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Surrender To The Spell Of The Pyramid
Food in general has the distinction of being probably the first thing we all think about in the mornings before our feet hit the floor. The main reason for this is we cannot survive without it. There are four major food groups arranged in what is commonly called the food pyramid. At the base of the food pyramid lies the group that contains breads, grains, pastas and cereals. These foods provide complex carbohydrates, which are an important source of energy, especially for a low-fat meal plan. You can make various low-fat choices from foods in this group. You will need 6 to 11 servings of these foods in a day. Try to eat whole-grain breads, cereal and pasta for most of your servings from this group. Whole-grain foods are less processed and retain more valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber than foods made with white flour. When you purchase whole-grain foods look for breads and pastas with "stone ground whole-wheat flour" as the first ingredient, because some "wheat" breads may be white breads with only caramel coloring added. The next group in the pyramid is fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients. Many are excellent sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, folate or potassium. They are low in fat and sodium and high in fiber. The Food Pyramid suggests 3 to 5 servings of vegetables, and 2 to 4 servings of fruits each day. Count only 100% fruit juice as a fruit, and limit juice consumption. Many commercial bottled juices come in containers that hold more than 2 servings - which can add lots of sugar and calories to your daily diet. Punches, ades and most fruit "drinks" have only a bit of juice and lots of sugar. Fruit sodas are sugary drinks and they do not count as fruit, either. Up next on the pyramid are proteins such as beans, eggs, fish, and meat. Meat, poultry and fish supply protein, zinc and iron. Non-meat foods such as dried peas and beans also provide many of these nutrients. The Food Pyramid suggests 2 to 3 servings of cooked poultry, fish or meat. Each serving should be between 2 and 3 ounces. Pick lean meat, fish and dry beans and peas often because these are lowest in fat. Continuing on we come to dairy products. Products made with milk provide protein, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. The Food Pyramid suggests 2 to 3 servings each day. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, a teenager or a young adult age 24 or under, try to have 3 servings. Most others should have 2 servings every day. Go light on high-fat cheese and ice cream. Choose non-fat milk and yogurt and cheeses made from skim milk because they are lower in fat. Lastly are sweets and fats. These make up the Food Pyramids smallest part, so the fats and sweets in the top of the Food Pyramid should comprise the smallest percentage of your daily diet. The foods at the top of the food pyramid should be eaten moderately because they provide calories but not much in the way of nutrition. These foods include salad dressings, oils, butter, cream, margarine, sugars, soft drinks, candies and sweet desserts. The author teaches people how to eat in a healthy manner and nurture their bodies without feeling deprived. Rose Marie Allesando is passionate about food and is the webmaster of Food A to Z
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Pineapples: The Healing Fruit Of The Tropics (Includes A Recipe For Pina-Banana Orange Smoothie) For a natural and tasty way to improve your health and boost your healing capacity, add fresh pineapple and pineapple juice to your diet. Pineapples are nutritionally packed members of the bromeliad family. This delightful tropical fruit is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which plays a major role in the body's healing process. The 9 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Reading a Food Label Nutrients What is a Healthy Eating Plan? Healthy eating is important for everyone, from babies to the elderly. Learning to eat well is more than just eating a variety of foods so that your body gets the proper nutrients. It is also about enjoyment of foods and maintaining a healthy weight. Anyone can eat for good health. It involves 2 simple steps. First is to eat foods from all the different food groups. The second step is to eat a variety of foods from each group every day. Sounds simple. However so many people are not following a healthy eating plan. Busy lifestyles, availability of fast food, advertising and a lack of understanding of what healthy food is, all work against people trying for healthier eating. Unhealthy eating causes illness and weight problems. Type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically and is directly linked to the increase in obesity. Heart disease and some cancers are also linked to obesity. Take Control of Your Health In large part, you're in control of your health, not your doctor. And taking control of your health doesn't really depend on whether or not you have medical conditions. Redeeming Unsaturated Fat The most dreaded word in many dieter's vocabulary is 'fat'. It is not uncommon to hear a dieter discuss their avoidance of eating fat as if it were something thoroughly unwholesome, or even life-threatening, like an allergen, or a contagious disease. Nutrient Requirements of Women in Sport Female and male athletes respond to training in a fairly comparable way. As volume and intensity of training increases, so does aerobic capacity and hence performance. Body composition tends to change, whether male or female, indicating that physiologically, we are all actually quite similar. Free List of Fat Burning Foods This free list of fat burning foods will help you make the right choices to burn off more fat than you ingest by eating them. The fat burning secret to losing weight is to eat and drink until you are full and satisfied, choosing foods that burn more calories than you consume. This helps your body burn up the excessive stored fat. What Really Happens To The Food You Eat After we have eaten a meal -- and often we do this in a hurry, without much chewing, under a lot of stress, or in the presence of negative emotions -- we give no thought to what becomes of our food once it has been swallowed. Bathing Suit Season - A Nutritional Guide Spring is in the air and ? summer is around the corner! I know a lot of people have been contacting me about getting themselves and their bodies ready for da-da- DUM ?BATHING SUIT SEASON. MonaVie Acai Berry Juice - The Tree of Life from Amazonian Rainforest... What ancient tribes and people of the Amazon have known for centuries, the world is just discovering. That an ancient berry, called the Acai Berry, may cause a sexual sensation. This mysterious berry contained in Monavie acai berry juice, has been making headlines throughout USA in the last year. Having been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on NBC's "Today Show", and just last month on the "Oprah Winfrey Show", Dr. Nicholas Perricone, named the Acai fruit as one of the most nutritious and powerful anti-aging foods in the world. Building Better Bones "It is a bone-deep change you are going into, my beloved," counsels Grandmother Growth. "You must open to your very marrow for this transformation. No cell is to remain untouched. You are to open more than you ever dreamed you could open, more than you have opened in birth or in passion. You open now to the breath of mortality as it plays the bone flute of your being. What can you do but dance to the haunting melody, develop a passion for an elegant posture and a long stride? Healing Power of 8 Sugars: An Amazing Breakthrough in Nutrition "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer German philosopher (1788 - 1860) How Can I Uncover Hidden Sugar And Prevent Carb Creep? Many low carb dieters fall victim to "carb creep," which is triggered carb binges, caused by creeping intakes of carbs. This is particularly a problem after finishing the stricter early phases of their plans. For instance, low carb dieters who use Dr. Atkins' prescription often fail to follow his plan after the induction phase of the diet. Instead, they go on an unplanned, generic "low carb" diet. Food thats Good for a Healthy Heart Here's a conundrum: While experts agree that high cholesterol and blood pressure are crucial heart disease risk factors, many people who suffer chest pain or even heart attacks have levels that are perfectly normal. This puzzle has prompted researchers to scour the body for other cardiovascular villains. Several have emerged in recent years, but the one that stands out the most is inflammation. Relieve PMS with the Food Diet Changes Almost every woman suffers with premenstrual syndrome at one time or another. The symptoms are familiar: mood swings, cramping and bloating, trouble sleeping. Fortunately, alternative therapies and dietary changes are now providing many women with relief. Put a Zing in your Step with Ginger! Zingiber officinale has been held in the highest regard by the Indian and Chinese civilizations for as far back as 5000 years. How Do You Know Your Nutrition is Working for You? Please feel free to comment, so that the article may be developed. ![]() |
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