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Whats That In My Food!
If you drop a bomb, you kill not only your enemies but your friends as well. This is the effect food additives have on humans. Man has existed for thousands of years, and only started using additives at the start of the industrial revolution, when women were set free. Most animals eat their food when and where it is grown. Not humans. Man, because of his concentrated urban areas, was forced to ship and process his food. Food additives are any substances added to food which may have some "useful" purpose, such as protection from deterioration or spoilage. Additives are also used to improve taste, flavor, texture, and appearance to restore nutritive value and to aide in processing and packaging. There are at least 704 additives used in the processing of our food. According to the Food and Drug Administration, manufacturers have to prove that the additives are necessary. Additives kill bacteria of all living organisms in the food, so there is no decay. There is nothing to prevent them from harming body enzymes and organs. Milk is a good example. Calcium chloride is added to canned and evaporated milk. It is also used to melt snow and causes metal parts to disintegrate. Milk substitutes contain an array of acids and gases. Choose your bread carefully. It takes five times the chemicals to make whole wheat bread than white bread. Sugar is pumped so full of acids, then boiled several times, which makes it the deadest and most dangerous product on the market. Meat has about 13 different additives, ranging from dyes to acids to buffers. Then to find out what's in your food-read labels and check with the FDA. About The Author Kathy Thompson, is a freelance writer/speaker, with over 25 years of researching nutrition and fitness. Kathy provides coaching, classes, workshops, articles, reports, columns. Contact Kathy at: Your FREE report "The Secret To Permanent Weight Loss" at:
Vegetarian Lifestyle Being vegetarian is one of the greatest things in the world. From good health to sufficient energy in your daily life. Eating healthy is one of the easiest ways to ensure both your mood and physical wellbeing remain at their positive peek. How You Can Support Your Immune System Media coverage of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) has incited fear among the American public, emptied Chinatowns all over North America and stopped much of the travel between the U.S., Toronto, Canada, China, Taiwan and southeast Asia. While SARS is an urgent concern for the World Health Organization, a larger worry on the horizon for the world health agency is the flu-the long awaited influenza pandemic. Poor Dental Hygiene May Account for Poor Health Bright white teeth and fresh breath does not necessarily mean you have a healthy mouth! General health is directly related to gum health. Gum disease has been linked to several medical conditions such as stroke, diabetes, heart attack and worsening lung disease. Healthy gums can reduce a person's biological age by up to 6.4 years. Why? Because studies show that the presence of periodontal diseases, most common in people with tooth loss, actually affects longevity. The best of these studies, done at Emory University in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control, indicates that people with gingivitis and periodontal disease have a mortality rate that is 23% to 46% higher than those who don't. Keeping your gums clean and healthy may help reduce the risk of many illnesses, including heart disease. Gum Disease Gum disease or periodontal disease, a chronic inflammation and infection of the gums and surrounding tissue, is the major cause of about 70 percent of adult tooth loss, affecting three out of four persons at some point in their life. Red swollen and bleeding gums characterize gum disease in the initial stages and progresses to infections, chronic inflammation and bone loss in later stages. Eventually bacteria are allowed to flow freely through your gums and into your blood stream that activates and stresses the immune system. Heart Attack Research shows that people with gum disease are 25% more likely to have a heart attack. Bacteria originating from the gums to the veins and arteries cause plaque build up and arterial inflammation that can provoke jeopardous clotting. A 12-year study conducted by Harvard University researchers and 41,000 healthy men free of cardiovascular disease showed that those with periodontal disease had more clot related strokes. Diabetes Periodontal disease severely affects the control of blood sugars. The spread of bacteria through out the body through the blood stream stresses and confuses the body when trying to adjust sugars to the invasion. Antibiotic treatment has help diabetics control blood sugars while treating the infections caused by gum disease. Lung Infections Breathing in oral bacteria caused by gum disease can cause lung infections. Bacteria that grow in the oral cavities can be breathed into the lungs to cause respiratory disease such as pneumonia. Using Calcium and Magnesium for Constipation Calcium helps reduce constipation 3 Things You Want to Know About Cholesterol You wouldn't judge a book by its cover, would you? You Dont Have to be Wealthy to Eat Well: The Truth about Your Grocery Budget Many people complain that organic foods are more costly than conventional. In many cases, organic foods are priced higher. However, people aren't weighing the costs of eating healthy against the costs of eating poorly. Americans spend millions of dollars each week on "coffee house foods"-fatty lattés and sugary frappucinos, not to mention the white-floured, trans fatty pastries that go along with them. If you were to keep a strict accounting of all the money you spent on soda, pizza, potato chips, pastries, etc., then the question is not so much how much things cost, but where the money is being spent. Fluoride Debate Continues The debate regarding Fluoride continues to rage, is it good for your teeth or, the teeth of our children. There does not appear to be a survey available, without bias, that goes one way or the other. Post Workout Nutrition: Secrets to a Hard, Lean Body As you've probably heard before, your post-workout meal may very well be your most important meal of the day. The reason is that when you're finished with an intense workout, you're entering a catabolic state where your muscle glycogen is depleted and increased cortisol levels are beginning to excessively break down muscle tissue. These conditions are not good and the only way to reverse this catabolic state (and promote an anabolic state) is to consume a quickly digestible post-workout meal as soon as you can after training. The goal is to choose a meal with quickly digestible carbs to replenish muscle glycogen as well as quickly digestible protein to provide the amino acids needed to jump start muscular repair. The surge of carbohydrates and amino acids from this quickly digested meal promotes an insulin spike from the