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Not All Protein is Created Equally
America's focus on nutritious eating began to receive national attention in the 1940s when President Roosevelt introduced the RDA, or Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) model. This model, which took on the shape of a pyramid in the 1980s (and hence now goes by the term "food pyramid"), has gone through a number of iterations since its inception more than 60 years ago[i]. This change and evolution of the RDA model is, in many respects, a positive step. It demonstrates that, just as America's information on diet and nutrition is advancing, so too are the models that guide its eating habits. In fact, the USDA itself has decided to update the term and now refers to "RDI's" ("Reference Daily Intake") instead of RDA's. However, undermining some of this positive change is the fact that many Americans are increasingly confused over what, how, and when to eat. A survey conducted by the USDA in 1996 verified this fact when 40% of respondents agreed strongly with the statement that "there are so many recommendations about healthy ways to eat, it's hard to know what to believe"[ii]. One of the most serious expressions of this growing dietary confusion has to do with a concept called the Daily Value, or "DV". Introduced by the USDA in the 1990s, the DV is a dietary numerical reference that is supposed to allow people to make healthy eating choices[iii]. The philosophical idea behind the DV, which is expressed as a percentage, is that it provides a very important piece of information. The DV informs consumers how much of a nutrient they are getting from a particular food item. For example, if the DV label on a can of beans declares that it represents "10% of the DV for fat", then consumers can keep track of that number to know if, throughout the day, how much fat they are eating[1]. However, one does not have to be a mathematician or a dietician to see that the above idea begs a significant question: is this10% of the DV for fat "good" or is it "bad"? In other words, should a consumer choose this source of fat because it represents a good source of fat, or avoid it for the opposite reason? It is this question that has caused so much confusion among health-conscious consumers. It has caused particular anxiety among those who are wisely ensuring that they eat the recommended daily allowance for protein. The importance of protein in diet cannot be understated. It is not simply an essential macronutrient for athletes, such as bodybuilders and runners. Protein is critical for life itself, regardless of mobility or athleticism. Among other essential functions, protein maintains and repairs muscle tissue, aids digestion, regulates chemicals, manages hormones, and produces enzymes[iv]. In extreme cases, a dangerous lack of protein actually leads to a condition called Kwashiorkor, where the body cannibalizes itself[2]. Trying to determine the right amount of protein ? as expressed in terms of DV% -- has been a difficult challenge for most eaters. Unfortunately, as a result of this confusion, some consumers have not been eating high quality protein. This is because the DV number is simply not enough information upon which they can make healthy protein eating decisions. The missing number in the DV equation is the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) level. The RDI for protein is, generally, 50 grams per day. Consumers can take the number of total grams of protein in a product, and divide it by this RDI for protein to determine what the "optimum" DV number should be. For example, if a product offers 25 grams of protein, and the RDI is 50 grams per day, then the product's "optimum" DV will be 50%. Therefore, the figure "50%" should appear on the product's labeling. If the number is lower than 50%, the consumers instantly know that it is not an optimum source of protein. Finding high quality sources for essential micronutrients like protein (among others) is a challenge that should not be difficult, but it is, because some food makers do not want to educate consumers on how to detect high quality from low quality. This is particularly unfortunate in the health and nutrition food industry, where one would expect manufacturers strive for high quality nutrition. Regrettably, this is not always the case. However, that is not reason to despair. Rather, it just as much reason to support companies that are making the effort to ensure that their products reflect only high quality DV levels, and a concurrent effort to educate the public on how to determine optimum DV. About Protica Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at www.protica.com. You can also learn about Profect at www.profect.com. [1] The FDA is clear that the DV concept is not intended to direct people on how much they should eat. In this example, the eater should not conclude that eating 10 cans of beans will achieve "100% of the recommended fat intake per day". The DV is intended as a reference number only and not as a recommendation. The intake per day is suggested by the RDA/RDI, which will be discussed further in this article. [2] Kwashiorkor is more prevalent in some parts of the developing world, but incidences have been reported in the US. References [i] Source: "Food Pyramid History". http://iml.jou.ufl.edu/projects/Fall02/Greene/history.htm [ii] Source: America's Eating Habits: Changes and Consequences. USDA. http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aib750/ [iii] Source "Daily Values Encourage Healthy Eating". FDA. http://www.fda.gov/fdac/special/foodlabel/dvs.html [iv] Source: "The Importance of Protein". OhioHealth. http://www.ohiohealth.com/facilities/mcconnell/weightmanage/details/protein.htm Copyright 2004 - Protica Research - http://www.protica.com
