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The New Biology of Health ? the Way to Perpetual Youth?
Just what is the "New Biology of Health?" And who's the snake oil salesperson promoting certain products as the cure-all for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease? Does it work ? Simply put, the "New Biology of Health" is about maintaining your body's acid/alkaline balance or pH level. The ideal pH level, as measured by saliva, urine, or blood tests, is slightly alkaline. Dr. Robert O. Young, cellular biologist and author of the "pH Miracle," teaches that our American lifestyles and diets destroy cellular health. Stress, the environment, and especially acid foods (almost everything you eat except for certain fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts) force your body's cells into unhealthy, acidic states. And, the state of your cells determines your overall health. Basically, our lifestyles and diets make us sick, tired, and susceptible to viruses and bacteria as well as accelerating aging. Take a look at the pharmaceutical intake of people in our culture. It seems the number of pills you take is directly proportional to your age! The Rebalancing Act -- Getting to the "pH Miracle" OK, so where's the miracle? It's called pH balancing . . . restore your pH level to slightly alkaline via a cleansing process, and you're back in good health; no, the best heath of your life. But wait, you must maintain the correct pH level, so lose the meat, eggs, sugary fruits, desserts, dairy products, coffee, diet soda, and bread. And, oh, by the way, drink so much water spiked with SuperGreens (grass) and pH booster that you triple the number of daily trips to the rest room. Is It Worth the Effort? Why subject yourself to such a radical change? Many people will never even try rebalancing because they believe you have to be a food nerd to alkalize. But, there are thousands of others who swear the "alkalarian" lifestyle dramatically improves their health and enjoy a salad for breakfast! Let's take a look at an example of someone who's motivated to "get healthy" and regain that "youthful" feeling. Here's a Real-Life Example Rachael Boomher, age 55 and slightly overweight, suffered from chronic fatigue, high blood pressure and cholesterol, elevated blood sugar, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and borderline glaucoma. A few years ago, a routine test showed precancerous cells. Surgical intervention "corrected" this condition. And yes, Rachael is a real person! Is Rachael a typical middle-aged baby boomer? Yup, but with a major difference . . . she believes that being sick, tired, and generally unhealthy can be changed . . . disregarding what doctors say about her "genes" and the culture's expectations about age-related health conditions. Her mission ? to regain and maintain her health ? is an obsession. For several years, the mission was unsuccessful. Then she discovered "Living Health." In this CD program, Tony Robbins, the motivational guru/crusader, describes Dr. Young's "New Biology of Health." Although it sounded extreme, Rachael learned that Tony had tested it on himself and thousands of his followers with positive results. And isn't Tony the original energizer bunny? Still, Rachael is a natural skeptic, so she researched Dr. Young, and found hundreds of incredible testimonials about improvements to people's health. She also discovered mixed reviews of his books. It seemed that Dr. Young was viewed as either a mad scientist or a life saver. Launching the pH Balancing Program Deciding to try pH balancing despite the critics' negative reviews, she eased into the program, starting with the swamp juice (SuperGreens) and pH drops. Over the next month, she decreased the amounts of the most acid foods in her diet . . . red meat, sugar, pasta, dairy products, eggs, and processed foods. She added vegetables and salads, substituted grapefruit for oranges, almond milk for cow's milk, almond butter for peanut butter, and filtered water for tap water. As Rachael's pH levels increased and her body eliminated deadly toxins, she felt more and more energized. She actually craved alkaline foods. Note that even though the desire to consume acidic foods diminished, she held onto a long-time daily habit of café au lait. The 30-Day Experiment Pays Off! Rachel's experiment with the pH Balancing program resulted in 2 big payoffs: a major boost in energy and the loss of more than 10 pounds with no effort. Really . . . no effort at all! These results may seem unspectacular; but to Rachael, they represent a new beginning. Instead of pushing herself to get through each day and then collapsing on the couch at night, she thinks more clearly, acts more quickly, and has energy to spare for her family and hobbies. She anticipates that key indicators such as cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure will drop, especially if she continues to follow the program with the same level of enthusiasm she had initially. What the pH Miracle Means to You If you're weary of being sick and tired, stop blaming everyone and everything but yourself. Read about the "New Biology of Health." Start with the following web sites: www.snyderhealth.com Before you decide that you cannot possibly give up your acid lifestyle, diet soda, juicy steaks, or fast food, try pH balancing for 10 days. Not a lifetime, just 10 days. You'll feel much better, especially if you have health challenges like Rachael. Honestly, it's NOT tough to grow old; we make it tough with our diet and lifestyles. Please be aware that at first, SuperGreens and pH drops seem a wee bit pricey. But eventually, you may quit using prescriptions and some supplements. SuperGreens will then seem less costly overall because you're able to eliminate other expenses. And after all, what IS the price of perpetual youth? Solid, proven copy is your key to sales and marketing success! Valerie Mills is your expert sales copywriter/designer for web sites, sales letters, email, articles, ghostwriting and brochures. Specialties are health/fitness and finance. See http://v.mills.home.att.net and http://www.wordbrains.com for writing style samples and services you can use today to boost your sales. Also refer to http://teachyourkidsaboutmoney.com to sample the parents' ebook guide to teach kids about money.
