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Debunking the Myth About Bottled Water: Is It Really Safer for Your Kids?
When you actually sit down and think about it, bottled water companies do something really peculiar. They sell a product freely available to every man, woman, and child in every home - water. And they sell it very, very successfully. Bottled water in America comprises a multi-billion dollar industry and growing. In fact, it's the fastest growing segment of the beverage industry. And why is that? Bottled water advertising gives many people the impression that it's safer for them and their kids to drink. Companies convince you to hand over your money for their product at the store by showing images of crystal clear water in ads and commercials, which have you believing their water provides higher quality than what comes out of the faucet at home. Well, I've got some not-so-good news. Most bottled drinking water, at best, is as good as tap water. In fact, in the month of March in 1999, the National Resources Defense Council reported that over 40% of bottled water comes from city water systems, just like tap water. So in this case, you're unnecessarily paying for tap water wrapped in a bottle, label, and lid, not higher quality water from some natural spring. Here's another eye opener: Companies who bottle and sell water are under the same regulations and purity standards as city water systems? if they sell their water across state lines. The key phrase being "across state lines". Most companies get around those watchful government eyes by only selling their water within the same state they have it bottled! Because when they do that, they are pretty much unregulated by government agencies. So the next time you go the supermarket look on the label and see where it was bottled. More than likely, you'll see the same state you're currently residing in. Here's what this all means: City water systems that provide tap water have to test for water pathogens that can cause intestinal problems in your children, like diarrhea. Bottled water companies don't have to do this. City tap water has to meet a specific standard for some toxic, potentially cancer-causing chemicals. Bottled water isn't held to the same standard. City water systems must inform you about what in the water they offer you every year. Bottled water companies actively resisted the same requirement for their water, and they continue to resist this and other policies that require them to be subjected to stricter regulations and be more upfront with you, the public. And the list goes on. Bottled water companies don't deliberately try to put the health of you and your children at risk. Nor do they outright lie to you about the safety of their water. But if you think drinking bottled water will spare you from any possible illness associated with contaminants found in tap water, you're buying on blind faith. And joining millions of people who make many companies billions of dollars based on an unproven premise. When it comes to your kids' health, why take a chance? And why waste your money? Kori Puckett, an obsessed bottled water buyer for over a decade, is a self-proclaimed truth seeker who resides in suburban Atlanta, GA. Discover the best way to protect your child's drinking water at home. Visit http://tapwatersafety.koripuckett.com
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MonaVie Acai Berry Juice - The Tree of Life from Amazonian Rainforest... What ancient tribes and people of the Amazon have known for centuries, the world is just discovering. That an ancient berry, called the Acai Berry, may cause a sexual sensation. This mysterious berry contained in Monavie acai berry juice, has been making headlines throughout USA in the last year. Having been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on NBC's "Today Show", and just last month on the "Oprah Winfrey Show", Dr. Nicholas Perricone, named the Acai fruit as one of the most nutritious and powerful anti-aging foods in the world. Reading Labels:Understanding Fiber, Fat, Carbohydrates, Etc Since 1994, food manufacturers have required the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to include food labels on all packaged food items. Labels can be a tremendous help in controlling our diets-but only if we understand them. Here is a primer to use as you browse the labels in your panty and at the grocery: Where Does Your Drinking Water Come From? Have you ever thought about where your drinking water comes from? Most of us never give this question a thought. Yet, the sources of our water tell us a lot about its quality. Calcium: the Miracle Mineral We've heard it not only once or twice or even thrice but a lot of times. If you want healthy bones and teeth then pack up on the Calcium intake. While it is true that calcium is absolutely necessary to the health and strength of bones and teeth, this essential mineral also serves several other important purposes in the body. Yet, many people still routinely fail to consume enough calcium in their daily diets. Fat Burning Compatible Foods Fat burning compatible foods seem to be a popular topic around the gym these days. We also hear a lot about negative calorie foods which are considered a part of fat burning compatible foods. So if you are wondering what all the hype is about here is a simple explaination. How to Help Your Picky Eater One of the most common questions I am asked is how to help a picky eater. If you're worried that your child won't get enough nutrients from a limited selection of foods, the good news is that because the American food supply is super-fortified, nutrient deficiencies are rare.If your child is growing normally according to your pediatrician, you can almost always assume that he or she is well-nourished. With the notable exception of calcium, most nutrient deficiencies are easy to spot ? you would notice poor growth, low