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Manganese 101
Manganese is a metallic mineral that was discovered by a 17th century German chemist named Johann Glauber, though it was not isolated in a pure form until 1774, by Johan Gahn. It was Gahn's associate, a Swedish chemist, Carl Scheele, who first determined that manganese was an element. Manganese, as a trace mineral element, is found in all forms of life. It is essential to the health and functioning of the human body and mind in many ways. In terms of physical health, the mineral manganese is important to almost all of the body's major systems. It works in the digestive system which is responsible for breaking down foods through digestion and transforming them into a form that the body can use. The primary function of manganese in the digestive system is acting as a cofactor in many of the enzymes responsible for releasing the energy in food making it accessible to both body and mind to fuel the essential and nonessential functions. This essential mineral is also needed to metabolize Thiamin Vitamin B1. The skeletal system requires manganese for the building of strong and healthy bones. Without it, the skeleton may not develop properly. Manganese also supports good muscular reflexes. It also serves the reproductive system having an important role in the production of sex hormones and sperm. Manganese has vital antioxidant properties working as a cofactor in the production of the body's most important antioxidant enzyme: the superoxide dismutase. Antioxidants perform a task that is essential to the body. It controls or stabilizes free radicals which are responsible for a great deal of damage within the body. Free radicals are destabilized by their lack of an electron and in seeking to stabilize themselves they assault other molecules in an effort to take what they need from them which then results in those molecules becoming destabilized as well. Accumulation of free radicals is dangerous for if it reaches a certain number cellular damage can occur thus leading to tissue damage. And as the free radicals roam, their population also up in number. Manganese is also essential for the brain to function properly. It supports the nerves and also promotes memory and emotional stability. Researchers are studying the relationship between epilepsy and other seizure disorders and the influence manganese levels may have on seizure activity and severity. This mineral is also being investigated for its potentials in the treatment of severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia. If proven positive, this could be a big breakthrough is the field of medical science. Deficiencies in manganese can contribute to convulsions, confusion, tremors, dizziness, paralysis, deafness and blindness in infants, adult hearing loss, digestive disorders, ataxia, bone malformation, general weakness, infertility, irregular pulse, and pancreatic damage. Nutritional supplements offer a reliable and safe means of seeing to it that the diet contains adequate amounts of this essential trace mineral provided supplement dosage remains within the standard recommended daily intake levels. Too much of any nutrient can do physical harm to the body and thus it is important to be knowledgeable about the nutritional needs of your body and the supplement you are considering for use. It is therefore important to consult a doctor to avoid over dosage. Consultation with a licensed nutritionalist is also essential to aid you in planning a daily diet that can supplement the much needed healthy daily dosage of manganese Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes. Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about Vitamins, please go to: http://vitamins.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/
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