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Eggs For Balance
The egg, the symbol of birth, of life and, therefore, of spring has been celebrated by numerous cultures at this time of the year. Eggs were given as gifts at spring festivals in ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia and Rome. They were often dyed red to symbolize the power of the womb. Eggs, of course, still play an important role in our springtime holidays, but the real power comes from handling and eating eggs at this time of year. It is said that at the exact moment of the Equinox an egg can be balanced on it's end because the earth is at it's ultimate balance point (if you try it, write me and let me know how it went!) So what does the egg have to offer us nutritionally? Eggs for Balance Despite the decline in egg consumption, they still make " ... important nutritional contributions to the American diet," according to Dr. Won O. Song, PhD, and Jean M. Kerver, MS, of the Food and Nutrition Database Research Center, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University. They are nutritious, tasty, versatile and convenient. Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality lean protein and are far less expensive than most other animal-protein foods. Eggs also provide significant amounts of several vitamins and minerals (vitamin A, riboflavin, and others). Although eggs contain a significant amount of cholesterol, they need not be excluded from the diet. They just need to be eaten with education: In 1 large egg, the yolk contains 5 grams total fat, 2 grams saturated fatty acids, 213 milligrams cholesterol, and 60 calories. The egg white contains 15 calories. Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. However, it is important that you eat organic eggs. This is not necessarily cage-free or "free range" eggs. According to Dr. Mercola of www.mercola.com, An egg is considered organic if the chicken was only fed organic food and will not have bioaccumulated high levels of pesticides from the grains (mostly bioengineered corn) fed to typical chickens. For more detailed nutrition information, check out Nutrient Value of Eggs at http://www.enc-online.org/eggnutr.htm by the Egg Nutrition Center (ENC). Heather Dominick is a New York State Certified Educator, Holistic Nutrition Counselor accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the creator of The Nutrition and Life Transformation Program?. She delivers Nutrition Keynotes, Wellness Workshops and Seminars at conferences and companies. To receive bi-monthly Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips you can (a) subscribe to her free e-Newsletter at http://www.individual-health.net or call 917-940-5337 to see how she may be able to help.
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Alternative Therapies for Acid Reflux Disease Acid Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common disease which affects approximately 5-7% of the population. It occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, a long, thin, muscular tube, which connects the mouth and the stomach. This often causes a constant burning sensation behind the breastbone, which is commonly known as heartburn. Long-term or persistent heartburn should be evaluated by a doctor, as heartburn can imitate the symptoms of heart disease. Summer Sun Cures With summer comes more sun and with more sun comes an extra desire to be outdoors and with spending additional time outdoors comes ? you guessed it, sunburn. Olive Oil -Not Just for Popeye Archeological records indicate that man has cultivated the olive tree for about 6,000 years; having been especially popular in the Isle of Crete (which as you recall, also appeared in the Seven Countries Study to be the site of the lowest incidence of heart disease). All oils that we use for eating and cooking contain "fat" and olive oil is no exception. However, it is mostly monounsaturated fat as opposed to saturated fat or hydrogenated fat. It can be used as a flavoring for cooking or in salad dressings or as a healthy substitute for butter or margarine. Several large population studies have confirmed that diets with higher amounts of fat of the monounsaturated type reduce total cholesterol and LDL ["bad"] cholesterol levels to the same degree as low fat, high-carbohydrate diets [such as the AHA Step I and II diets]. The additional benefit of olive oil is, as part of a Mediterranean type diet, is that it also has a favorable effect on lowering blood triglycerides [also a factor in heart disease] and maintaining HDL ["good" cholesterol]. Rediscovering Protein - Corrective Action in the American Diet Protein must be a part of a healthy diet for a simple reason: it is essential for life. Every single cell in the human body -- including bones, blood, skin, chemicals, and enzymes -- depend on protein for effective operation.