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Good Fats Prevent Chronic Disease
Essential fatty acids are the number one recommendation for anyone who has, or wants to prevent common chronic diseases today, such diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. And they are very helpful in improving immune system function to increase energy and reverse some of the damage seen in diseases such as lupus, fibromyalgia, and MS. What types of fat are in your diet? If you have dry skin, stiffness, concentration problems, or hormonal imbalances you may be lacking in a type of fat that is essential to health. Essential fatty acids are those fats that the body needs; yet cannot synthesize itself. Many types of fat are unhealthy fats, yet some are beneficial and necessary. In fact, cutting all fat from the diet is actually harmful to health. Essential fatty acids are needed to metabolize other types of fats that are not good for us. Saturated fat is a harmful fat that is found in many types of red meat and dairy foods. Yet, the worse types of fats are the partially hydrogenated oils found in snack foods. These types of fats, found in most processed foods, are converted to trans-fatty acids when heated, or oxidized. So when you make boxed cakes or brownies you create trans fats when you bake these partially hydrogenated oils that are included in the mix so that the box can sit on your shelf indefinitely. These are the types of fat that increase cholesterol in the arteries. The good fats, called essential fatty acids, are important in many metabolic processes, including energy production. Since the body cannot produce them, they must be consumed in the diet to optimize health. The essential fatty acids are the omega-3 (linoleic) and omega-6 (linolenic) polyunsaturated fatty acids. Every cell in the body is like a tiny factory, taking in raw materials from the surrounding fluid and sending out various chemicals. Everything going into or coming out of the cell has to pass through the cell's membrane. The membrane depends on essential fatty acids to remain fluid and flexible. Without them, the membrane becomes stiff and unable to do its job. Essential fatty acids are also important to bring vital oxygen to muscle cells and they enable the cells to more easily absorb nutrients needed for recuperation. In one study of 63 patients with fibromyalgia, essential fatty acid supplementation resulted in a 74% reduction in pain in patients after 1 month, and 85% after 3 months. This is a list of the benefits realized by regular use of essential fatty acids: · Improved cholesterol levels As you can see, fatty acids are essential for metabolism and health. Flax oil is the richest vegetarian source of omega-3 fats. It is commonly used in salads in place of other salad dressings. Flax oil shouldn't be used for cooking, as high heat damages the fatty acids. Other sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish oils from salmon, tuna, cod, and mackerel. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in many vegetable oils such as borage, flaxseed, walnut, soy, corn, sunflower, and are especially abundant in evening primrose oil. These omega-6 acids help to soften dry skin and relax tense muscles. Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids need to be supplemented in the diet. The ideal ratio of these fats is 2 parts omega-3 to 1 part omega-6 to reduce inflammation and pain, and to improve energy metabolism. Increasing the amount of fish oils and flax oil will help especially get the omega-3 fatty acids into the metabolism. 2000 mg. of flax oil is usually equivalent to 2 capsules or 1 tablespoon, and is the recommended minimum per day. The omega-3 and omega-6 need catalysts to be absorbed in the body. These catalysts are vitamins B3 (niacin) and B6, vitamin C, and the minerals magnesium and zinc. When there is a deficiency of these nutrients then the essential fatty acids will not be absorbed well. Also when too many saturated or trans fats are part of the normal diet then supplementation of essential fatty acids is less effective. A combination of essential fatty acids, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants, are all needed in your daily diet, or on whole food supplement form, to make the metabolic changes that reverse many chronic disease symptoms. Supplementing with sufficient amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in balance will help you absorb the other nutrients you take in from your foods, and can make a great improvement in your overall health and vitality. Jane Oelke, N.D., Ph.D. is a Traditional Naturopath and Doctor of Homeopathy in southwest Michigan. She is the author of "Natural Choices for Fibromyalgia" and "Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder." She is a professional speaker on natural health topics. She can be contacted at DoctorOelke@aol.com or through her website at http://www.NaturalChoicesForYou.com
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In a story entitled, "The Village of Long Life: Could Hyaluronic Acid Be an Anti-Aging Remedy?", the focus was on a villiage in Japan named Yuzuri Hara where people usually live a long time and often have perfect skin into their 80's or even into their 90's. More than 10 percent of the population of his village is 85 or older, which is about ten times the average in America. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is a product of apple juice fermentation. Sounds like nothing extraordinary, but indeed its benefits are measureless. A.C.V. (Apple Cider Vinegar) health giving properties were well known long before our time. Hippocrates prescribed it as antiseptic. Greeks and Romans drank it as beverage. Columbus took it on his sails. Samurais drank it for strength as did Babylonians and Caesar's troops. Oregano: Nature?s Antibiotic and Antiseptic Many of us sprinkle oregano on our pizza and stews without realizing its impressive healing powers. But oregano is much more than a flavorful herb. It contains three to 20 times more antioxidant activity than other herbs or fruit, and oregano's mineral rich content supersedes that of milk, cheese or green vegetables in calcium, magnesium and potassium. Yet its most remarkable use is to safely wipe out upper respiratory infections including bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throats and other bacterial and viral ailments. Protein - The Denominator Customary to All Diets The Human Body is in a constant flux with the environment. Matter and molecules flow in and out, casting themselves into its complexities. Although the body lends them structure, it is the intake-the diet-that decides its physique. To control what goes in a diet is to choose what stays inside. Dietary decisions reflect an awareness of metabolism and the nutrients needed to modify it. There may be a host of diets purported for each activity and illness. However, the one macronutrient that is invariably required, in substantial amounts irrespective of the physiological state, is protein. Clues for Fibromyalgia Relief Fibromyalgia is a chronic and potentially life-altering disorder with symptoms such as extreme muscle pain, extraordinary fatigue and multiple tender and painful points. Fibromyalgia itself tends to be similar in many aspects to rheumatic diseases although it differs from arthritis in that there is no known inflammation or damage to the joints, muscles or tissues. The Magic in Food: LOVE Remember the old adage, you are what you eat? The simplest magical ritual that you can do is to cut open a fruit or vegetable and eat it while thinking of your magical intention. Below is a compilation of common foods and their metaphysical associations. 7 Tips on Using Food Diet Remedies for Your Common Health Ailments Making simple changes to your food diet can help remedy some of the common health problems. Increasingly, more health experts are acknowledging that natural food is a good alternative medicine against many diseases. The use of antibiotics or drugs may not necessarily be the "cure all" answer. Recent studies have shown that cabbage, garlic and apples, etc provide good nutritional remedies. Building Better Bones "It is a bone-deep change you are going into, my beloved," counsels Grandmother Growth. "You must open to your very marrow for this transformation. No cell is to remain untouched. You are to open more than you ever dreamed you could open, more than you have opened in birth or in passion. You open now to the breath of mortality as it plays the bone flute of your being. What can you do but dance to the haunting melody, develop a passion for an elegant posture and a long stride? Fluoride in Drinking Water Are there any benefits to be obtained from drinking water that has Fluoride added? Well, the jury seems to be out, and they have been out for a very long time, without producing a satisfactory answer as to whether it is beneficial or harmful. Vitamin and Mineral Facts Vitamins & Minerals are essential to sustain life. Its what keeps us alive and healthy. Among many other things, they help us digest food, burn energy, grow hair, re-build muscel fibers, strenghten cells, and its what keeps our skin smooth. Since our bodies are made out of these certain vitamins and minerals, we need to consume these nutrients daily to replenish our bodys useages. High Acid Levels Lead to Cardiovascular Disease THE RISK Fattening Foods: Not So Fattening After All? Have you seen those "fat free" foods in supermarkets? Have you possibly delighted in them guiltlessly thinking that they are healthy for you? There's a good chance that you have because we usually follow what the media and the world around us says. In this day in age, along with other health fads, many people believe that fat makes you fat. This is true, to an extent. What we fail to notice is that not all fats are bad. The Best Way to Consume Vitamin C Eating orange mean absorbing vitamin C to our body, is that right? Probably yes because orange is rich with this nutrient. Vitamin C is a very essential nutrient for human body because its play a great role as a powerful antioxidant. A Healthy Diet Means Avoiding Trans-Fat as well as Saturated Fat We all need fat in our diet on a daily basis. However, not all fats are created equal ? there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats. Many people know that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the healthier variety, and that saturated fats should be avoided. But did you also know about trans-fats? Read on to learn more about this unhealthy fat: Free List of Fat Burning Foods This free list of fat burning foods will help you make the right choices to burn off more fat than you ingest by eating them. The fat burning secret to losing weight is to eat and drink until you are full and satisfied, choosing foods that burn more calories than you consume. This helps your body burn up the excessive stored fat. Nutrition For Your Young Athlete Nutrition is extremely important for any young person, especially an athletic one, and even more so during the developmental years of their life. Whether your child is involved in soccer or football, gymnastics or swimming or Little League, he or she needs a good nutritive balance in order to be successful in any endeavor. It cannot be stressed enough that anorexia and bulimia, chronic malnutrition, are absolutely devastating not only to an athlete's career, but also to overall health and well-being. You should always watch for decreased eating in your child, no matter how robust and healthy they may seem. ![]() |
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