pancreas, which shuttles nutrients into the muscle cells. Introduction To Cocaine Addiction Coke, more commonly known as cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant which instantly affects the brain after introducing it to the body. The effects of this drug are extremely pleasurable and give a false sense of euphria. Like caffiene, coke makes the user feel awake, and energized. Cocaine addict's usually experience a sense of well being and feel 'powerful', combined with restlessness and anxiety. When the effects of cocaine wear off the user will 'crash', become depressed, and crave another 'hit' or 'wack'. Cocaine addiction is hard to beat, because of the great length's the user will go to get the drug. Some will even neglect their job, family and loved ones, in order to satisfy their craving for cocaine. This is one of the reasons why cocaine addiction is considered so harsh. It effects the user as well as everyone around him or her. Fluoride in Drinking Water Are there any benefits to be obtained from drinking water that has Fluoride added? Well, the jury seems to be out, and they have been out for a very long time, without producing a satisfactory answer as to whether it is beneficial or harmful. Fruitceuticals - The Evolution of Fruit Since the beginning of time, everyday fruits have been known to help maintain a healthy body. The popular "5-A-Day for Better Health" is a national program encouraging Americans to increase their daily servings of fruit and vegetables to five or more per day. Juicing - A Beginners Guide You can spot a juicer a mile off at the supermarket or greengrocer. Apart from the huge number of carrots and apples they are loading into their trolley, they also have that slightly smug, see-how-healthy-I-am look about them. Or is that just me?! Actually, I don't buy a lot of carrots and apples any more, because (other than my indiscretion with a packet of shortbread this week) I've radically reduced the amount of sugar I take in. My juice of choice is a vegetable one, a green one - but more about that later, first let's ask... Inactive Alert: Essential Proteins for Sedentary People The importance of protein in diet has been clearly established by nutritional scientists, and widely accepted by athletes. Among other vital functions, protein is indispensable for creating muscle. Just as important is protein's essential ability to repair damaged muscles after training[i]. Sugar Consumption Itself Has Become a Disease Looking into statistics, we can see the average American consumes an astounding 2-3 pounds of sugar each week. This might surprise you if not considering that highly refined sugars in the forms of sucrose (table sugar), dextrose (corn sugar), and high-fructose corn syrup are being processed into so many foods such as bread, breakfast cereal, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and a plethora of microwave meals. Sugar consumption itself has become a disease. An influx of sugar into the bloodstream upsets the body's blood-sugar balance, triggering the release of insulin, which the body uses to keep blood-sugar at a constant and safe level. Insulin also promotes the storage of fat, so that when you eat sweets high in sugar, you're making way for rapid weight gain. Balancing the blood sugar is an important part of regaining energy and health. Refined sugar, because so many nutrients are removed from it, is believed to be more likely to produce diseases than unrefined sugarcane, which is rich in the glucose tolerance factor, chromium. Over-consumption can lead to hypoglycemia, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and chronic tiredness. Sugar can affect your health by suppressing the immune system. It can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression and concentration difficulties. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium leading to acute dental problems. There is some evidence that a high consumption of sugar-sweetened foods may lead not only to impotence and premature ejaculation, but to unrealistic sexual attitudes and expectations, strong urges, strange fantasies, and even crimes of sexual violence. The History of the Acai Berry The acai (ah-sigh-ee) berry has been around for thousands of years and not until the 1990's was it introduced to the western world. The acai berry was found to possess tremendous health properties. The acai berry was first used by the tribes of the Amazon jungle as a cure for various ailments. It is estimated that the indigenous tribes people routinely use up to 2,000 of the 3,000 known rainforest fruits for medicinal purposes. Physical Health is Attainable Through Proper Nutrition and Exercise Obesity is epidemic in this country for both children and adults. The invention of television, video games, and convenient appliances help to influence us to be sedentary. Obesity can create such problems as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Lung problems and circulation problems. Obesity also can sap your strength. So the cycle goes you are obese, you tire easily so you rest, a lot. You get up and move and you become tired and you rest again. Climbing stairs is nothing less then difficult, going a few steps can make you breathless. Joint problems also can be caused or aggravated by obesity. They say no pain, gain. I say if there is pain rest, you will gain nothing if you injure yourself. This is why it is wise to get a complete physical and the approval of your physician before beginning any exercise or nutrition program. The Importance of Good Nutrition in Keeping Your Smile Beautiful and Your Mouth Healthy A beautiful smile and healthy mouth actually can come from in addition to regular brushing and flossing a daily diet that does not lack the essential vitamins and minerals that make vital contributions to a person's oral health. Many people overlook the importance of good nutrition in keeping their smile beautiful and their mouth healthy. Constipation Cures Exposed! If you're suffering from constipation, you are no doubt looking for some answers to bring relief. Treatments for constipation vary with the type of constipation from which you're suffering. Most people do not know that they should have 1 bowel movement for each meal they eat. At a minimum people should have two bowel movements daily. Understanding Glyconutrients You say you don't know what glyconutrients are? You are not alone. Perhaps you have heard a bit about glyconutrients but you don't really know what they are or how they could benefit you. Understanding the role the glyconutrients play in the overall scheme of nutrition is very important if you are interested in supporting your own health and the health of those you know and love. The Ins and Outs of Proper Nutrition Secretly we all want just a few things in life, none the least of which is to live a life that is healthy and energetic. One way to accomplish this is to eat a well balanced diet that fuels the body to take on life's challenges. |
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