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The Omega Zone Diet and Fish Oil
The Omega Zone Diet and specialists' opinion "Omega RX Zone - The Miracle of High-dose Fish Oil" is considered the best contribution that Dr. Barry Sears has yet made to a healthy diet. The benefits of fish oil are well-known. Species such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are rich in two kinds of Omega 3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids have had proven beneficial effects in complaints such as arrhythmia, high triglyceride levels, atherosclerotic plaque and high blood pressure. The recommendations of the American Heart Association meet Dr. Sears' up to a point * Both the AHA and Dr. Sears recognise the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. * Both parties tell us that fish is nowadays contaminated with various toxins like mercury, DDT or other harmful substances. See the AHA special report * People with a high risk of coronary heart disease or of high-level trigliceride cannot obtain enough Omega 3 fatty acids from dietary fish. They may therefore need to supplement their diet with pharmaceutical fish oil. Nevertheless, opinions vary on some points. * High doses of fish oil are good for health, but the doses Dr. Sears recommends are much higher than those which AHA considers to be safe. * Dr. Sears warns us to pay attention to what we buy. This is pharmaceutical fish oil preliminarily tested by International Fish Oil Standards program (IFOS). The AHA's lab studies certified that all brands of pharmaceutical fish oil, even the cheapest, were free from toxins, at the moment of testing. But some of them did not meet the doses advertised on the label. * Dr. Sears prescribes fish oil capsules for healthy people. The AHA does not. * Dr. Sears claims that his fish oil supplements, Omega RX ZoneTM, will prevent and help cure heart and brain diseases. THey will also maintain healthy kidneys, immune system, joint movement, maintain cholesterol safe levels, stamina, strength, mood and general well-being. The American Food and Drug Administration did not evaluate any of these statements. Iulia Pascanu writes for http://www.enterthezonediet.com where you can find more information about the Zone Diet. Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared: mailto:iuliap@gmail.com
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Crave Sweets? On the Weight & Mood Roller Coaster? Perhaps Its More Than You Think! The sugar industry and the food manufacturers are capitalizing BIG TIME on the addictive nature of carbohydrates (sweets, breads, deserts) in the human body. Blood sugar-handling problems promote arteriosclerosis (plaque in the arteries), adult-onset diabetes, mood swings, weight problems, chronic fatigue, PMS and much more. Additionally, there is evidence that sugar addiction has a component of alcoholism! The Non-Diet Diet Diets don't work. If they did the U.S. of A. would be the thinnest, trimmest nation in the world, with over 40 million Americans spending billions each year on weight loss products. In fact, the opposite is true. The Center for Disease Control claims that at least 65% of adults are overweight or obese. With the growing list of woes associated with obesity, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, the weight problem in America has become a serious concern. Yet we continue to look to fad diets as the answer to this serious problem - as if living on bacon and eggs, cabbage soup, or low-calorie meal replacement drinks could ever be construed as a healthy solution. Fattening Foods: Not So Fattening After All? Have you seen those "fat free" foods in supermarkets? Have you possibly delighted in them guiltlessly thinking that they are healthy for you? There's a good chance that you have because we usually follow what the media and the world around us says. In this day in age, along with other health fads, many people believe that fat makes you fat. This is true, to an extent. What we fail to notice is that not all fats are bad. Surrender To The Spell Of The Pyramid Food in general has the distinction of being probably the first thing we all think about in the mornings before our feet hit the floor. The main reason for this is we cannot survive without it. There are four major food groups arranged in what is commonly called the food pyramid. At the base of the food pyramid lies the group that contains breads, grains, pastas and cereals. These foods provide complex carbohydrates, which are an important source of energy, especially for a low-fat meal plan. You can make various low-fat choices from foods in this group. Herbs that Heal Naturally The word herb is used to refer to any part of a plant used for flavoring or medicine. Herbs for relaxation so sleep will come, and relieving pain or water retention have the welcome plus of being void of the side effects that come with chemical medications. Being pain free and