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Homeostasis and Complementary Therapies
The word 'homeostasis' is made up of two Greek words: homeo; meaning the same or similar, and stasis; meaning stable, or standing in the same place. The body's systems participate in maintaining homeostasis, keeping the body's internal environment healthy despite external environmental change. The cells that make up the body are bathed in extra cellular fluid which remains constant only if the blood supply remains constant. The circulation system takes blood to and away from the capillaries, here the exchange with extra cellular fluid take place. Nutrient molecules leave the capillaries to be taken up by the cells, and waste molecules given off by the cells are received by the capillaries to be transported away. Critical to the internal environment is the circulatory system in that extra cellular fluid is nourished and purified by the movement of small molecules across capillary walls. Additional nutrients are added to the blood by the digestive system, while waste is removed by the excretory system. Oxygen is taken in by the respiratory system and excretes carbon dioxide. Oxygen is used during cellular respiration and carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular respiration. Ultimate control over homeostasis is by the nervous and endocrine systems as they coordinate the functions of the body's systems. Regulation of body temperature, blood pressure, pH, and glucose concentration are four examples of how the body maintains homeostasis. Involved to a degree in each of these regulations is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has a regulatory centre for body temperature but is also helps in the control of blood pressure and breathing rate through its control over the medulla oblongata. The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland and indirectly controls the secretions of other glands, such as the thyroid and the adrenal cortex through the production of hypothalamic-releasing factors and release-inhibiting factors.? To control bodily conditions, the body has both long-term and short term measures. To control temperature, the significant long-term measure to increase body temperature is an increase in thyroxin. Thyroxin raises the metabolic rate. The short-term measures would include the constriction of arteries to conserve body heat and shivering, and sweating with the dilation of arteries to lose body heat. When the vasomotor centre stimulates the constriction of abdominal blood vessels and increases the heartbeat a rapid elevation in blood pressure occurs. When the kidneys secrete renin a longer lasting effect occurs leading to re-absorption of sodium and water. The resulting increase in blood volume increases blood pressure. The kidneys are involved in regulating blood pH, but the effect may not be noticed for up to twenty hours. The pH of the body is immediately regulated by chemical buffers also, while the excretion of carbon dioxide must wait until blood moves through the lungs. The blood glucose level is usually regulated by glucagon and insulin. But other hormones can also have an effect since thyroxin and glucocorticoids promote gluconeogenesis. In maintaining homeostasis a feedback mechanism is often involved. When the body temperature rises above or falls below a certain level, the temperature-regulating centre is activated. The centre stops sending out stimulatory nerve impulses once the temperature is within a normal range. The vasomotor centre promotes a rise in blood pressure, but once this has been attained the centre is no longer active. Chemoreceptors in the aortic and carotid arteries signal the respiratory centre and the breathing rate increases, if the pH is too acidic. These bodies no longer signal the respiratory centre and breathing rate returns to normal once the pH is within a normal range. Insulin is secreted when glucose concentration is high; but once the glucose level falls, insulin is not secreted. Feedback is a self-regulating mechanism as these examples show. There are numerous complementary medicines ranging from acupuncture to yoga which help to regain balance in the body. I am going to concentrate on the ones that you have probably read about or heard of in the media. They are acupuncture, ayurveda, aromatherapy, homeopathy, nutritional therapy, and reflexology. In Acupuncture, homeostasis is the centre pillar from which all diagnosis is made. Acupuncture is a healing system which has been practised by the Chininese and in other Eastern countries for thousands of years. It focus on improving the overall well being of the patient, rather than the isolated treatment of specific symptoms. In traditional Chinese philosophy it is believed our health is dependent on the body's motivating energy - known as Qi - moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of meridians (channels) beneath the skin. Qi made up of equal and opposite qualities - Yin and Yang - and when these become out of balanced, illness may result. Inserting fine needles into the meridians, an acupuncturist can stimulate the body's own healing response and help restore its natural balance. The aim of acupuncture is to treat the whole person so they can recover the equilibrium between the physical, emotional and spiritual. Ayurveda is a system of healing which has been used in India for thousands of years and its aim is to provide guidance in food and lifestyle to maintain wellbeing, health and cure the ill. Ayurveda is made up of two Sanskrit words: 'Ayu' which means life and 'Veda' which means the knowledge of. Ayurveda will suggest specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines and sometimes herbal remedies to assist the individual in reducing the 'dosha' that has become excessive. There are three 'doshas' ? Vata (impulsion, circulation, respiration and elimination), Pitta (metabolism) and Kapha (growth). Aromatherapy is based on the principles of holistic health and dates back 4000 years in the Middle East and China. It employs highly concentrated essential oils extracted from herbs and flowers that contain hormones, vitamins, antibiotics and antiseptics. Applied to the skin-often in massage-or through inhalation, the oil or combination of oils can be used for medicinal, meditative, restorative or relaxation purposes. Aromatherapists believe that essential oils restore the body's natural life force to help the body heal itself and it is believed that the oils have both