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What Actually Is Health?
Nature works mostly on the principle of thing and no thing. Light is the thing and darkness is the absence of light. Sound is the thing and silence is the absence of sound. Health is the thing, and symptoms and disease are the absence of health. But some time back they got mixed up. Somehow symptoms and disease became the thing, and once you treated away the symptoms and disease, you would be left with health. And yet most people know that health is more than the absence of symptoms and disease. So what does this mean? It means you have to do something other than treat symptoms and disease to be healthy. Let me show you why. If there are shadows or darkness in a room, the only way to get light in the room is by turning on the light. No matter how many ways you can measure and quantify shadows, you cannot sweep them under a rug, cut them out of the room, or invent some chemical to get rid of the shadow. The only thing you can do is turn on the light. Health is the thing. And no matter how many ways you can measure and quantify symptoms and disease, the only way to be healthy is to add to your health. You can treat your symptoms and disease all you want and you will never be left with health. You can treat symptoms and disease with medicine, herbs, supplements, chiropractic, surgery or anything and until you add to your health, you will not be healthier. Treating symptoms and disease naturally is better than with medicine and surgery because there are less side effects, but you are still not adding to your health. Treating Symptoms and Disease often helps make you more comfortable, but never healthier. The only way to be healthy is adding to your health. The first step most everyone misses in being healthy. This and this article are Part of a Free e-Course on Dieting and Eating Healthy. Go to http://www.bazuji.com/ecourse to sign up for the free e-course. Do you want to be Sexy, Slim, Slender and Healthy for Life. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with his "non-diet." He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details go to: http://www.TheUltimateNonDiet.com/free
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Functional Foods Are Becoming More Popular... Established in 1989 by Stephen DeFelice, "Foundation for Innovation in Medicine" defined "Nutraceutical", as a food, dietary suppplement, or medical food that has a medical or health benefit, including the prevention and treatment of disease. Today, it is hard to separate the definition of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. In 2002, the Nutraceutical or Functional Food industry had evolved into a lucrative 20.2 billion dollar a year market, and is here to stay. Cranberry Juice To The Rescue Cranberry juice was first made by American settlers in 1683. It is a love it or hate it beverage. For those who like it, it has a number of health benefits. Let me share some of those. Ambrotose Complex Mannatech's patent-pending glyconutrients complex, Ambrotose, is perhaps the greatest wellness discover in the last 50 years. By understanding it, you are in a better position to help others realize that they too would have this phenomenal nutrient Ambrotose complex working on their behalf as well. Beginning an Alkaline Diet: The Basic Principles - Start Alkalizing Today! Each and every person living in the UK is facing a myriad of health and lifestyle challenges every day. Lawsuits on Foods and Diets The dangers of processed foods and diets Got Sprouts? They're not only good for you, but they taste good, too. Sprouts are also a great source of vitamins, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, and enzymes. A sprout is produced when a seed starts growing into a vegetable. Sprouts can grow from the seeds of vegetables, from grains such as buckwheat, and from beans. While Mung beans are perhaps the most common source of sprouts, you can also obtain good results from lentils, soybeans and chickpeas just to name a few. Eating Instinctively I start from the premise that eating instinctively means eating healthily. I strongly believe that the body can transmit to the brain accurate information about its nutritional necessities: a moderate amount of food, and only foods that are beneficial for health. Sugar Consumption Itself Has Become a Disease Looking into statistics, we can see the average American consumes an astounding 2-3 pounds of sugar each week. This might surprise you if not considering that highly refined sugars in the forms of sucrose (table sugar), dextrose (corn sugar), and high-fructose corn syrup are being processed into so many foods such as bread, breakfast cereal, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and a plethora of microwave meals. Sugar consumption itself has become a disease. An influx of sugar into the bloodstream upsets the body's blood-sugar balance, triggering the release of insulin, which the body uses to keep blood-sugar at a constant and safe level. Insulin also promotes the storage of fat, so that when you eat sweets high in sugar, you're making way for rapid weight gain. Balancing the blood sugar is an important part of regaining energy and health. Refined sugar, because so many nutrients are removed from it, is believed to be more likely to produce diseases than unrefined sugarcane, which is rich in the glucose tolerance factor, chromium. Over-consumption can lead to hypoglycemia, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and chronic tiredness. Sugar can affect your health by suppressing the immune system. It can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression and concentration difficulties. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium leading to acute dental problems. There is some evidence that a high consumption of sugar-sweetened foods may lead not only to impotence and premature ejaculation, but to unrealistic sexual attitudes and expectations, strong urges, strange fantasies, and even crimes of sexual violence. Oregano: Nature?s Antibiotic and Antiseptic Many of us sprinkle oregano on our pizza and stews without realizing its impressive healing powers. But oregano is much more than a flavorful herb. It contains three to 20 times more antioxidant activity than other herbs or fruit, and oregano's mineral rich content supersedes that of milk, cheese or green vegetables in calcium, magnesium and potassium. Yet its most remarkable use is to safely wipe out upper respiratory infections including bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throats and other bacterial and viral ailments. Chocolate Is Good For You! Great news on the chocolate front! Chocolate is good for you. Under certain circumstances. Feeling Tired? No Pep & Zing? Tap Into Breakfast Smoothies! I'm 40-something years old, and for 40-something years breakfast has been a pain. Some of my earliest memories are getting ready for school with my mother insisting I eat a bowl of cereal. It just never interested me. Once high school started I was skipping breakfast and grabbing two apples on the run for lunch. All my life breakfast simply wasn't something I got interested in or thought about until I made this discovery... Fish Oil Data-some new facts about Fish Oil According to the renowned research scientist and inventor of the Z one Diet Plan Dr. Barry Sears, studies are increasingly focusing on high dose fish oil. Actually, fish oil has been studied for some time. However, it has been looked at with more intensity ever since the Greenland Eskimos were analyzed by Danish and other European doctors in the 1970's. They wanted to know why the greenlanders suffered very little in the way of heart disease-even though they had a lot of fat in their diets. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract The Benefits of Green Tea Extract: Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, Weight Control One of the great advancements in nutrition in the twenty-first century is the scientific confirmation of the many benefits of green tea extract. Here are just a few. Green tea: Lowers cholesterol Slows arthritis Prevents the growth of cancer cells Assists weight loss The Liquid Vitamin Mineral Approach Liquid vitamin mineral Carbohydrates ? Good or Bad? Carbohydrates have gotten a lot of bad press in the past few years with the advent of low carb diets, but the truth is that not all carbohydrates are "bad" and, in fact, your body needs carbs to survive. Juice Sensibility Apart from eating many of the wonderful vegetables and fruits that inhabit our planet, drinking them is equally nourishing and satisfying. Juicing vegetables and fruits can also create a dynamic taste treat, causing your taste buds to dance with undiscovered delight. If you're new to juicing, I recommend only juicing vegetables and fruits that you enjoy eating. As time goes on, you can try out other foods as well as increased amounts of those foods. What Is an Essential Fat? You may have heard that essential fats are an important aspect to maintaining the health of your body. But what exactly are they? Just How Dangerous Are Splenda and Artificial Sweeteners - Which Side is Spinning? There seems to be fairly poor tracking by any formal standards once a product is approved as a food additive. Despite supposedly tracking adverse reactions, the reality has been different at the FDA. Aspartame is a case in point. Apparent collusion, distorted research reports, lack of funding for independent research, questionable practices in tracking adverse reactions and reporting them. It's a pretty ugly sounding story. It's been said that Aspartame is a contract on humanity. Here's one source you might find puts you off Aspartame for good: http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/suffer.faq - "Reported Aspartame Toxicity Effects". Foods Can Lower Cholesterol and C-reactive Protein If you have high cholesterol, the American Heart Association's low-cholesterol, low-saturated fat diet will fail you. Even when applied conscientiously, it achieves a disappointingly modest reduction in LDL cholesterol of approximately 7%. Starting at an LDL cholesterol of 150 mg/dl, for instance, you would drop to 139. It's no surprise that many people turn to alternative diets (Ornish, Pritikin, Zone, etc.) to get a bigger bang. And no surprise that many physicians go directly to statin agents for their nearly effortless 35% or greater reduction. Not All Protein is Created Equally America's focus on nutritious eating began to receive national attention in the 1940s when President Roosevelt introduced the RDA, or Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) model. This model, which took on the shape of a pyramid in the 1980s (and hence now goes by the term "food pyramid"), has gone through a number of iterations since its inception more than 60 years ago[i]. ![]() |
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