energy, slow development, and unhealthy-looking skin and hair. If you notice these symptoms in your picky eater, mention your concerns to your pediatrician. Often a multivitamin supplement can solve the problem and reduce your worry. Kids often grow out of picky eating if it isn't given too much attention, so while you wait, here are some options to try. Nutrition and Exercise Tips to Walk Away From Death Recently yet another super-heavyweight Iron Immortal died from a heart attack at age forty-five or thereabouts. Typically, when I read of these tragedies I search my memory banks and then write some sort of tribute. Rather than eulogize yet another fallen warrior, for whom it's too late, and at the risk of sounding presumptuous, I thought a slightly different approach might be appropriate and perhaps even helpful in preventing a future tragedy. It is my contention that a shockingly large percentage of retired national and international-level powerlifters and Olympic weightlifters eat too much, do nothing insofar as cardiovascular training and as a direct result unnecessarily risk premature death. Green Tea, or not to Green Tea? Wow! Is it just me or? Wait! Let me start again, I think it's great that Oprah is the communicator to the masses that she is, without her or her influence, we would surely be less informed and less enlightened than we currently are, I can admit this, but there are certain things that exist that should not necessarily require the direction of Oprah or her throng of guests to bring to light there-well there mere existence? An Open Letter to Mankind In the last twenty years, a huge and growing body of research has been carried out into the role of the sugars that are an essential part of glycoproteins. These sugar-protein complexes are the building blocks of our immune system, and are the method by which cells "talk" to each other. The New Biology of Health ? the Way to Perpetual Youth? Just what is the "New Biology of Health?" And who's the snake oil salesperson promoting certain products as the cure-all for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease? Does it work ? Learn About Food Nutrition Facts Food nutrition facts Preventing Heart Disease: What Not To Eat About 12.6 million Americans currently have heart disease. Eating Instinctively I start from the premise that eating instinctively means eating healthily. I strongly believe that the body can transmit to the brain accurate information about its nutritional necessities: a moderate amount of food, and only foods that are beneficial for health. Manganese 101 Manganese is a metallic mineral that was discovered by a 17th century German chemist named Johann Glauber, though it was not isolated in a pure form until 1774, by Johan Gahn. It was Gahn's associate, a Swedish chemist, Carl Scheele, who first determined that manganese was an element. Manganese, as a trace mineral element, is found in all forms of life. It is essential to the health and functioning of the human body and mind in many ways. The Importance of Protein Protein is one of the basic building blocks of the body so it is an essential part of your diet and can influence your strength but probably not your energy. Your muscles are built with protein and in fact protein is made up of 20 amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and 9 are essential, they cannot be created and must be eaten meaning the other 11 amino acids can be created by our body. Do You Know Your Bodys ph And Its Relation To Your Health Do you know your ph? By getting ph strips at a pharmacy, pool store or lab you can test your urine in the moring and see it's range. A good range is between 6.5 and 7.2. Most of are too acidic.When we are too acidic, the body takes minerals from important organs and our bones to neutralize the acid. How To Get Fit And Slash Your Health Insurance Costs Okay, before we start, let me explain the purpose of this article. I want you to get so healthy, you'll never need to make a health insurance claim. You'll save money by increased fitness. You'll save money with a long no-claims insurance history. And you'll look and feel much better. Fish Oil The research in support of dietary omega-3 fatty acids (such as in fish oils) continues to flood the scientific literature. This is perfectly predictable given our genetic roots. In the wild, eating natural raw foods, we would be consuming large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids daily. But today, on processed, grain-based diets, we get little. Studies Prove Magnesium Boosts Memory & Learning Ability According to the National Institute of Health, Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions, including maintenance of normal muscle and nerve function, strong bones and steady heart rhythm. It is also involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.Now, according to an important new a research study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researchers found that rats supplemented with Magnesium, their levels of communication between brain cells was activated. Lab rats were fed the equivalent of a human dose of 400 milligrams of Magnesium a day. You Dont Have to be Wealthy to Eat Well: The Truth about Your Grocery Budget Many people complain that organic foods are more costly than conventional. In many cases, organic foods are priced higher. However, people aren't weighing the costs of eating healthy against the costs of eating poorly. Americans spend millions of dollars each week on "coffee house foods"-fatty lattés and sugary frappucinos, not to mention the white-floured, trans fatty pastries that go along with them. If you were to keep a strict accounting of all the money you spent on soda, pizza, potato chips, pastries, etc., then the question is not so much how much things cost, but where the money is being spent. ![]() |
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