[i] Trade In Your Diet For A Lifestyle! Dieting is a pain. I think basically everyone would agree that having to adhere to a rigid restriction of your free-flow eating preferences puts a bit of a damper on the whole food experience. And eating should be one of the pleasures of life, right? Soytastic ? The Health Benefits of Soy It is often taken as a given fact that soy is beneficial to our health, and that it is certainly a healthier alternative to dairy products and meat. However, it is rare that anyone actually either asks or informs us of what soy is or why we should consume it. Take Back Your Life 5 In parts 1-4 of this series of articles titled "Take Back Your Life", we discussed what could be considered the four wheels of the human wellness vehicle. We discussed the importance of proper cell function, the necessity of having and maintaining a balanced endocrine system, and the role of vitamins and minerals, including certain trace minerals as they relate to wellness, and the value of antioxidants. When considering how many wheels we want on our car for the next road trip, we agree that it would be counterproductive to have less than four. The same is true, figuratively speaking, with regard to the human body. We need four wheels or elements to continually move toward our destination of wellness. We would, most likely, also agree that family car would do well to have a spare wheel and tire in the back to be properly prepared for our next sojourn. Our bodies likewise need a fifth wheel or fifth element to help out on our journey to optimal health. That element is water. Reading Labels:Understanding Fiber, Fat, Carbohydrates, Etc Since 1994, food manufacturers have required the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to include food labels on all packaged food items. Labels can be a tremendous help in controlling our diets-but only if we understand them. Here is a primer to use as you browse the labels in your panty and at the grocery: Aspartame -More Dangerous Than High Fructose Corn Syrup It's really hard to believe that something could be worse than the intense sugar loads from high fructose corn syrup and sucrose. But, Aspartame ( Equal, Nutrasweet, Equal Measure, Spoonful, Canderal) is even more dangerous to your health. Eating Healthy -- Why? The most incredible thing you can do for yourself is have a big enough reason why that will totally light up your life and remind yourself of that reason every single day. We are going to go through a process to help you create your reasons why to make it almost impossible not to eat healthy. If you did this earlier you can do it with another area of your life now. If not DO THIS NOW! PLEASE. The Magic in Food: LOVE Remember the old adage, you are what you eat? The simplest magical ritual that you can do is to cut open a fruit or vegetable and eat it while thinking of your magical intention. Below is a compilation of common foods and their metaphysical associations. Buying Organic Produce: 6 Tips on How to Shop Wisely and Save Money Some say they don't or can't buy organic foods due to higher cost and less availability. Here are a few ways to make organics more affordable and easier to purchase for your family. Hidden Poison Did you know that there might be poison in many of your favorite foods found on grocery store shelves everywhere? Breads, crackers, cookies, energy bars, tortillas, frozen pizza are just a few examples of these dangerous foods. The poison in these items is called partially hydrogenated fat, often referred to as trans-fatty acids. Got Sprouts? They're not only good for you, but they taste good, too. Sprouts are also a great source of vitamins, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, and enzymes. A sprout is produced when a seed starts growing into a vegetable. Sprouts can grow from the seeds of vegetables, from grains such as buckwheat, and from beans. While Mung beans are perhaps the most common source of sprouts, you can also obtain good results from lentils, soybeans and chickpeas just to name a few. Pineapples: The Healing Fruit Of The Tropics (Includes A Recipe For Pina-Banana Orange Smoothie) For a natural and tasty way to improve your health and boost your healing capacity, add fresh pineapple and pineapple juice to your diet. Pineapples are nutritionally packed members of the bromeliad family. This delightful tropical fruit is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which plays a major role in the body's healing process. Introduction To Cocaine Addiction Coke, more commonly known as cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant which instantly affects the brain after introducing it to the body. The effects of this drug are extremely pleasurable and give a false sense of euphria. Like caffiene, coke makes the user feel awake, and energized. Cocaine addict's usually experience a sense of well being and feel 'powerful', combined with restlessness and anxiety. When the effects of cocaine wear off the user will 'crash', become depressed, and crave another 'hit' or 'wack'. Cocaine addiction is hard to beat, because of the great length's the user will go to get the drug. Some will even neglect their job, family and loved ones, in order to satisfy their craving for cocaine. This is one of the reasons why cocaine addiction is considered so harsh. It effects the user as well as everyone around him or her. Minerals, Minerals, Minerals You are a mineral body Are You Lactose Intolerant? Do you know anyone who can't consume milk or milk-based products? The condition is not uncommon and these people are classified as lactose intolerant. Reverse Disease and Maintain Optimal Health PROTEIN DEFICIENT? CHANCES ARE YOU ARE! Do You Know Your Bodys ph And Its Relation To Your Health Do you know your ph? By getting ph strips at a pharmacy, pool store or lab you can test your urine in the moring and see it's range. A good range is between 6.5 and 7.2. Most of are too acidic.When we are too acidic, the body takes minerals from important organs and our bones to neutralize the acid. ![]() |
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