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Aspartame -More Dangerous Than High Fructose Corn Syrup
It's really hard to believe that something could be worse than the intense sugar loads from high fructose corn syrup and sucrose. But, Aspartame ( Equal, Nutrasweet, Equal Measure, Spoonful, Canderal) is even more dangerous to your health. Aspartame, was first discovered in 1965 when Searle chemist Jim Schlatter, who was developing this drug for another purpose, accidentally licked some from his finger and found it to be sweet tasting. The ingredients in aspartame are phenylalanine(50%), aspartic acid (40%) and methyl alcohol(10%). Aspartame Approved by the FDA in January 1981 Even after about eight years of steadfast refusal by the FDA to approve this dangerous drug for human consumption, Searle tried one more time, the day after the inauguration of the President in 1981. The previous commissioner of the FDA had been "removed" and a new one installed. Despite an FDA agency investigation into this "approval by political triage," the drug has not been removed from the market and the investigation was, in essence, abandoned. Why get embalmed before it is absolutely necessary? Methyl alcohol, also known as "wood" alcohol breaks down in the body to formaldehyde and DKP(diketopiperazine). Formaldehyde, as many of you probably already know, is embalming solution and highly toxic to the central nervous system. Why get embalmed before it is absolutely necessary? Methyl alcohol causes blindness and if the dose is large enough, it can cause liver and kidney failure. DKP is a known carcinogen and causes brain tumors. According to the National Cancer Institute there has been a 10% increase in primary brain tumors since 1985. There has also been an increase in brain tumors in children whose mothers consumed aspartame throughout pregnancy. Phenylalanine and Aspartic Acid These are both amino acids that are normally supplied by the foods that we eat. However, when they are isolated and supplied in very high concentrations, they are toxic to the central nervous system causing headache, mental confusion and memory loss, balance problems and seizures. These ingredients have been classified as excitotoxins. Excitotoxin Damage Excitotoxin damage usually takes weeks to months to years to become clinically apparent. Excitotoxins are also strong generators of free radicals thus accelerating aging of most organ systems, significantly the vascular system, immune system compromise inducing cancer and the musculo-skeletal system resulting in arthritis. Joint pain is one of the chief complaints of those with aspartame poisoning. The Blood-Brain Barrier Aspartame is especially dangerous to those who already have disease, the unborn and those less than one year old. Diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking and aging compromise the blood-brain barrier. This barrier in the fetus and neonate is not well developed. These groups are especially sensitive to the damaging effects of aspartame since the barrier that would keep the excitotoxins out of the brain is either compromised or not developed yet. No wonder birth defects are also associated with Aspartame. Formaldehyde (besides embalming) It is known that formaldehyde accumulates in the areas of the brain that correspond to the neurodegenerative symptoms of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease. Aspartame has also been shown to cause seizures in susceptible people, even with no prior history. Aspartame and Pilots When I was a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force we were always concerned about any alcohol ingestion 24 hours before flying. Now, pilots have to be concerned about aspartame ingestion before flying, since it can induce vertigo / disorientation and seizures. If you are flying commercial, hope that your pilot isn't drinking diet soda. Visual Impairment During the years of prohibition there were many cases of blindness due to consumption of methyl alcohol, since ethanol (the typical alcohol of most drinks, beers etc) was banned. Today we have an ophthalmologist in West Palm Beach, Florida Dr. H.J. Roberts, who has treated hundreds of aspartame victims. One quarter of his patients have experienced blindness. According to Dr. Roberts "optic nerve swelling, retinal degeneration and visual impairment, that is associated with heavy aspartame use, is identical to the pathology observed in recorded cases of methanol toxicity from drinking wood alcohol throughout the days of prohibition." This gets especially problematic since the American Diabetic Association still recommends aspartame. What is frequently misdiagnosed as diabetic retinopathy is often aspartame retinopathy. Below is a partial list of other diseases that aspartame toxicity can mimic or worsen. The list currently totals about 92 symptoms and diseases. Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson's Disease Lou Gehrig's disease Diabetes Hypertension Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Obesity ... yes, aspartame can actually cause weight gain. Phenylketonuria (PKU) Phenylketonuria is a rare inherited (genetically recessive) metabolic disease that can result in mental retardation and other neurological problems if treatment is not started in the first few weeks of life. The defect is either complete or partial absence of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase that metabolizes phenylalanine to tyrosine. In view of the fact that aspartame is 50% phenylalanine, it is an absolute contra-indication for anyone with PKU. Carriers for the trait are also at risk for problems with aspartame. There are over 100 different genetic mutations with enzyme activities from zero to normal. For more information on aspartame and phenylketonuria follow the link below: http://www.sweetpoison.com/phenylketonuria.html Michael J. Fox, Aspartame and Parkinson's Disease (or) "Diet Pepsi Rots Your Brain" Michael J. Fox developed Parkinson's at age 30. He was at one time a spokesman for Diet Pepsi and was known to be addicted to Diet Pepsi. Follow the link below for more on this: http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=684893 To see a very interesting movie about "political triage" and the eventual "approval" of aspartame by the FDA follow the link below: http://www.soundandfuryproductions.com/Pages/Rumsfeld.html For more on the dangers of aspartame follow the links below: http://aspartamekills.com http://dorway.com Today's Health Tip Avoid aspartame completely. If you must drink sodas, you are better off to drink the non-diet variety. It is much easier to lose a few pounds of fat, than be treated for a brain tumor, Parkinson's disease or blindness. Read labels very carefully. Aspartame is in, at last count, over 7000 foods, beverages including beer, sports nutrition drinks and bars and even vitamins. If you are going to drink diet sodas, make sure to keep them cool, as the breakdown of aspartame (which proceeds unchecked even still in the can) is temperature and age dependant. The higher the ambient (storage) temperature, the more methyl alcohol and formaldehyde will be present in your soda. Also, the older the can of aspartame laden diet soda, the more methyl alcohol and formaldehyde will be present in the can. Reference: Stryer Biochemistry Fourth Edition Could There Be Evils Lurking In Aspartame Consumption? By Christine Lydon, MD http://www.aspartame.com/lydon.htm The MericleDiet makes it easy to get off of all sweeteners, sodas, candy and sports nutrition. It also makes it easy to get off of any packaged or processed foods that may contain or hide aspartame. Thanks for your attention. Copyright © John Mericle M.D. 2005 All Rights Reserved To signup for Dr. Mericle's Newsletter or visit the MericleDiet please click on the link below. http://DrMericle.com is devoted to achieving optimal health and peak performance through diet and lifestyle change. Dr. Mericle brings together a unique blend of formal training in organic chemistry and biochemistry, medical education, 29 marathons, 3 Hawaii Ironman competitions and a lot of practical real life experience.
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Improve Your Eating Habits. 1. Water. If you're thirsty you're already dehydrated. The majority of us don't tend to drink enough during the day. If you drink a lot of tea and coffee to keep you going then these have a diuretic effect so you should be drinking water to compensate. (Fitness) Health Thoughts, Living on the Health Minimum Wage? Random thoughts taken from valuable sources, what many nutrition experts consider to be the most important nutrients and health habits a person should have to help them stay healthy long term. We would categorize them into the following areas. Vegetarian Lifestyle Being vegetarian is one of the greatest things in the world. From good health to sufficient energy in your daily life. Eating healthy is one of the easiest ways to ensure both your mood and physical wellbeing remain at their positive peek. Eat Right For A Healthy Life Our diet is an essential factor for the formation of our body. 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These may contain small quantities of free form AAs but are mostly comprised of whole proteins and peptides. Proteins and peptides are AAs that are linked together in chains and must first be broken down into single AAs by the digestive process in order for the body to create usable systemic proteins. It is because of the nitrogen in these systemic proteins that allows them to heal and repair tissue. Without protein our bodies continue to degenerate. Debunking the Myth About Bottled Water: Is It Really Safer for Your Kids? When you actually sit down and think about it, bottled water companies do something really peculiar. They sell a product freely available to every man, woman, and child in every home - water. And they sell it very, very successfully. The Benefits of Iodine Initially discovered as a new element in 1811 by Barnard Courtois, knowledge of this substance has come to include the host of benefits it brings to the body as an essential nutrient. For many years, getting enough iodine in the diet naturally was difficult in many geographic regions and remains so for an unfortunately high percentage of the world's population in the developing nations. With the introduction of iodized salt, meeting the daily iodine requirement became nearly effortless and inexpensive in the industrialized nations. In these nations, iodine deficiency is now rare. As developing nations are able to make the shift to iodized salt, their rates of iodine deficiency and the diseases associated with it have also begun to decrease. ![]() |
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