physiological and psychological affects. Homeopathy is a system of healthcare developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700's. Homeopathy gets its name from the phenomenon of cure by similars; from the Greek, homoeo = "similar", pathos = "suffering". Cure by 'similars' is where a substance that could produce disease in a healthy person is used to invite a healing response in someone presenting with a similar disease. Also in homeopathy is the theory of administrating drugs in minute doses and keeping to a single remedy at one time. Homeopathy views disease as a disharmony of the whole person, and considers the state of the whole person - physically, mentally, and emotionally.? Nutritional therapy uses food and supplements to encourage the body's natural healing. It does this by detoxifying the body, correcting vitamin and mineral deficiencies, restoring healthy digestion and developing a positive attitude. The nutritional therapist will diagnose illness by asking questions concerning medical history, dietary history, family history, menstrual problems, digestion, energy levels and exercise and also doing tests such as hair mineral analysis, hormone tests or food intolerance tests. Reflexology also known as zone therapy, is an ancient healing therapy based on the idea that in our feet, hands and outer ear have reflex points that are actually "reflections" of body parts. Modern reflexology was developed by Dr William Fitzgerald in the early twentieth century. He divided the body up into ten zones which are believed to have energy flows. This healing technique involves a steady pressure on the reflex points on the feet, hands or outer ear, which correspond to areas throughout the body. Reflexology speeds up the body's natural healing abilities and directly acts upon particular organs, glands and body parts through gentle stimulation upon the points or reflexes. Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh Bespoke consultations for a healthier natural life website: http://www.newbeingnutrition.com Get a free initial nutritional therapy diagnosis now...
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Eat Right For A Healthy Life Our diet is an essential factor for the formation of our body. It is clearly mentioned in an Ayurvedic classic 'Charak Samhita' that consuming improper diet in improper way is the main cause of 'Disease'. Eggs For Balance The egg, the symbol of birth, of life and, therefore, of spring has been celebrated by numerous cultures at this time of the year. Eggs were given as gifts at spring festivals in ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia and Rome. They were often dyed red to symbolize the power of the womb. Eggs, of course, still play an important role in our springtime holidays, but the real power comes from handling and eating eggs at this time of year. It is said that at the exact moment of the Equinox an egg can be balanced on it's end because the earth is at it's ultimate balance point (if you try it, write me and let me know how it went!) Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Essential Fatty Acids are oils, omega-3 and omega-6, that you can find, in certain amounts, in all oils that you can purchase in most the health food and regular grocery stores. These fatty acids are called essential because you cannot create them in your body and your cells use them every day. What?s Causing Your Energy Drain? This is such a busy time of year, isn't it? Whether it's school or after-school commitments, social or philanthropic organizations that start meeting again after the summer, end of the year plans at work, or all of the above, fall activities are demanding! If you're like me, you know you plan too much, but you still want to be efficient, accomplish everything, and do it well. There is no time in the schedule for running out of energy or getting sick, and "Collapse From Exhaustion" is not on the TO DO list. But your body will stop you if you don't stop it first. How will you know if you are running on empty? The number one warning sign is fatigue. Abnormal fatigue can be a sign from your body that you are overworking, overthinking, underresting, or undereating. (I don't know if all those are words, but they should be.) A variety of illnesses and medical conditions can cause fatigue, including hormone disorders, depression, and pregnancy, so if you notice a dramatic or persistent change in your energy level, it's wise to consult your physician. The good news is that if it's your hectic agenda that's leaving you drained, you can give yourself the best chance of staying well by looking at a few key areas ? sleep, nutrition, hydration, and relaxation. As with many beneficial life habits, these four staples of health do not have catchy slogans or expensive promotional campaigns. Bottled water brands and sleep number beds are starting to change that, but they're based on the premise that you need a very extravagant bed or water purification system, rather than the idea that you need sleep and water to be healthy. (Common sense, you say? How long has it been since you got eight hours of sleep and drank two liters of water in the same day?) Most nutrition-related marketing promotes one food or food group over another, rather than the guiding principle that you faithful readers know by now: eating frequent, small amounts of a variety of foods. On the other hand, I'm sure you've seen and heard multiple advertisements for energy bars, energy drinks, and energy boosting supplements, promising more energy if you eat or drink the magical concoction of chemicals. Remember what you learned in Nutrition 101: Your body can only make energy from three things: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. ONLY. Other nutrients help your body USE energy, including iron and B vitamins, but nothing you get in a pill can actually give you more energy than eating actual food. Caffeine, ginseng, guarana, ma huang, ephedra, and xenedrine are all stimulants that make your heart beat faster, so your brain gets more oxygen, so you FEEL like you have more energy?but it's a trap. When the effects wear off, you will be more tired than you were before. If you use the chemicals again, you perpetuate the cycle, or in other words, you're hooked! Quick Tip: Real energy means calories. If a product contains 0 calories, it's a fake. The good news (yes, there's more!) is that although no supplement can make up for poor habits, changing habits can eliminate the need for these potentially harmful chemicals in your body. Easier said than done, I agree. But start in one area, and experiment with a small change. If you see results, you will have proved to yourself that the change is worth it! In the coming weeks, we'll look at each of the key areas, sleep, nutrition, hydration, and relaxation, with the goal of maintaining exceptional energy throughout your day. If you need an energy makeover, why not keep an energy log? On 2 weekdays and 2 weekend days write down the following: What time it is each time you eat (you don't have to write down WHAT you eat); what time it is when you go to sleep and when you wake up; what beverages you drink throughout the day; any relaxing activities you did that day; and a description of your energy (highs or lows) throughout the day. In two weeks we'll meet back and see what your results mean and where to improve! To be continued? 