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Using Calcium and Magnesium for Constipation
Calcium helps reduce constipation Using calcium and magnesium in the right quantities can prevent or relieve constipation. They can support the health of your colon and keep you regular. In your colon, calcium combines with excess bile and decaying fat to form a harmless insoluble soap, which is excreted with your stool. This helps to keep your colon clean. Most Nutritionists recommend you take 1000 - 1500mg daily of Calcium. Because Calcium can cause constipation, it is necessary to take 500 ? 1000 mg of magnesium at the same time you take Calcium. You should space out your intake of calcium over Take only 400 to 600 mg each time. Also take some time-out when taking calcium and other vitamin supplements. In a month, take 2-3 Sundays or Saturdays of from taking vitamins. Avoid taking calcium carbonate, which will reduce the times you will have a bowel movement. Avoid, also, taking calcium when eating foods that contain oxalates phosphates, or phytates. They tie up calcium and are excreted with the fecal matter If you are taking a thyroid hormone, beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, or antibiotics, calcium supplements can interfere with adsorption of these drugs. It is best to take calcium around 2 hours before or after taking these and other drugs. Avoid taking calcium citrate with aluminum-containing antacids. This combination has been seen to increase your body's absorption of aluminum. Aluminum has been associated with senility and Alzheimer's Calcium is safe for pregnant women and they should take an adequate amount of calcium. The best calcium to take is calcium gluconate, orotate or aspartate. The gluconate type is similar to the calcium you get from milk and some vegetables. It is a gentle calcium and is easily absorbed by children and adults with weak digestion. The foods to eat for good calcium are: Goat milk, egg yolk, fish, lemons, rhubarb, cheese, skimmed milk, bone broth, seeds, dulse, kelp, greens, nuts, cauliflower, celery, cottage cheese, gelatin preparations, barns, Magnesium helps reduce constipation Magnesium, a gentle laxative, helps to prevent constipation by relaxing your colon walls when you are under stress, have anxiety, or have too many worries. It normalizes tension on colon walls allowing for a normal peristaltic action. Because magnesium attracts water, you can bring in more water into your colon by taking magnesium supplements or by eating foods, which are high in magnesium. Water in your colon makes your stools softer and allows your colon to absorb water from your fecal matter if you body needs it. How do you know if you are short on magnesium? You will get cramps in your calves at night or so called "Charlie horses." Or, you will feel sore after some mild exercise or activity. Take 400 mg in the morning and 400 mg in the evening of Magnesium gluconate, or citrate. Jesse Lynn Hanley, M.D., in his book call, Tired of Being Tired, 2002, gives another way to take Magnesium to relieve your constipation, "Take at bedtime. Begin with 200 milligrams magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate-you may increase the dosage in 200-milligram increments until your bowels move regularly. The dose for magnesium is individual, so begin low and increase the dosage as needed. Reduce the dosage if you experience loose bowels. Unlike irritating laxatives, magnesium does not create laxative dependency." If taking hypoglycemic drugs, magnesium may increase absorption of these drugs. It is recommended you consult with your doctor on the effects of magnesium with the type of hypoglycemic drug you are taking. If taking magnesium, do not take it within 2 hours of taking any kind of drug. If you have severe kidney or heart disease, you need to avoid magnesium and consult with your doctor on its use. Magnesium is considered safe for pregnant women. Foods High in Magnesium Chlorophyll is high in magnesium and chlorophyll comes in capsules. These are some of the foods that are high in magnesium. Greens, berries, wheat germ, grains, nuts, cornmeal, apples, apricots, oats, pears, pecans, spinach, tofu, lentils, honey, fish, cabbage, avocados, cashews, peas, prunes, soy milk, chard You can see that calcium and magnesium is not just for bone building and acid neutralization, but it is also good for constipation prevention and relief. Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid e-books. He writes a newsletter called natural-remedies-thatwork.com and his information on other topics can be seen at http://www.stop-constipation.com or at http://www.constipation-remedies.for--you.info
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How to Help Your Picky Eater One of the most common questions I am asked is how to help a picky eater. If you're worried that your child won't get enough nutrients from a limited selection of foods, the good news is that because the American food supply is super-fortified, nutrient deficiencies are rare.If your child is growing normally according to your pediatrician, you can almost always assume that he or she is well-nourished. With the notable exception of calcium, most nutrient deficiencies are easy to spot ? you would notice poor growth, low energy, slow development, and unhealthy-looking skin and hair. If you notice these symptoms in your picky eater, mention your concerns to your pediatrician. Often a multivitamin supplement can solve the problem and reduce your worry. Kids often grow out of picky eating if it isn't given too much attention, so while you wait, here are some options to try. Healthy Food Tastes Better! How is it that we can't seem to think that something nutritious and healthy could in fact be tasty and enjoyable? Ever since I started to eat healthy food I have discovered new tastes, new flavours and new favourites. I do it almost daily. When I stopped looking at meat as the main ingredient of a meal I found a hundred new ways to prepare a good meal. I did not exclude meat completely, only the kinds that contain saturated fat. I continued to eat chicken, turkey and fish. (Chicken has its fat in the skin, so you can cut it off.) I eat vegetarian dishes at least three days a week, and the veg food has become my favourite food. Why? Because it tastes so good and the food is so easy to vary. I can't think of a life without it anymore. It would be a poor life. This food is a treasury and it has given me energy and strength that I did not have before. How to Use Flax Seed You can eat whole flax seeds but you need to chew them good to break them up. 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It slows ageing, promotes healthy vision, has anti-cancer properties, increases immunity towards various chronic diseases. Yes, carrot does it all for you. This natural health booster enhances your health on various grounds and fills in the essential vitamins to your body like pro-vitamin A, B3, C and E. Other important advantages of carrot besides those mentioned above includes preventing various gastrointestinal complaints like colic and ulcers and it also prevents heart attacks and cancer by reduces cholestrol levels as it has high soluble fibre levels. Beverages Boost Calorie Intake, But Many View Fluids As Calorie-free! Beverages - and not just alcohol - are a significant if little recognized source of calories in North American diets. Yet many people seem to believe that if a calorie is ingested in fluid form, it's a freebie. 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Too much fat, more of this and it goes on and on and on. Frankly, it's enough to drive us all nuts. Turn off the TV, boot up the computer and take a real hard look at the new 2005 dietary guideline released recently. Bye Bye Holidays and Holiday Eating Bye Bye Holidays Pineapples: The Healing Fruit Of The Tropics (Includes A Recipe For Pina-Banana Orange Smoothie) For a natural and tasty way to improve your health and boost your healing capacity, add fresh pineapple and pineapple juice to your diet. Pineapples are nutritionally packed members of the bromeliad family. This delightful tropical fruit is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which plays a major role in the body's healing process. ![]() |
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