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Your Front End
While surfing for traffic or browsing your safelist emails, you are sure to have noticed the very large number of networkers promoting similar, if not identical, programs. Empowerism and Profit Rally are everywhere, as are health related and telecom based MLM opportunities. This is an incredibly competitive time for net marketers. It's difficult to stand out among thousands of other people when everyone is promoting basically the same thing, albeit in slightly different "packages". Two years ago, a networker could collect daily sign-ups for their favorite biz-opp by simply driving lots of traffic to a nice splash page. While splash pages are still a highly effective form of advertisement, they are less likely to pull sign-ups directly into an opportunity. Disclaimer: I am not saying you can't build referrals directly through a well built splash page. I am only suggesting that it is more difficult in the year 2005 to grab a surfer and bring them directly into your opportunity than it was in 2003. We network marketers can be a stubborn lot. Why would we want to join someone else's health related MLM when we are already promoting a very similar program? Or, from another perspective: Why would a surfer, who has seen 100 ads for Profit Rally in the past hour of clicking, decide to join from your splash page instead of any of the previous 99? Sure, it could happen. But are the odds of catching that stray surfer good enough to wager your time and/or money on traffic credits? "Aw Tim. You're full of it. I get loads of active, paying sign-ups into my opportunities every day directly from my adverts." Fantastic. Thanks for stopping by. The rest of this article is for the folks who are frustrated from clicking their butts off and falling short of any kind of decent results. In these highly competitive times, a smart network marketer will employ a free front end product or service that allows him/her to meet prospects and share information without coming across as just another cyber recruiter. This "front end" can be anything of value that allows you to make and maintain contact with other networkers. The idea here is to avoid "pitching", and simply give them something they can use and enjoy. Build relationships with people through your front end, and the process of building mutually profitable networks will take care of itself. Here are just a few examples of front end products you could use to help you network. - Host your own forum. These resources are very popular, and they are a terrific way to meet like minded people. - Run your own safelist or banner exchange. This is an easy way to attract a fairly large number of people, because you will be offering a valid form of promotion. - Build and advertise a resource site that reviews and recommends your favorite marketing tools and resources. Run a mailing list from this site, so visitors can stay informed of any updates or changes you make. - Start a Yahoo group. It doesn't have to be another "marketing experts" type group. It can be focused on any aspect of this business you feel comfortable with. - Set up your own chat room and advertise weekly or monthly conferences. You might even think about lining up some cool guest speakers to add some appeal to the events. By focusing all your promotions on a strong front end product, you can build a large list of contacts and promote any number of programs passively on the "back end". This approach will separate you from the mass of desperate clickers, and put you on the road to quality networking. **************************** Tim Whiston has enjoyed network marketing on the world wide web since April of 2003. He publishes a monthly ezine, and is the author of Net Marketing Exposed. ****************************
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Are You Really Listening: The Importance of Strong Communication Skills Let's face it, when most people think of IT professionals, the image that comes to mind is the guy or girl with the glasses huddled behind a myriad of computer monitors, incapable of communicating with anyone other than their keyboard Networking - How To Do It Networking is probably the oldest, easiest, most effective and least expensive way to get more business. It doesn't necessarily involve selling your product or service but it does mean selling yourself. However, that doesn't involve a lot of talking - it does involve a lot of listening. 