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Clues for Fibromyalgia Relief
Fibromyalgia is a chronic and potentially life-altering disorder with symptoms such as extreme muscle pain, extraordinary fatigue and multiple tender and painful points. Fibromyalgia itself tends to be similar in many aspects to rheumatic diseases although it differs from arthritis in that there is no known inflammation or damage to the joints, muscles or tissues. While the actual cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown, many factors have been associated with its appearance. Stressful events are sometimes the triggering point while other times the onset of fibromyalgia is in conjunction with other illnesses or diseases. Nutrition has had some success with easing of symptoms. However, nutritional therapy for fibromyalgia is currently not widely used or known about. It's unfortunate that this is the case as several interesting studies have recently emerged from the scientific community touting the possibility that supplementing the diet of patient's with fibromyalgia with glyconutrients may in fact decrease symptoms, especially those of pain and fatigue. It has been shown that a particular molecule necessary for normal transport and stabilization of the proteins that carry serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine is one of the eight essential sugars - a glyconutrient! Serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine are responsible for helping people to sleep restfully and achieve relaxation. Those suffering from fibromyalgia have difficulties in these two areas. The possibility exists that fibromyalgia sufferers are deficient or altogether missing some of the essential glyconutrients needed by the body1. Additionally, glyconutrients also play a role in the central nervous system and its pain carrying pathways. There is a hypothesis that if the body is deficient in one or more particular glyconutrients it will perceive greater pain than that of an optimally functioning body1. One final reason to use glyconutrients for those with fibromyalgia lies in the important function glyconutrients play in the immune system. When a person is in a constant state of stress their immune system tends to function at a lower level which leads to greater risk of infections and illnesses. Those with fibromyalgia have high levels of stress and more than likely a depressed immune system. Glyconutrients may be the very thing patients with fibromyalgia need in order to keep their immune system as healthy as possible while dealing with the other symptoms of fibromyalgia. 1. Glyconutritional Implications in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Scott Saunders is a full time wellness consultant who can be reached at Whole Earth Health
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Foods Can Lower Cholesterol and C-reactive Protein If you have high cholesterol, the American Heart Association's low-cholesterol, low-saturated fat diet will fail you. Even when applied conscientiously, it achieves a disappointingly modest reduction in LDL cholesterol of approximately 7%. Starting at an LDL cholesterol of 150 mg/dl, for instance, you would drop to 139. It's no surprise that many people turn to alternative diets (Ornish, Pritikin, Zone, etc.) to get a bigger bang. And no surprise that many physicians go directly to statin agents for their nearly effortless 35% or greater reduction. How My Health Was Restored Through Glyconutrition My name is Mildred Shears. I'm retired and I live in the Minnesota Northwoods with my husband, George, our German Shorthair, Bodhi, and our senior citizen cat, Cinnamon. Male Infertility and Glutathione Are You Half The Man Your Father Was? Starbucks and Children Health Risks Do you know the risks to daily intakes of Starbucks Frappachinos? Some believe that Starbucks and Health Risks are linked. For instance we know excessive sugar is not good for you and increases risks of early onset diabetes. We know excessive caffeine can cause risks of heart attacks and cardiac arrest. Yet when you put the two together in a foo foo drink like a frappachino, do you really believe that you will not get fat or addicted? Copping Out the Positive Effects of Copper One must always keep in mind that copper is not just a kind of metal, when it comes to medicine and health, copper is actually a trace element mineral that serves a wide variety of purposes for the body, both on its own as well as a cofactor. Although the body requires a comparatively tiny amount of copper per day, even that little bit of copper is proven to be essential to having very good health. Nutrition Is Not Common Sense I'd like to explain an important concept that most online trainers (even the "gurus") don't "get"... South Beach Diet - US vs. World Diets concern especially Americans as they do have a "national weight problem". So it would only be natural that dieting issues be so over proportioned in the US. Also, "miracle diet recipes" are very popular and make way rapidly into people's minds. This also happened with the South Beach Diet ? the diet that will not only allow you get rid of a lot of weight rapidly without starving but will also help you improve your health condition. The Glycemic Index and Dieting The field of nutrition is awash with charts, tables, diagrams, models, acronyms, and abbreviations; more than the average person can memorize. As such, one often comes across someone who has simply burnt out trying to keep track of how much to eat, when to eat it, how to find the calories from fat, the RDI, the DV, and so on. There is an overkill of useful information within the nutrition field, and it can ironically provoke