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Who Said Bananas Are Not Good For You? After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again. Ocular Nutrition and Eye Health Food Understanding ocular nutrition and eye health can be one of the ways to support your vision. As early as in our 30's, our eyes and vision can begin to deteriorate. Wind, dust, chlorine fumes, automobile fumes, smoking, freezing temperatures and physical injury are examples of threats to healthy eyes and good vision. Long hours spent at a computer screen and the vibration from driving have a cumulative negative impact on eye health over time. Seven Secret Agents That Can Help You Live To 120 You know about Vitamins A,C, D, E ,and the B's ? about how they boost the immune system and help the body repair itself. Well, that old hat. There are supplements now that are so far ahead of those that it's like comparing a model-T car to the space shuttle. This stuff is the real cutting edge in nutrition and we've got them for you right now. Are you ready to slow down the aging clock? Here we go. Take Control of Your Health In large part, you're in control of your health, not your doctor. And taking control of your health doesn't really depend on whether or not you have medical conditions. Choosing Organic for Health We come from a society where growing organic and just growing produce and livestock for food Was once one of the same. Small, family farms still grow their own food using traditional methods passed down through the generations. As commercial farming became big-business, however, growers and farmers started to investigate methods of increasing crops and building bigger livestock in order to increase their profits. This led to increased use of pesticides and drugs to enhance yield. Bathing Suit Season - A Nutritional Guide Spring is in the air and ? summer is around the corner! I know a lot of people have been contacting me about getting themselves and their bodies ready for da-da- DUM ?BATHING SUIT SEASON. What Actually Is Health? Nature works mostly on the principle of thing and no thing. Light is the thing and darkness is the absence of light. Sound is the thing and silence is the absence of sound. Health is the thing, and symptoms and disease are the absence of health. But some time back they got mixed up. Somehow symptoms and disease became the thing, and once you treated away the symptoms and disease, you would be left with health. And yet most people know that health is more than the absence of symptoms and disease. So what does this mean? It means you have to do something other than treat symptoms and disease to be healthy. Let me show you why. If there are shadows or darkness in a room, the only way to get light in the room is by turning on the light. No matter how many ways you can measure and quantify shadows, you cannot sweep them under a rug, cut them out of the room, or invent some chemical to get rid of the shadow. The only thing you can do is turn on the light. The Portfolio Diet: The Solution to Heart Disease What if there was a combination of foods that were as effective at lowering LDL cholesterol as prescription drugs? Would it be worth adding some new foods to what you eat each day to avoid medication? Eat and Lose Weight - Its All in those MCTs Can You Lose Weight Through Eating? Macrobiotics: Diet and Lifestyle for Long-term Health A frequent misunderstanding about macrobiotics is that it is a diet sick people use - cancer patients especially - in order to heal. While it is true that a macrobiotic approach has helped a great many people get well, macrobiotics is much more than a mere diet, and it is for everyone. Whether you're recovering from illness or simply interested in having greater vitality, macrobiotics is a wholistic, natural system for good health and long life. Garlic - Join Me And I´ll Show You Why Garlic Can Save Your Life Are you worried yet about your health? Are you anxious about your heart, or about the possibility of contracting cancer? If so, you are not alone, and your concerns are quite valid. Cancer and heart disease are today's major killers, and as of now, we are yet to find a safe and effective drug, that can prevent these diseases. Some will argue that taking one or two aspirins a day can reduce the risk of heart disease, and it saddens me to see how many people are doing this, because I know the problems brought by aspirin over use, if these people knew about the long term damage caused by this drug, they would think twice, before popping another one into their mouths. Maybe they would give up that harmful habit if they learn that there is a better answer to preventing these and other diseases. What is the answer? The herb called Garlic, but don't just take my word, even scientists are supporting its properties. Water and Water Filters: How Much Do You Know? Water is a vitally important component of any valuable and useful nutrition plan. This statement is hardly earth shattering or groundbreaking and few (if any) jaws will drop at the sight of it. It is common knowledge that water is essential to our survival as living beings. Most people are very well aware of this fact, but do they really know why water is so essential? What does water do in our bodies and why does it make a difference what kind of water we drink? Is a water filter truly necessary and worth its price? Read on to learn the answers to these questions and find out how much you know (or don't know) about that magical, life-giving fluid: water. Carbohydrates ? Good or Bad? Carbohydrates have gotten a lot of bad press in the past few years with the advent of low carb diets, but the truth is that not all carbohydrates are "bad" and, in fact, your body needs carbs to survive. The Ins and Outs of Proper Nutrition Secretly we all want just a few things in life, none the least of which is to live a life that is healthy and energetic. One way to accomplish this is to eat a well balanced diet that fuels the body to take on life's challenges. What About Potassium? Information on potassium Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed Some of the things you think you know that just ain't so (these myths are not true): Dietary Guideline USA Are you sick and tired of the confusion about our dietary guideline? Don't do this, do that, no not this, lose weight this way and on and on. Too much fat, more of this and it goes on and on and on. Frankly, it's enough to drive us all nuts. Turn off the TV, boot up the computer and take a real hard look at the new 2005 dietary guideline released recently. Food Additives Affect Behavior On average 30% of foods in our daily diet are processed foods. These are foods that come in a box or a can and have many ingredients that are hard to pronounce, containing food starches, gums, preservatives, and colorings. Many processed foods have to be enriched, adding inorganic minerals and vitamins to compensate for the nutrition lost in the processing of the food. Some people believe enriched foods are good enough, and we will be able to absorb their nutrients sufficiently to benefit from them. But what about the great increase in type II diabetes in the past few years, seen especially now in children? What about the increase in Attention Deficit Disorder and behavioral problems in schools? Adults are now getting symptoms of Alzheimer's more quickly than before, and are suffering from chronic diseases earlier in life. True Health - Following Your Inner Knowing Your Non-Conscious Mind is 98% of your full power. Over the last couple lessons we taught you how to use your conscious mind to actively create the directions for your non-conscious mind to follow. The Importance of Protein Protein is one of the basic building blocks of the body so it is an essential part of your diet and can influence your strength but probably not your energy. Your muscles are built with protein and in fact protein is made up of 20 amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and 9 are essential, they cannot be created and must be eaten meaning the other 11 amino acids can be created by our body. ![]() |
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