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Eating Healthy -- Why?
The most incredible thing you can do for yourself is have a big enough reason why that will totally light up your life and remind yourself of that reason every single day. We are going to go through a process to help you create your reasons why to make it almost impossible not to eat healthy. If you did this earlier you can do it with another area of your life now. If not DO THIS NOW! PLEASE. Action Step: #1: Figure out what you want. 1. 2. 3. 4. Action Step: #2: Get yourself BIG reasons. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Now look at these reasons and rate them. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most, how inspired and passionate are you about that reason why? You need to now go back and find reasons that are a 10. Otherwise the reasons why are not big enough. Action Step: #3 ? Focus on what you want One of the greatest things you can do is create these reasons for anything in life you want that you are not getting. If the reasons are big enough, they will be bigger than anything that might have stopped you in the past. A big enough reason makes the how to easy. What is your "why"? It is the things you know that just ain't so that keep you from eating healthy. I reveal to you what "just ain't so" and more with you in my free e-course that this article is a part of. Go to http://www.HealthyEatingDiet.com to get the full e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you Permanent Results with his "non-diet." He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details on the book go to: http://www.TheUltimateNonDiet.com/free
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Fiber in a Nutshell? There are numerous diets out there that guarantee that they are the ones that will work. We all know who and what they are. There is the no carb, low carb, carb and low fat, grapefruit, and soup diets, to name a few. While I believe that each of these diets can work for certain individuals in the short term, research shows that crash diets don't work. Over the long term, these diets are not sustainable. After returning to normal eating patterns the average person not only gains the weight back but often put on a few pounds more than their original weight. Feeling Tired? Cant Lose Weight? Tap Into Protein Power! You're always hungry right? The last thing you have time for is to plan meals ahead. Don't despair, you body was designed to be refueled continually. We are not camels and we are unable to work in tip top condition without the essential nutrients our body requires. Your body was designed for a regular supply fo good quality food throughout the day. What on Earth is an Enzyme? Enzymes are the workers in our body that make everything function, by enabling chemical reactions. All living cells contain enzymes. They are hard to visualize, since they are not something tangible, but they are essential to our bodies and our lives depend on them. TsuNoni - Green Tea Meets Noni East Meets West Nutrition - Its Whats Eating You That Counts "It's not what you eat, it's what's eating you that counts." Introduction to Detox Diets Detoxifying the body has become an apparent key preventative measure to all kinds of health problems. Since most of us are busy, and unable or unwilling to maintain a strict diet in order to completely eliminate all the toxins from our body. We have chemicals building up in our bodies day after day. Since these chemicals are not harmful in small amounts, only in larger accumulated amounts, we don't notice side effects until we are much older. A proper, even if occasional, detox diet is necessary to relieve our bodies of harmful toxins and chemicals, and maintain a healthy, normal, and long-lived life. What You Should Know About I don't understand people sometimes. You know, there is a huge problem with our health care. When it comes to trauma we are the best in the world hands down. Doctors are doing incredible things in trauma; I think that God works through the hands of these amazing doctors. But when it comes to keeping us healthy the United States is thirty seventh on the list, thirty seventh. It's not hard to see that this is true. We all know someone with some kind of health related issue. It's really sad as a matter of fact. Nutrition Is More Than The Nutrition Facts Box Nutrition usually only comes up when people are finally deciding to diet. By that point, the only purpose of mentioning nutrition is just to find a reason why one particular diet might be better than another. However, most fad diets do not work nearly as well as the originators claim they will, due to the nature of most strict diets. Wanna Look 10 Years Younger? Have More Fruits Fruit calories are very healthy as compared to calories in fast foods or processed food. Beauty Foods That Will Keep You Young and Healthy You've heard that old saying: True beauty comes from within. Well, now nutritional experts have confirmed that you really are what you eat. Eating to Gain Mass This is usually the forgotten element of most mass programs. Food. The truth is, no one will gain muscle without food. It seems so simple and basic, yet most don't get enough of it to build muscle. Eating Disorders Do Not Discriminate Who suffers from Eating Disorders? Relieve PMS with the Food Diet Changes Almost every woman suffers with premenstrual syndrome at one time or another. The symptoms are familiar: mood swings, cramping and bloating, trouble sleeping. Fortunately, alternative therapies and dietary changes are now providing many women with relief. Cranberry Juice To The Rescue Cranberry juice was first made by American settlers in 1683. It is a love it or hate it beverage. For those who like it, it has a number of health benefits. Let me share some of those. 4 Steps To Brain Health New studies bring to our attention that high levels of cholesterol might make the brain cells more prone to dementia. The heart and brain are connected to long term health - many things that heart patients do are good for all of us to keep our brain healthy, too. So by preventing a heart attack, you can avoid brain drain. Green Tea, or not to Green Tea? Wow! Is it just me or? Wait! Let me start again, I think it's great that Oprah is the communicator to the masses that she is, without her or her influence, we would surely be less informed and less enlightened than we currently are, I can admit this, but there are certain things that exist that should not necessarily require the direction of Oprah or her throng of guests to bring to light there-well there mere existence? Confessions of a Personal Fitness Trainer Last year I had a number of clients who started stubbornly on the Atkins diet despite my warnings. Immediately I saw almost profound results in their weight loss. I reminded them it was the loss of water weight, and warned of the strain on the kidneys and the high cholesterol risk. Ambrotose Complex Mannatech's patent-pending glyconutrients complex, Ambrotose, is perhaps the greatest wellness discover in the last 50 years. By understanding it, you are in a better position to help others realize that they too would have this phenomenal nutrient Ambrotose complex working on their behalf as well. Food Additives Affect Behavior On average 30% of foods in our daily diet are processed foods. These are foods that come in a box or a can and have many ingredients that are hard to pronounce, containing food starches, gums, preservatives, and colorings. Many processed foods have to be enriched, adding inorganic minerals and vitamins to compensate for the nutrition lost in the processing of the food. Some people believe enriched foods are good enough, and we will be able to absorb their nutrients sufficiently to benefit from them. But what about the great increase in type II diabetes in the past few years, seen especially now in children? What about the increase in Attention Deficit Disorder and behavioral problems in schools? Adults are now getting symptoms of Alzheimer's more quickly than before, and are suffering from chronic diseases earlier in life. Factors that Affect the Nutritional Requirements of an Individual. The factors that affect the nutritional requirements of an individual are the quality and quantity of the food they eat, the efficiency of their digestive system in absorbing and utilizing eaten food and biochemical availability. ![]() |
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