one to grow weary and exhausted, tune out, and go grab a fast food burger. Homeostasis and Complementary Therapies The word 'homeostasis' is made up of two Greek words: homeo; meaning the same or similar, and stasis; meaning stable, or standing in the same place. The body's systems participate in maintaining homeostasis, keeping the body's internal environment healthy despite external environmental change. Five Steps to a Healthier Heart Step 1: Eat five to ten servings per day of fresh fruits and vegetables. When You Eat at the Fridge I spent a few days at a resort in Mexico this past summer for a friend's wedding. I've known her since the 2nd grade and it was a really fun time hanging out with familiar faces. Fluoride Debate Continues The debate regarding Fluoride continues to rage, is it good for your teeth or, the teeth of our children. There does not appear to be a survey available, without bias, that goes one way or the other. Eating ... Gaining Weight ... How to Control the Urge to Splurge I confess: I'm completely addicted to Pringles. My determination weakens every time I think about munching into one, hearing the crunch, and getting that first taste of its salty flavor. Pure heaven. Although you don't flip over chips, probably there's another food that lures you into the refrigerator or the pantry cabinet. According to one study, 97% of women (compared to 68% of men) experience cravings on food. Just The Tea FAQs: Health Benefits (Part III) The wonders of modern science continue to amaze us with new cures and essential information on healthy living: what to eat, what to drink, what do to; and, of course, what not to eat, drink, and do. All of this is quite wonderful. How Can Fat Be Essential? How Can Fat Be Essential? By Garry Gamber Did you know that some fats are essential to the body? Yes, there are some fats that our body cannot produce which means that we must get them from our food. Perhaps you've heard of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. These are both considered essential and must be supplied by the foods we eat. What do they do? Well, the omega-3 fatty acid, for example is used for the production of healthy cell membranes and for the production of a class of hormones called prostaglandins. You know how aspirin and acetominophen are anti-inflammatories? So are the prostaglandins that our bodies produce from omega-3 fatty acids. Now, we need the omega-3's and the omega-6's to be in the proper combination to be most effective to us. Empirical evidence shows that the proper ratio is about 4:1 between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. What do you suppose our average diet gives us? About a 20:1 and up to a 40:1 ratio; not even close to the optimal ratio. Why is the balance so out of whack? Well, our normal diets are rich in omega-6 fatty acids. We get them from meats, dairy products, and processed foods. We eat a lot of those foods on average. We get omega-3 fatty acids from certain vegetable oils such as flaxseed, canola, and soybean. And we get omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, and tuna. Eat more fish! You've heard that said before, and now you know why. Especially the salmon. It is especially rich in the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon , or any of the other omega-3 rich fish (but what tastes better than good salmon?) should be consumed at least once a week. In order to get the omega-6 vs. omega-3 ratio in order, decrease your consumption of the saturated fat from meats and dairy products and increase your consumption of fish such as salmon. Do you know how else you will benefit from increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids? Your cholesterol level will improve. You see, the essential omega-3 fatty acids have the ability to help decrease your total cholesterol and your LDL cholesterol level. The LDL cholesterol is the so-called bad cholesterol. So you will improve your cholesterol levels by adding a better balance of omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Not surprisingly, the omega-3 fatty acids can be heart healthy. Several diseases show improvement when patients increase their intake of these essential fats. Check out Dr. Ray Strand's important book for citings of clinical studies of omega-3. The book is titled, "What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You." It's a wonderful book and should be a standard reference volume in your nutrition library. Eat well, take appropriate supplements, and stay healthy. Small Changes Yield Big Benefits You can start today - right now, even - on a road to feeling better, looking better, living longer and enjoying a far better quality of life. Food Intolerance Many people experience unpleasant reactions to foods they have eaten and suspect they have a "food allergy". However, only 2?5% of adults and 2?8% of children are truly "allergic" to certain foods. The remainder of people may be experiencing food intolerance, or food sensitivity, rather than true food allergy. The Magic in Food: LOVE Remember the old adage, you are what you eat? The simplest magical ritual that you can do is to cut open a fruit or vegetable and eat it while thinking of your magical intention. Below is a compilation of common foods and their metaphysical associations. Just What Is A Carbohydrate Anyway? During a recent discussion with my father about low carb diets, he pointed to the butter on the table and said "is that a carbohydrate?" when I started to explain, he then pointed to the sugar and said "well, what about that?" The Omega Zone Diet and Fish Oil The Omega Zone Diet and specialists' opinion ![]() |
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