34 Power Affirmations for Networking with the Affluent Here are 34 affirmations I have created after studying the book "Networking with the Affluent" by Dr. Thomas Stanley. Even though the book is targeted to sales people, I believe that it is to everyone's advantage to network--especially to network with successful people. If enough successful people are favorably impressed with you and choose to help you, you can accomplish almost anything--certainly with respect to meeting your own needs and helping other people. You MUST Be Visible Have you ever noticed how visible large corporations are? Take Coca-Cola®, Nike® and McDonalds®. They are everywhere. Just ask anyone what comes to mind when he/she hears the words soft drink, running shoes or quick burgers. More often than not, you'll hear these brand names immediately. Work that Room, Baby! Networking, schmoozing, making connections. Call it what you want, it's something that is a necessity if you want to do business today. Many of us either love it or hate it. Personally, I wasn't too fond of it in the past. Although I'm a outgoing person, I just hated starting conversations with people I had no idea what to say to. Oh yes, my friends reading this will laugh out loud. "Yeah right, Simone, shy? She can talk anyone under the table!" Ha ha, very funny, but that is beside the point. Many folks, even extroverts, avoid networking for the simple fact that they don't want to talk to strangers. Some feel that they don't have anything to offer, or don't feel like going to a pick up joint disguised as a networking event. Yeah, you know the ones. I actually went to one last week and I was asking where the 'networking' was as I looked at the dance floor full of executives doing the electric slide (I kid you not! The electric slide!) I thought, "Darn! Foiled again!" Hey, we all love to have fun, but if it's a party, just say it's a party! Come on! Who Are You and What The Heck Do You Do? A few years ago, I was attending a family function when I ran into a cousin of mine. Having not seen her in more than three years, she told me that her son had graduated from law school and had passed the bar examination and was now a lawyer at a very prestigious law firm in New York City. Have We Met Before? What to Do When You Cant Remember Who Yourre Talking To You see him from across the room. You know him, but you can't remember how you know him. Now you have a problem: you want to break the ice but your uncertainty is holding you back. Uh oh, he's heading in your direction. What do you do?! Practice Makes Pefect What is the problem when people try to describe what they do and they stumble over their words and never consistently repeat the same message? Write It Down! Why would you want to write information on paper when you have a business card in hand? Where to Find a Cash Windfall of $10,000 - $1,000,000 - You Never Knew You Had There is a rather famous true story called "Acres of Diamonds". Networking Put join a networking group on your to do list with a big underline, star and happy face. You'll be glad you did for more reasons than you can count. And the advice is coming from this confirmed non-networker who, in 20 years of business, considered networking a colossal waste of time. The old dog is here with a new trick. Are You Leveraging Your Business Network? Just yesterday I received an email from a colleague telling me her husband had been laid off from yet another corporate job. Will the downsizing ever stop? I doubt it. Most large corporations focus purely on the bottom line and employees are the biggest expense. Lessons from the Wedding Mafia One of my clients shared a story with me from his networking group, a chapter of BNI. Ivan Misner, the creator of BNI talks about what he calls "contact spheres". Why Bother With Social Networking Sites Like LinkedIn? Q: I think I understand the value of networking as well as the next businessman, but for the life of me, I don't really see what sites like LinkedIn, Ryze and Ecademy can do for me. What's the point of these sites other than just as some sort of digital popularity contest? Business Networking - Common Myths and Realities Can we agree about the meaning of networking? I don't mean computer networking. For our conversation, business networking is about getting to know people whom you can help and who can help you. Does that simplify it for you, enough to feel better about it? Giving the Gift of Your Name (The Networking Factor) Although, this is about giving the gift of your name to others, it certainly runs a close second in importance to "Whats' in a name?" Social Networking: A Link To Like Minds Not all dot-com dreams died when the Internet stock bubble burst. Ask for Referrals: And Get the Answer You Want! Why are people scared to ask for a referral? Is it the fear of rejection, or do they think that it will annoy their client. If you have been giving 100% to your client and have given them truly excellent service then you shouldn't be ashamed to ask for the opportunity to give that same superior service to other people your clents know. In fact, it seems like the next logical step especially if the client is happy with your service so far. Networking and Trade Shows The most important reasons people exhibit at a trade show? To see what's new and to gather leads - information for future business. The Answer to Your Worst Networking Nightmare Imagine you just met your ideal client at a networking event. He's friendly, has great ideas and could use a valuable person like you to help grow his business. Not to mention, he's the kind of person from whom you could learn a great deal as well. After all, networking is the creation and maintenance of mutually valuable relationships. ![]() |
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