Plummer can make us look good or bad and we know bad can be real ugly when it comes to our toilet and stopped up kitchen sink. All of a sudden Bill is Mr. Bill, sir. Bill may not remember what you said to him, what you did to him, but Bill will remember how you made him feel. If you didn't know that Bill Gates was Bill Gates of Microsoft, how would you treat Bill? Bill the Plummer today could easily be Bill the owner of a multi-billion dollar enterprise tomorrow! By the way, where is Bill? I think Bill was president of the United States for a while? he sure made people feel good. My guess, he'll always have a position or venture of choice! By the way, "Everyone is important" is the Networking Factor! www.101NetworkingCommandments.com Ms. Smallwood-McKenzie is a Networking Coach in Los Angeles and she helps small businesses and professionals to expand their political, business, and social bases. She is the Author of "The 101 Commandments of Networking: Common Sense But Not Common Practice." Enjoy Free Preview compliments of http://www.101NetworkingCommandments.com or visit Amazon.com to read Customer Reviews of this guide. This networking guide is available wherever fine books are sold. Janice's e-mail address is ConfirmedCoach@netscape.net
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Success Sentences to Help Combat Conversational Crappiness Essential to your success as an effective, engaging communicator is learning not only what to say, but what not to say. The following guide examines several sentences, phrases and questions that stand in your way of connecting and communicating with confidence. Is The Company You Keep Hurting Your Business? When you look at your friends, it's like looking into a mirror. Take the sum of characteristics of the five people you spend most of your time with and you will be the average of that sum. 34 Power Affirmations for Networking with the Affluent Here are 34 affirmations I have created after studying the book "Networking with the Affluent" by Dr. Thomas Stanley. Even though the book is targeted to sales people, I believe that it is to everyone's advantage to network--especially to network with successful people. 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Politics, Religion, Race; Conversational No-No?s in Business Do not destroy all your positive displacement and high energy and customer confidence by discussing politics in your small business. Remember not every one in the world is as smart as you are or sees as much dealing with all these different types of customers in so many different professions each day. Therefore they may have incorrect political views and disagree with you. You do not have time to change everyone's mind nor should you bother trying. Since we have a two party political system and it is pretty much split down the middle, you have a 50% chance of pissing someone off when talking about politics in an office building. The owner may be Republican but the people overhearing the conversations may be one-half Democratic and they are also potential customers. Please don't talk about abortion, assault weapon bans or cigarette laws. 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Lots of the resolutions have been made and most are already broken. It's time to take a hard look at where you are going in 05 and beyond. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to update all your personal credentials including your bio & your resume. Which Networking Events Should You Attend? How does one determine which are the best events to attend based on one's best customer? Should You Offer Commissions For Customer Referrals? As a small business owner you may find yourself in a situation where you want to partner with another business but they are asking for a commission on your services. You will want to be prepared to handle such a request BEFORE you find yourself in this situation. Defining a Quality Networking Group When it comes to quality, how do you choose the group that matches your expectations? Sticky Situations: Nametag Best Practices Because a person's name is the single context of human memory most apt to be forgotten; because self-disclosure is the single most effective way to build rapport and connect with people you just met; and because initiating the conversation is half the battle - your nametag is your best friend. Marketing Essentials: The 15 Second Elevator Speech You're at a conference. Someone steps in the elevator, notices your name tag and asks, "So what do you guys do?" Quick -- what's your answer? You've got about 15 seconds before the doors open. Develop a Great Network - Pay It Forward for Maximum Success Who needs a network of people to talk to about the struggles you're encountering in your profession? You do! The more people you have in your personal network, the more people that can help you Make it Great! Don't be afraid to ask for help, as you can't do everything alone, contrary to popular belief. By developing your network, you can actually become more dependant on others, and they will become dependant on you. Discover Your Own Source Of Business Leads Generating new business leads is critical in your success, no matter what business you're in. Being aware of certain principals can help you increase your business leads list and generate an explosion of sales. Networking: Breaking into the Buzz Breaking into conversational groups is one of the things people ask me about when I'm conducting networking sessions. There's a buzz that hovers over a crowded room that comes from all those people conversing. You need to break into that buzz to be a great networker. ![]() |
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