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4 Steps To Brain Health
New studies bring to our attention that high levels of cholesterol might make the brain cells more prone to dementia. The heart and brain are connected to long term health - many things that heart patients do are good for all of us to keep our brain healthy, too. So by preventing a heart attack, you can avoid brain drain. 1. Take B Vitamins. B vitamins can help stifle homocysteine, an amino acid that damages blood vessels. A new study of seniors from researchers at the Chicago-based Rush Institute found in 2004 that seniors with low levels of niacin were more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's. Get in the habit of taking a quality B Complex every day. 2. Try Ginkgo Biloba. Extracted from the ancient ginkgo tree, ginkgo biloba is considered the best of all brain-boosting supplements on the market. Studies of people with Alzheimer's disease show that ginkgo enhances blood flow to the brain and improves memory recall. In addition, ginkgo is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Ginkgo does thin the blood and can clash with some medications, especially blood thinners; so check with your doctor before taking and make sure not to take before a surgery. 3. Avoid inflammation. Chronic inflammation, whether from an irritated bowel disease, inflamed gums, or an autoimmune disease, weakens the arteries in both the heart and the head. Inflammation makes the arteries more vulnerable to rupture and increases the danger of heart attack and stroke. Keep an eye on early warning signs of inflammation. 4. Exercise your brain. Older folks who are readers stay sharp while those who watch TV melt into the couch. When researchers compared those struck by Alzheimer's and their activity level, 47% are less likely to develop the disease than those who taxed their brains the least. Do crossword puzzles, read, play cards, write detailed and interesting e-mails to all your friends, surf the web, and just plain stay busy. Supplements of the Month: Ginkgo Biloba The ginkgo is the oldest living tree species, geological records indicate this plant has been growing on earth for 150 - 200 million years. It was first brought to Europe in the 1700's and it is now a commonly prescribed drug in France and Germany. In the last 30 years, more that 300 studies have given clinical evidence that ginkgo prevents and benefits many problems throughout the entire body. Ginkgo is gaining recognition as a brain tonic that enhances memory because of its positive effects on the vascular system, especially in the cerebellum. Ginkgo may help to counteract the effects of aging, including mental fatigue and lack of energy. Ginkgo works by increasing blood flow to the brain and throughout the body's network of blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters, and boosts oxygen levels in the brain which uses 20% of the body's oxygen. Ginkgo has been used to relieve tension and anxiety and improve mental alertness, elevate mood and restore energy. Ginkgo also acts as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals which are believed to contribute to premature aging and dementia. Antioxidants also protect the eyes, cardiovascular system and central nervous system. Ginkgo may also help control the transformation of cholesterol to plaque associated with the hardening of arteries, and can relax constricted blood vessels. Studies have confirmed that ginkgo increases blood flow to the retina, and can slow retinal deterioration resulting in an increase of visual acuity. Flush-Free Niacin Vitamin B 3 - (Niacin) is used in the process of releasing energy from carbohydrates, forming fat from carbohydrates and to metabolize alcohol. Vitamin B3 comes in two basic forms - niacin (also called nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (also called nicotinamide). Inositol hexaniacinate, a "flush-free" niacin, is also available and has many of the same benefits of niacin, and is becoming increasingly popular. Dietary niacin and niacin formed within the body from the amino acid tryptophan are converted to niacinamide. Niacinamide is the biologically active form of niacin. The RDA for men and women is in the range 14-18mg, and is easily achieved. Prescribed doses of the supplement go as high as 3gm per day and sometimes even higher. The best food sources of vitamin B3 are peanuts, brewer's yeast, fish and meat, and fortified breakfast cereals. Some vitamin B3 is also found in whole grains. Vitamin B3 is found in most vitamin supplements, but additional supplementation is needed to achieve many of the proven health benefits. Food sources (mg per 100gm): Rice bran (18.5) Niacin is one of the most stable of the B-vitamins. It is resistant to the effects of heat, light, air, acid and alkali. A white crystalline substance that is soluble in water and alcohol, niacin and niacinamide are both readily absorbed from the small intestine. Small amounts may be stored in the liver, but most of the excess is excreted in the urine. The only appreciable loss of niacin occurs when it leaches into cooking water. Caution: Niacin, taken orally as nicotinic acid, can produce redness, warmth, and itching over areas of the skin; this "niacin flush" usually occurs when doses of 50mg or more are taken and is a result of the release of histamine by the cells, which causes vasodilatation. 'Take Your Vitamins' brand of Flush Free Niacin can be taken, as it will not produce this reaction. As with any vitamin or supplement, please consult your doctor before taking. Author Beverly Terhune speaks from 35 years of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and shares her experience, strength & hope on how to lead a healthy, substance-free life. Are you looking for ways to improve your memory, energy level or fight depression? Purchase our all natural vitamins, minerals, herbs and teas at wholesale prices. Subscribe to our free health tip newsletter. Baron Import & Export: 'Take Your Vitamins' - Natural Products -Wholesale Prices - Fast Delivery Visit us at: http://www.vitaminbaron.com Phone: 602-942-0118 ? Fax: 602-863-9020
