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Avoiding Nutritionally Deficient Foods After Gastric Bypass
After WLS we must concentrate on eating nutrient rich food. Nutritionally void foods cannot be part of the regular diet after surgery because they can cause dumping, vomiting and/or weight gain. In addition, the body is taxed by the bypassed system and to put foods into it which are difficult to process and digest only taxes the body further keeping us from feeling optimum health. In traditional dieting we learn to avoid "unhealthy" foods ? those that tend to least resemble their original natural ingredients and have the most added refined and artificial additives. After gastric bypass we MUST avoid these foods, it's not a suggestion ? it is a way of life. Top of the list of foods that must be avoided are "white foods" ? white sugar, white flour and white fat. There are many foods that include all three items as primary ingredients including soft drinks, most breads, crackers, pasta, pastries and pastry fillings, cakes, frostings, margarine and bread spreads, jellies, sweets and candies, frozen dinners, hamburger and hotdog buns, snacks, doughnuts, pizzas, pies, candy bars, and cookies-all of which are common snacks and convenience foods. Indeed, many of these combine all three whites together-white sugar, flour, and fat! Furthermore, these foods frequently contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, texturizing and processing agents, and other additives that further detract from their nutritional stature and your health. "White sugar" includes refined sugar cane or sugar beets having virtually all B vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other essential nutrients removed. Corn syrup is also a "white sugar," made from processed cornstarch and essentially devoid of other nutrients. "White flour," analogously, is whole wheat flour minus its nutrient-packed wheat germ and fibrous bran. Nutritionally speaking, white flour a ghost-like shadow of its original whole grain. "White fat" can include rendered animal lard, vegetable oils "hydrogenated" to make them hard at room temperature, and refined tropical fats such as cottonseed oil. Hydrogenation is a chemical process that transforms natural fats into more saturated "trans"-fatty acids that do not occur naturally and are strongly associated with cardiovascular disease. For a collection of gastric bypass friendly recipes visit http://wlsrecipes.blogspot.com Kaye Bailey © 2005 - All Rights Reserved Kaye Bailey is a weight loss surgery success story having maintained her health and goal weight for 5+ years. An award winning journalist, she is the author and webmaster of http://www.livingafterwls.com and http://www.livingafterwls.blogspot.com LivingAfterWLS is a no-nonsense resource for people Living After Weight Loss Surgery. Our community is growing in numbers even as we are shrinking in pounds. Together we support one another in this lifestyle, that it turns out, is NOT the easy way out. Fresh & insightful content is added daily, check in often. To subscribe to the LivingAfterWLS monthly newsletter "You Have Arrived" click on http://www.livingafterwls.com and enter your details in the subscription box.
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Olive Oil, the Healthy Choice Olive oil is a healthy choice over other fats such as butter, palm and coconut oils because olive oil is a monounsaturated fat that does not increase levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Physical Health is Attainable Through Proper Nutrition and Exercise Obesity is epidemic in this country for both children and adults. The invention of television, video games, and convenient appliances help to influence us to be sedentary. Obesity can create such problems as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Lung problems and circulation problems. Obesity also can sap your strength. So the cycle goes you are obese, you tire easily so you rest, a lot. You get up and move and you become tired and you rest again. Climbing stairs is nothing less then difficult, going a few steps can make you breathless. Joint problems also can be caused or aggravated by obesity. They say no pain, gain. I say if there is pain rest, you will gain nothing if you injure yourself. This is why it is wise to get a complete physical and the approval of your physician before beginning any exercise or nutrition program. The coq10 Benefit Coq10 is also known as Coenzyme Q10.This co q10 is produced naturally in the human body, and is a source of various coq10 benefit. Co q10 is also found in meat and fish. Once co q10 is synthesized by commercial pharmacies, co q10 is produced as a dietary supplement. One can then enjoy the full coq10 benefit without prescription. Eating Healthy -- Why? The most incredible thing you can do for yourself is have a big enough reason why that will totally light up your life and remind yourself of that reason every single day. We are going to go through a process to help you create your reasons why to make it almost impossible not to eat healthy. If you did this earlier you can do it with another area of your life now. If not DO THIS NOW! PLEASE. Vitamin and Mineral Facts Vitamins & Minerals are essential to sustain life. Its what keeps us alive and healthy. Among many other things, they help us digest food, burn energy, grow hair, re-build muscel fibers, strenghten cells, and its what keeps our skin smooth. Since our bodies are made out of these certain vitamins and minerals, we need to consume these nutrients daily to replenish our bodys useages. Reverse Disease and Maintain Optimal Health PROTEIN DEFICIENT? CHANCES ARE YOU ARE! Is Chocolate A New Health Food? Could it be possible that our beloved chocolate may actually be good for us? This is the nutrition news we have all been waiting for. So here is the scoop on chocolate and its health benefits. Yes, you read right, health benefits! Lifestyle Wellness LIFESTYLE WELLNESS = An Adventure of Health + Vitality! 