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From Cell to Super Cell - with Glutathione Imagine you're a cell. Ultra Refined Fish Oil - The New Generation of Fish Oil Dr. Barry Sears revolutionized nutritional thinking around the world with his 1995 landmark #1 New York Times best seller The Zone. With The Zone, and his subsequent bestselling Zone books, Dr. Sears describes how a scientifically proven plan of moderate carbohydrate consumption balanced with appropriate amounts of protein and fat may help you live a longer and better life. What is A Balanced Diet For Losing Weight and Good Health? The total calories that you should be consuming depend on whether you are a women or a man. It depends on your body structure and your activity level. So you need to make some adjustment on the numbers I present. Seafood - the Healthy Alternative Most red and white meats are very fatty and are not a healthy way to eat. Seafood on the other hand offers you a great tasting alternative. When cooked correctly you couldn't ask for a better tasting meal. Allergy Approaches through Nutrition Spring in New York City is a really magical time. Flowers and tree buds bring so much beauty to our coveted parks. I was walking through the park this past week and was really loving the site of all those bright, yellow daffodils! However, I also noticed more than one person sneezing in less than a matter of minutes! Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil -- Why Is It Different? A flood of scientific evidence about fish oil points to a startling conclusion that taking high-dose fish oils, which are very rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, helps support a healthy heart, a healthy brain, a healthy immune system, healthy joint movement, healthy kidneys and much more. Capsulized Food: The Next Step in Food Evolution Anyone who has spent a day fasting from food, or who has even skipped a meal, knows just how much time we save when we are not provisioning and consuming meals. Of course, efficiency is not our only concern when it comes to eating. If we were to articulate our fundamental requirements for food, we would probably come up with the following: (1) it should give us the nutrition our bodies need (2) it should support our body transformation goals (e.g. lose fat or gain muscle) (3) it should taste good (4) it should be convenient. Foods that meet two or three of these requirements quickly become a mainstay in most diets. Put a Zing in your Step with Ginger! Zingiber officinale has been held in the highest regard by the Indian and Chinese civilizations for as far back as 5000 years. The Virtues of Water Did you know that much of our dry skin comes from not drinking enough water? If your skin is dehydrated, then what is drying up on the inside? The human body is over 70% water. Water is not only important for hydration, it is the primary transporter of nutrients throughout the body and is essential for proper bodily functions including elimination. Think you need a laxative? Try some extra water first. Have a headache? Have a drink before you take an aspirin, you might not need it. Just 3% dehydration can cause your thinking to be fuzzy and even cause you to gain a whole pound within 6 months if it is a habit to forgo the faucet. Your minimum water intake should be 64 ounces for adults and more if you exercise. Don't let thirst be your guide. By the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Time Line of the Development of GlycoBiology and GlycoNutritionals 1880s - Characterization of monosaccharides by Emil Fischer. How to Grow Sprouts Sprouts not only taste good, but they are also a great source of vitamins, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, and enzymes. A sprout is produced when a seed starts growing into a vegetable. Sprouts can grow from the seeds of vegetables, from grains such as buckwheat, and from beans. While Mung beans are perhaps the most common source of sprouts, you can also obtain good results from lentils, soybeans and chickpeas just to name a few. Improve Your Eating Habits. 1. Water. If you're thirsty you're already dehydrated. The majority of us don't tend to drink enough during the day. If you drink a lot of tea and coffee to keep you going then these have a diuretic effect so you should be drinking water to compensate. A Home Water Filter - Do We Need To Filter Our Drinking Water? Do we really need a home water filter? Can't we just assume the water that flows from our kitchen and bathroom tap is sufficiently treated for contaminants by our municipal water facility? In order to answer these questions, we need to obtain a little more background information. 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It discloses the ingredients that make up the product, sorted in order from most abundant to least abundant. What it does not show is the actual quantity of each ingredient. As such, more people than ever before are reading the Nutrition Facts panel on product labels to truly understand what is in their food[i]. Whats Missing Could Be Making You Sick Here's something you probably don't know. The fruit and vegetables you eat today are not as nutritious as the food from fifty years ago. Clues for Fibromyalgia Relief Fibromyalgia is a chronic and potentially life-altering disorder with symptoms such as extreme muscle pain, extraordinary fatigue and multiple tender and painful points. Fibromyalgia itself tends to be similar in many aspects to rheumatic diseases although it differs from arthritis in that there is no known inflammation or damage to the joints, muscles or tissues. ![]() |
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