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Heart Friendly Foods
Heart disease results when plaque builds up inside the arterial walls, which causes a partial or complete obstruction of blood flow. This reduces flow of blood to heart and may result in angina. Angina is a sensation of discomfort, pain, burning or pressure, generally felt in the chest area. Angina may be the first indication of heart disease. But many people with heart disease often get no warning signals, until they suffer a full heart attack. Chest pain should not been ignored, even when it is not permanent. During a heart attack, the supply of oxygen to heart is cut off, resulting in tissue death for a part of the heart muscle. There are certain foods that lower cholesterol and thus the risk of heart disease. The following heart friendly foods are important for the health of your heart. Apples: Drinking 12 ounces of apple juice or eating two whole apples a day is beneficial. Research has shown that phytochemicals in apples could help cut the risk of death from heart disease or stroke in half. Copyright www.FatFreeKitchen.com [You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info.] ------------------------------------------------------- This article has been written by http://www.fatfreekitchen.com. For more information, visit Lower cholesterol and Cholesterol . --------------------------------------------------------
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Health Update: Have Your Chocolate and Eat It, Too! According to the Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis & Haemostasis, a report released on August 10, 2005 elaborates how "Cocoa is the New Red Wine..." Fish Oil Data-some new facts about Fish Oil According to the renowned research scientist and inventor of the Z one Diet Plan Dr. Barry Sears, studies are increasingly focusing on high dose fish oil. Actually, fish oil has been studied for some time. However, it has been looked at with more intensity ever since the Greenland Eskimos were analyzed by Danish and other European doctors in the 1970's. They wanted to know why the greenlanders suffered very little in the way of heart disease-even though they had a lot of fat in their diets. Introduction To Cocaine Addiction Coke, more commonly known as cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant which instantly affects the brain after introducing it to the body. The effects of this drug are extremely pleasurable and give a false sense of euphria. Like caffiene, coke makes the user feel awake, and energized. Cocaine addict's usually experience a sense of well being and feel 'powerful', combined with restlessness and anxiety. When the effects of cocaine wear off the user will 'crash', become depressed, and crave another 'hit' or 'wack'. Cocaine addiction is hard to beat, because of the great length's the user will go to get the drug. Some will even neglect their job, family and loved ones, in order to satisfy their craving for cocaine. This is one of the reasons why cocaine addiction is considered so harsh. It effects the user as well as everyone around him or her. The Wonderful Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean Diet is now recognized as one of the healthiest in the world consisting as it does of large amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables, salads, nuts, seeds, omega-3 rich oily fish, olives, and olive oil and being comparitively low in dairy products and red meats. Whats That In My Food! If you drop a bomb, you kill not only your enemies but your friends as well. This is the effect food additives have on humans. Healthy Eating Tips for Healthy Living Eating healthy is fast becoming a way of life. American's are living longer, however, the goal of many is not to simply live longer, the goal it is to live a longer and healthier life. Simple everyday fruit can help. When Is The Penny Going To Finally Drop For People? Hi Readers, Is It Possible to Improve Your Health by Simply Drinking More Water? To many people, this may seem a simplistic answer to a complex question: How can doing something so simple produce such noticable & quick results? Surely there must be some deep scientific & comlex way to improving health. The body, after all, is a very complex organism and scientists and health professionals have, over the centuries, espoused numerous ways of improving health, from specially fomulated foods & diets to drugs designed to fight obesity and reduce fat etc. What seems to have been largely ignored, until recent times, is that by merely increasing our water intake, a noticeable improvement can be made to people's mental & physical well-being. Top Ten Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Did you know the average American gains 5-7 pounds every year between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day? That equates to ingesting at least 17,500 more calories than you burn on a daily basis during that time period. At a minimum, that equals nearly 500 extra calories per day on average over that stretch of days. Essential Tips For Proper Food Combining: As any student of chemistry will assure you, acids and bases (alkalis) neutralize each other. If you eat a starch with a protein, digestion is impaired or completely arrested! The undigested food mass can cause various kinds of digestive disorders. Undigested food becomes soil for bacteria, which ferment and decompose it. Its by products are poisonous, one of which, alcohol, is a narcotic that destroys or inhibits nerve function. It plays havoc with nerves of the digestive tract, suspending their vital action such that constipation may well be a result! These are the salient rules for proper food combining. Combat High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol with Soybeans You may have heard of the "Portfolio Diet" wherein it has been clinically accepted that increasing the intake of soy based foods can reduce levels of LDL cholesterol as much as some statin drugs. Learn About Diet Nutrition Physique Diet nutrition physique How Does Glucosamine Chondroitin Help Your Body? Glucosamine is readily produced in the human body and is necessary for the production of joint cartilage. As we age, producing enough glucosamine becomes more difficult and cartilage begins to detiorate causing stiffness and painful joints. When osteoarthritis is present, the supply of glucosamine is insufficient. Personal Wellness Program Having a personal wellness program has become a concern for more and more people. The problem is many people do not know where to begin a wellness program. Here are a few keys to maintaining a personal wellness program: What is the Atkins Diet and How Can It Help You? What is the Atkins diet and how can it help you? The No 1 Reason Why Most Diets Fail & What to Do About It How many times have you tried to diet/lose weight in the past? 7 Things To Your Health Health is the thing. And no matter how many ways you can measure and quantify symptoms and disease, the only way to be healthy is to add to your health. So what adds health into your life? I have boiled it down to 7 simple things. Chocolate Is Good For You! Great news on the chocolate front! Chocolate is good for you. Under certain circumstances. The Anti-Aging Wonders of Hyaluronic Acid ABC News has recently focused on the possible anti-aging benefits of hyaluronic acid, also known as Hyaluron or HA. In a story entitled, "The Village of Long Life: Could Hyaluronic Acid Be an Anti-Aging Remedy?", the focus was on a villiage in Japan named Yuzuri Hara where people usually live a long time and often have perfect skin into their 80's or even into their 90's. More than 10 percent of the population of his village is 85 or older, which is about ten times the average in America. Garlic - Join Me And IŽll Show You Why Garlic Can Save Your Life Are you worried yet about your health? Are you anxious about your heart, or about the possibility of contracting cancer? If so, you are not alone, and your concerns are quite valid. Cancer and heart disease are today's major killers, and as of now, we are yet to find a safe and effective drug, that can prevent these diseases. Some will argue that taking one or two aspirins a day can reduce the risk of heart disease, and it saddens me to see how many people are doing this, because I know the problems brought by aspirin over use, if these people knew about the long term damage caused by this drug, they would think twice, before popping another one into their mouths. Maybe they would give up that harmful habit if they learn that there is a better answer to preventing these and other diseases. What is the answer? The herb called Garlic, but don't just take my word, even scientists are supporting its properties. ![]() |
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