5 Tips To Lower Your Cholesterol Cholesterol has been around for thousands of years. It's a natural function of the human body. Unfortunately, most people aren't even aware they have high cholesterol until they have a heart attack or stroke. It is possible to have up to 80 percent closure of the arteries without ever feeling a single symptom! Here are 5 tips you can use straight away to start lowering your cholesterol today: Substitutes for Butter Instead of Butter: Use top quality, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil, from the first pressing, or flaxseed oil. The taste of virgin olive oil is appealing to millions of people around the world, so why not adopt it to your taste? Alcohol Addiction and Obesity People who consume too much alcohol have good chance of making it to the Obesity chart. Pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. Endocrine disorders, hypothalamus dysfunction and pineal gland tumors can cause obesity. But many a times the primary reason behind obesity is Over eating. And if that is complimented with excessive drinking, it won't take much time before you find yourself in a severe life threatening problem of obesity. Anti oxidants ? Why Its a Must in Your Diet While oxygen is the key to human survival, it is also responsible for maximum damage to the human body as 'free radicals'. Free radicals form when oxygen is metabolized or burned by the body for its functions. Free radicals are also produced through environmental pollution and cigarette smoke 5 Favorite Summer-Break Tips You can trust me that I make sure to take care to have as EnergyRich? a vacation as possible (why come back from vacation feeling bloated, a few pounds heavier, experiencing heartburn etc, right?). So I wanted to share my 5 favorite ways (food-wise and fun-wise) of making that happen! Busting the Dairy Myth ? The Truth About our Health and Dairy Millions of people around the UK consume dairy products on a daily basis. Our huge consumption of dairy is due not only to the convenience it brings to cooking and the habit of cooking with and eating dairy for the majority of our lives but more alarmingly because of the mantra that we are fed by government and the dairy industry that it is beneficial to our health that somehow you need dairy to ensure you consume enough calcium to maintain strong and healthy bones. Homeostasis and Complementary Therapies The word 'homeostasis' is made up of two Greek words: homeo; meaning the same or similar, and stasis; meaning stable, or standing in the same place. The body's systems participate in maintaining homeostasis, keeping the body's internal environment healthy despite external environmental change. Hypertension -Twelve Simple Things You Can Do To Lower Your Blood Pressure Headlines: Time Line of the Development of GlycoBiology and GlycoNutritionals 1880s - Characterization of monosaccharides by Emil Fischer. Water and Water Filters: How Much Do You Know? Water is a vitally important component of any valuable and useful nutrition plan. This statement is hardly earth shattering or groundbreaking and few (if any) jaws will drop at the sight of it. It is common knowledge that water is essential to our survival as living beings. Most people are very well aware of this fact, but do they really know why water is so essential? What does water do in our bodies and why does it make a difference what kind of water we drink? Is a water filter truly necessary and worth its price? Read on to learn the answers to these questions and find out how much you know (or don't know) about that magical, life-giving fluid: water. Turn to Diet for Everyday Ailments The old cliché that you are what you eat is quite true. Many people suffer from certain health conditions that even though may not be cured, can be controlled through your diet. All foods have certain qualities that affect the body in different ways. Nutrients are broken down and used in different ways, allowing your body to use them how it desires. Three Cheers for Heart Healthy Oils! You may have noticed an ever-expanding choice of oils at your local grocery store over the past few years. While once your options were limited to corn, canola, safflower and maybe olive oil, now your choices include walnut, almond, grapeseed and other types of oil as well. You may have even splurged on a bottle of fragrant truffle oil. Each of these oils has its place in the kitchen and serves a specific function. Understanding which oil is suited for which use will help you to make the best choices for you and your family. Also, understanding the difference between the so-called "good" and "bad" fats will allow you to cook and eat more healthfully. ![]() |
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