relaxed with a clear head is the way things should be, and can be with herbs and Reiki. I often have clients schedule a full Reiki session with a herb consultation. Sports Nutrition Made Simple Following these simple nutrition guidelines will allow you to lose weight, and an abundance of energy throughout the day. What You Need To Know About Inflammation Inflammation is not a disease. Eggs For Balance The egg, the symbol of birth, of life and, therefore, of spring has been celebrated by numerous cultures at this time of the year. Eggs were given as gifts at spring festivals in ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia and Rome. They were often dyed red to symbolize the power of the womb. Eggs, of course, still play an important role in our springtime holidays, but the real power comes from handling and eating eggs at this time of year. It is said that at the exact moment of the Equinox an egg can be balanced on it's end because the earth is at it's ultimate balance point (if you try it, write me and let me know how it went!) The Minefield Of Eating Out On A Gluten Free Diet Eating out when you are on a restricted diet always has the potential for difficulty. Only yesterday I was reminded of this when we went out for a late Sunday meal. Post Nasal Drip Post nasal drip is a sensation of mucous build up in the throat. Sometimes you may even feel a dripping sensation from the back of your nose. The cause is over-production of mucous by glands in the nose and in the throat. Dietary Sources of Vitamins and Minerals Whenever possible, we should try to get our antioxidants and other essential vitamins and minerals through our diet. A proper diet is necessary to offset the signs of aging and the foods listed here tend to be healthier than a burger and fries. Protein Wont Make You Fat: Myth #1 How many magazines have you read where they tell you to take in X grams of protein? How many times have you see .75g of protein per lb of bodyweight or 1g maybe 1.5 for the advanced athlete or better yet 2g for the guy who really wants to grow! The Importance of Water Water is the most abundant substance in the human body. It is a component of virtually everything, except tooth enamel and bone. We are about 70% WATER, 25% PROTEIN and 5% MINERALS. Guerilla Health Tactics: 5 Snappy Rules For a Healthier, Happier You The subject of health care itself often seems plagued with conflicting advice, or even heated controversy. Witness the recent Cruise-Shields incident, which will doubtless occupy several chapters in future health and nutrition texts. So what to do about this advice-riddled and divisive field when you want to find out what you can do to better your own health? We suggest that you do a little research, read differing opinions, and the reasons given for them, and then go with what you feel confident about. Startling New Evidence: You Can Slow the Aging Process, Scientists Say What if you could actually slow your rate of aging, and live healthier longer, simply by eating certain foods? U.S. Government scientists now say it's possible. Salads Take Center Stage The reason I remember the first time I was served a main-course salad, easily 15 years ago, is that it was such a revelation. Heart Friendly Foods Heart disease results when plaque builds up inside the arterial walls, which causes a partial or complete obstruction of blood flow. This reduces flow of blood to heart and may result in angina. Angina is a sensation of discomfort, pain, burning or pressure, generally felt in the chest area. Magnesium 101 Magnesium is an important mineral that serves numerous essential functions in the body. There are more than 300 biochemical processes in the human body that require the use of the mineral magnesium. From the center of the human body, the heart, to the framework, the bones, some of the body's most fundamental systems and structures depend on this very vital mineral. For a normal life and health, sufficient amount of magnesium must be taken and maintained by the human body daily. Eating to Health? Think Again! So, what is new about this that you already don't know? Think again. It is not what-you-are-aware that is important, but are-you -alert, that is. Keep your eyes and mind open to avoid upsets to your normal health. Well, take out your diet chart and critically examine it again. Are you eating the right food? And are you eating healthy? The Most Effective Treatments for Acid Reflux Disease Acid reflux disease, or GERD, is a common compliant of the digestive system, often characterised by persistent burning or discomfort behind the breastbone. As the symptoms of GERD can mimic those of coronary disease, it is important that you visit your doctor, if you have chronic heartburn. If you have been diagnosed as having acid reflux disease, there are many treatment options available to you to help you manage your symptoms. ![]() |
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