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The Tibetan and Chinese health Secret: If you read one health report a year, this should be it! It seems as if the health of America is failing. One million Americans will die of circulatory disease this year. Six hundred thousand lives will be cut short by cancer as well. How did we get in such a mess? I'm not sure. But there is a way out that is starting to generate a real buzz! Since CNN and the gang won't talk about it I decided to write is article. Not all Fats are Bad Fats have been unfairly lumped together as being all bad for too long. Fat doesn't necessarily cause disease, and can actually cause a role in its prevention. The truth is that some fats are very bad for us and some fats are actually very good for us. Good Meal Sizes and Frequency Meal sizes and frequency are very important. Over the years people are amazed by how much food I eat at work in a day and part of this can probably be explained by decent genetics but more importantly I make sure that I have a higher metabolism by eating more smaller meals. The Worse Mistakes People Make with Food There are a number of common food mistakes that costs dearly in money, health, and time. What are the major mistakes made? What changes do you need to make? Here are some food mistakes to avoid. Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Reproductive System Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are essential to the development and proper performance of the reproductive system. Nutrition plays a vital role in the development and maturity of the reproductive system through childhood and adolescence and can even affect the endocrine system which regulates the hormones that rule the functions of the reproductive system. Nutrition can affect fertility and fetal development as well. Striving each day to consume the standard recommended daily intake levels of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that the body needs is an important part of the good health and proper functioning of the reproductive system. Relieve PMS with the Food Diet Changes Almost every woman suffers with premenstrual syndrome at one time or another. The symptoms are familiar: mood swings, cramping and bloating, trouble sleeping. Fortunately, alternative therapies and dietary changes are now providing many women with relief. Seasonings: Add More Than Just Flavor Besides providing taste, color, and aroma, certain seasonings can also add health to your meals. Herbs and spices contain phytochemicals which are natural health promoting substances and have been found to protect us against diseases such as cancer and heart disease. So here's to spicing up your meal and health! Functional Foods Are Becoming More Popular... Established in 1989 by Stephen DeFelice, "Foundation for Innovation in Medicine" defined "Nutraceutical", as a food, dietary suppplement, or medical food that has a medical or health benefit, including the prevention and treatment of disease. Today, it is hard to separate the definition of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. In 2002, the Nutraceutical or Functional Food industry had evolved into a lucrative 20.2 billion dollar a year market, and is here to stay. The Skinny on Salt Salt was used long before recorded history began. One of the earliest known writings, the Chinese Png-tzao-kan-mu, mentioned more than 40 types of salt. Avoiding Nutritionally Deficient Foods After Gastric Bypass After WLS we must concentrate on eating nutrient rich food. Nutritionally void foods cannot be part of the regular diet after surgery because they can cause dumping, vomiting and/or weight gain. In addition, the body is taxed by the bypassed system and to put foods into it which are difficult to process and digest only taxes the body further keeping us from feeling optimum health. The Macronutrient Balancing Act Finally, dieters and healthy eaters everywhere have reason to rejoice, for there is a clear understanding of which fats, and which carbohydrates should be eaten for optimal health. Eat Right For A Healthy Life Our diet is an essential factor for the formation of our body. It is clearly mentioned in an Ayurvedic classic 'Charak Samhita' that consuming improper diet in improper way is the main cause of 'Disease'. Fruits for Summer: Summer Skin Care Summer is the time when we sweat highly and beating the heat is always high on our agenda. So, we move on to aerated drinks or other beverages. But what we tend to ignore is that we can fight the heat in a much healthier way. That is, through FRUITS. Fruits not only provide us with the required fluids but also the electrolytes which we lose while sweating. Top Ten Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Did you know the average American gains 5-7 pounds every year between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day? That equates to ingesting at least 17,500 more calories than you burn on a daily basis during that time period. At a minimum, that equals nearly 500 extra calories per day on average over that stretch of days. What Really Happens To The Food You Eat After we have eaten a meal -- and often we do this in a hurry, without much chewing, under a lot of stress, or in the presence of negative emotions -- we give no thought to what becomes of our food once it has been swallowed. Fighting Fatigue and the American Diner Breakfast (Part 1 of a Special 5 Part Series on Body Awareness) Garlic - Join Me And IŽll Show You Why Garlic Can Save Your Life Are you worried yet about your health? Are you anxious about your heart, or about the possibility of contracting cancer? If so, you are not alone, and your concerns are quite valid. Cancer and heart disease are today's major killers, and as of now, we are yet to find a safe and effective drug, that can prevent these diseases. Some will argue that taking one or two aspirins a day can reduce the risk of heart disease, and it saddens me to see how many people are doing this, because I know the problems brought by aspirin over use, if these people knew about the long term damage caused by this drug, they would think twice, before popping another one into their mouths. Maybe they would give up that harmful habit if they learn that there is a better answer to preventing these and other diseases. What is the answer? The herb called Garlic, but don't just take my word, even scientists are supporting its properties. Ultra Refined Fish Oil - The New Generation of Fish Oil Dr. Barry Sears revolutionized nutritional thinking around the world with his 1995 landmark #1 New York Times best seller The Zone. With The Zone, and his subsequent bestselling Zone books, Dr. Sears describes how a scientifically proven plan of moderate carbohydrate consumption balanced with appropriate amounts of protein and fat may help you live a longer and better life. Protein Wont Make You Fat: Myth #1 How many magazines have you read where they tell you to take in X grams of protein? How many times have you see .75g of protein per lb of bodyweight or 1g maybe 1.5 for the advanced athlete or better yet 2g for the guy who really wants to grow! Stress and Aging - Human Growth Hormones Modern life can be stressful. There are so many concerns that you have to worry about like work, family, relations, and other activities. Sometimes you have to juggle or walk on a tightrope of schedules, deadlines, meetings, and extracurricular activities. ![]() |
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