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Test Your Networking Know-How
Let's test your knowledge on networking: 1)The best definition of networking is:
2) Why do you network?
3) What are the most effective ways to network?
4) True or False: Networking is not a skill, but rather a hereditary trait passed down from your father not unlike height or Male Pattern Baldness. 5) True or False: Networking isn't always strategic, but frequently occurs by an accident and/or stroke of luck which falls in your lap like a gift from God. Networking is the development and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships. It's not schmoozing, it's not handing out business cards, it's not selling, it's not marketing, and it's not small talk. Some of those activities might be part of networking, but be careful not to confuse form with function. Networking is a process that takes the right attitude, patience and organization. Networking is one of, if not THE leading way to increase your business. In fact, I get almost 100% of my business from some form of networking. And with proper preparation and implementation, a networking plan can be your catalyst for dramatically changing the way you deal with, obtain and maintain your business relationships. Networking is also sharing information. Your most valuable resource is other people. And the supply never ends! I once read a quotation from my favorite author, a philosopher by the name of Anonymous, who said, "Even though it's not what you know but who you know - remember that who you know teaches you what you know." Networking is a skill. It is not an inherent trait. It takes time to develop. Now, clearly some people are more extroverted, friendly and outgoing than others. And that certainly helps. But anyone can develop their networking skills with a little research and plenty of practice, and in so doing become a monument of approachability. Networking is helping others. Some people just don't get it. They honestly believe it's all about them. False. Networking is, as aptly stated by Zig Ziglar "getting what you want by helping other people get what they want first." Here's some great tips to help you put these ideas into practice: Get Organized Before and After Don't Limit Yourself Become a resource Keep a pen and paper If you've ever said this sentence before, you know how valuable a simple notepad can be. I recommend carrying a small pen and paper with you, wherever you go. Keep it right next to your business card holder. My little notepad is the single greatest accessory I've ever purchased in my life. It has saved my butt - and other people's butts - numerous times. You can buy these at any luggage store at your local mall for under $20. Most of them have refills for the paper and a nice pen that fits inside the pad. And I can't begin to tell you how many ideas, names, phone numbers or recommended book titles I've written down the exact moment someone told me. Stock Questions Stick with it Here's an example. In March of 2004, one of my audience members approached me for a copy of HELLO, my name is Scott. As I was signing it, we talked about possibly working together in the future. We exchanged cards and stayed in touch over the next few weeks. Shortly thereafter, I received an email from a guy named Paul, one of the audience member's friends. He was interested in featuring my website in his newsletter. Little did I know his ezine had well over 10,000 subscribers! And two of those subscribers just so happened to be two meeting planners who booked me for two programs six months later. Get the Story Straight Create a Custom Nametag Spice It Up What's your networking know-how? TEST RESULTS: C, D, D, F, T © 2005 All Rights Reserved. Scott Ginsberg is a professional speaker, "The World's Foremost Expert on Nametags" and the author of HELLO my name is Scott and The Power of Approachability. He helps people MAXIMIZE their approachability and become UNFORGETTABLE communicators - one conversation at a time. For more information contact Front Porch Productions at http://www.hellomynameisscott.com.
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Communication Is A 2-Way Street (The Networking Factor) The Personal Touch 1 Networking Put join a networking group on your to do list with a big underline, star and happy face. You'll be glad you did for more reasons than you can count. And the advice is coming from this confirmed non-networker who, in 20 years of business, considered networking a colossal waste of time. The old dog is here with a new trick. Giving the Gift of Your Name (The Networking Factor) Although, this is about giving the gift of your name to others, it certainly runs a close second in importance to "Whats' in a name?" 10 Steps to Successful Networking "It's not what you know, it's who you know." The Secrets to Networking Success Recently I was interviewed for a book on networking. My first response was, "Hey, I don't network. I hate that stuff." What Has Networking Got To Do With Joint Ventures? What has networking got to do with joint ventures? "PLENTY" is the short answer to this question. Give People Something to Talk About! My husband and I tried an experiment one night. We were invited to a dinner party with three other couples we didn't know. What we did know is that we were all around the same age. We also knew what we were having for dinner. The purpose of the dinner party was to have an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Giving Referrals to Get Referrals One of the best ways to get a referral is to give a referral. When you give someone a referral, they are forever grateful and will feel obligated to return the favor. The Answer to Your Worst Networking Nightmare Imagine you just met your ideal client at a networking event. He's friendly, has great ideas and could use a valuable person like you to help grow his business. Not to mention, he's the kind of person from whom you could learn a great deal as well. After all, networking is the creation and maintenance of mutually valuable relationships. The Festive Season: Your Networking Opportunity The festive season is a great time to sharpen and hone your networking skills. There is not a better time to start building long-term business relationships. Christmas offers a chance to meet new people in a relaxed a social atmosphere whilst maintaining a professional relationship level. 34 Power Affirmations for Networking with the Affluent Here are 34 affirmations I have created after studying the book "Networking with the Affluent" by Dr. Thomas Stanley. Even though the book is targeted to sales people, I believe that it is to everyone's advantage to network--especially to network with successful people. If enough successful people are favorably impressed with you and choose to help you, you can accomplish almost anything--certainly with respect to meeting your own needs and helping other people. Networking Know-how Successful networking requires the understanding from the get-go that it is about what we can do for each other. Networking requires time, patience, and a commitment to helping others. Honest networking is not just meeting as many people as you can with the intent of citing a "mini-commercial" about what you need. No room for selfishness here; networking requires showing an interest in others that will help build credibility and trust -- establishing a real relationship. Is The Company You Keep Hurting Your Business? When you look at your friends, it's like looking into a mirror. Take the sum of characteristics of the five people you spend most of your time with and you will be the average of that sum. Planting the Seeds of Greatness - Make it Great Newsletter #7 Thought of the Week The 4 Attitudes of Awesome Hospitality Hospitality relates to the Latin term philoxenia, or "the love of strangers." And stranger is defined as "someone with whom you have not yet been acquainted." Therefore, your objective as a builder of organizational front porches is to extend love to those with whom you have not yet been acquainted. Unforgettable First Impressions Part 4: Become a Social Gift Giver Do you ever wonder why single people give flowers, wine, candy or mix CD's on first dates? Networking Skills: Arguing in Context If you're fond of a good debate, you know how to annihilate someone else's position in an argument while still somehow managing to keep a friendly rapport with that person. This tactic is frequently used by politicians and lawyers, and one that will no doubt come in handy in online networking. Networking is for discussion, and discussion leads to disagreements. You must learn how to argue properly if you ever expect to survive in a volatile networking world! Where to Find a Cash Windfall of $10,000 - $1,000,000 - You Never Knew You Had There is a rather famous true story called "Acres of Diamonds". Time to Hire a Professional Networker? It used to be that people said that there was 6 degrees of separation between everyone. Many people know that Kevin Bacon game that people play to prove it. They name a film that such and such played on with Kevin, who worked with your cousins, friends' uncles' gardener, and BOOM.. there you have it! Someone who you know who knows someone who knows Kevin Bacon! There is also the Hollywood version that makes a point to prove that everyone in Hollywood is connect to Kevin Bacon through any amount of projects that they'd worked on. You get the point! Four Brainless Self-Promotion Techniques To Avoid Many workers think that their hard work will speak for itself. They quietly do their job and stay late at the office hoping that their boss will notice their efforts. However, when a job promotion or pay raise goes to someone else, many employees retreat into a corner, wondering what happened. ![]() |
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