7 Things To Your Health Health is the thing. And no matter how many ways you can measure and quantify symptoms and disease, the only way to be healthy is to add to your health. So what adds health into your life? I have boiled it down to 7 simple things. Train Your Self To Eat Healthy For some people it is really hard to give up the junk food and sweets and eat a better, more nutritious diet. So let's use the example of eating the 5 to 9 fruits and vegetables we need daily. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is a product of apple juice fermentation. Sounds like nothing extraordinary, but indeed its benefits are measureless. A.C.V. (Apple Cider Vinegar) health giving properties were well known long before our time. Hippocrates prescribed it as antiseptic. Greeks and Romans drank it as beverage. Columbus took it on his sails. Samurais drank it for strength as did Babylonians and Caesar's troops. What is Organic Food? "Organic" has some quite specific legal definitions in most developed countries. Fish Oil Data-some new facts about Fish Oil According to the renowned research scientist and inventor of the Z one Diet Plan Dr. Barry Sears, studies are increasingly focusing on high dose fish oil. Actually, fish oil has been studied for some time. However, it has been looked at with more intensity ever since the Greenland Eskimos were analyzed by Danish and other European doctors in the 1970's. They wanted to know why the greenlanders suffered very little in the way of heart disease-even though they had a lot of fat in their diets. Is It Possible To Follow a Strict Diet Program and Still Have A Normal Lifestyle? Following a diet program of any sort can sometimes be restricting depending on different circumstances. A Strict diet program can be hard to stick to and the best diet programs are the diet programs that you can definitely stick with for the rest of your life. The Joys of Being Healthy It is amazing to be able to say I am a whole, happy, healthy, loving woman. I was sick for the first 40 years of my life. Like millions of other human beings I grew up immersed in the family disease of alcoholism. For generations it has plagued my family. The unbalanced life I led is so common in our society; I didnt know anything was wrong. I was a participant in the chaos, confusion, neuroses, pain and suffering which is present in dysfunctional families. I call it The Dance of Death. Got Sprouts? They're not only good for you, but they taste good, too. Sprouts are also a great source of vitamins, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, and enzymes. A sprout is produced when a seed starts growing into a vegetable. Sprouts can grow from the seeds of vegetables, from grains such as buckwheat, and from beans. While Mung beans are perhaps the most common source of sprouts, you can also obtain good results from lentils, soybeans and chickpeas just to name a few. Bye Bye Holidays and Holiday Eating Bye Bye Holidays How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day? I'm always amazed at how many people seem to know the answer to this question yet in practice they fail. Everybody I've talked to seems to know that 8-12 glasses of water a day is the recommended standard. But if I ask them how many glasses of water have you consumed today? The answer is usually none. Or the other standard answer at a corporate environment "does coffee count?" Fructose Short-Circuits Glycolysis First some terminology. Food Labels: Fact or Fiction? How often do you pick up items at the grocery and scan the labels? Do you understand them? Ever wonder if they are really accurate? Many consumers probably glance at them, but based on the current obesity rate today it seems as if people should pay more attention. Alcohol Addiction and Obesity People who consume too much alcohol have good chance of making it to the Obesity chart. Pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. Endocrine disorders, hypothalamus dysfunction and pineal gland tumors can cause obesity. But many a times the primary reason behind obesity is Over eating. And if that is complimented with excessive drinking, it won't take much time before you find yourself in a severe life threatening problem of obesity. Carbohydrates ? Good or Bad? Carbohydrates have gotten a lot of bad press in the past few years with the advent of low carb diets, but the truth is that not all carbohydrates are "bad" and, in fact, your body needs carbs to survive. Ambrotose Complex Mannatech's patent-pending glyconutrients complex, Ambrotose, is perhaps the greatest wellness discover in the last 50 years. By understanding it, you are in a better position to help others realize that they too would have this phenomenal nutrient Ambrotose complex working on their behalf as well. Do You Eat Breakfast? It is not a myth. Eating breakfast is an important part of attaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The morning meal enables your body to refuel itself after enduring a nightlong fast or 10 hours or more. It assists in re-energising your body's metabolism and providing sufficient amounts of energy and nutrients for you to survive the earliest part of the day. Remember breakfast is the first opportunity for you to replenish your body's exhausted energy reserves. Whatever you do don't waste this opportunity. While breaking the nocturnal fast is important, eating appropriately is just as essential. Eating a good breakfast, low in fat, and rich in dietary fibre and micronutrients will mentally and physically set you up for anything the day may throw at you. ![]() |
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