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Sports Nutrition Made Simple
Following these simple nutrition guidelines will allow you to lose weight, and an abundance of energy throughout the day. 1) Hydrate with water throughout the day. 2) Avoid processed foods 3) Eat plenty of lean meats (fish, poultry, and lean beef) 4) Avoid Starches and Sugar (breads, grains, pasta, etc.) Never eat these alone. Breakfast ? Protein (1 egg with 2-3 egg whites, plenty of fruits and vegetables, water) Lunch- lean meats and plenty of fruits and vegetables, water Dinner ? lean meats and plenty of fruits and vegetables, water Eat every 3 hours and snack on fruits veggies. Before practice or games ? hydrate with water and snack on fruits. Once you begin to practice or begin pre-game practice, start drinking a sports drink. You should be able to replenish your sugar (glycogen) stores with a sports drink. If the athletes like the taste of sports drinks, they will likely drink more. Sports drinks also replace electrolytes lost with sweating. At half time ? fruits and sports drink Right after practice and games ? Fruit smoothie with some protein powder, fresh fruits. So where are all the starches (pasta, breads, etc) that we think of as pre-game meals? This is important: What athletes need are carbohydrates that do not raise the blood sugar rapidly but also replenish the muscle glycogen stores. That comes from fruit and veggies. If you have waffles and bagels for breakfast before the games here is what happens: Those starches (high glycemic foods) are rapidly turned into sugar; the body senses the rise in blood sugar and releases insulin. The insulin grabs the sugar and stores it as fat. The brain and the muscles now do not have enough sugar to function as effectively. You now have low blood sugar. So you are dumber, slower, and fatter. Not the best way to start the game or practice. The only time you want to eat the starches is during or after exercise to rapidly replace your sugar stores. Avoiding the starches will also help with weight limits. Starches bind more water and therefore result in more weight. Dr. Jeffrey Banas, is a Sports Chiropractor and Strength an Conditioning Specialist practicing in Gilbert, AZ. He can be contact at 480-633-6837 or by his web-site at http://www.sportstraining-weightloss.com
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Correct Your Acid / Akaline Balance by the Water You Drink: What the Experts Say In health circles there has been much recent talk about acid / alkaline imbalance. Let's see if we can clarify how experts recommend we correct this imbalance. How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day? I'm always amazed at how many people seem to know the answer to this question yet in practice they fail. Everybody I've talked to seems to know that 8-12 glasses of water a day is the recommended standard. But if I ask them how many glasses of water have you consumed today? The answer is usually none. Or the other standard answer at a corporate environment "does coffee count?" Gift of Health People want to get the very best they can when purchasing anything. An Open Letter to Mankind In the last twenty years, a huge and growing body of research has been carried out into the role of the sugars that are an essential part of glycoproteins. These sugar-protein complexes are the building blocks of our immune system, and are the method by which cells "talk" to each other. Redeeming Unsaturated Fat The most dreaded word in many dieter's vocabulary is 'fat'. It is not uncommon to hear a dieter discuss their avoidance of eating fat as if it were something thoroughly unwholesome, or even life-threatening, like an allergen, or a contagious disease. Physical Health is Attainable Through Proper Nutrition and Exercise Obesity is epidemic in this country for both children and adults. The invention of television, video games, and convenient appliances help to influence us to be sedentary. Obesity can create such problems as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Lung problems and circulation problems. Obesity also can sap your strength. So the cycle goes you are obese, you tire easily so you rest, a lot. You get up and move and you become tired and you rest again. Climbing stairs is nothing less then difficult, going a few steps can make you breathless. Joint problems also can be caused or aggravated by obesity. They say no pain, gain. I say if there is pain rest, you will gain nothing if you injure yourself. This is why it is wise to get a complete physical and the approval of your physician before beginning any exercise or nutrition program. What Really Happens To The Food You Eat After we have eaten a meal -- and often we do this in a hurry, without much chewing, under a lot of stress, or in the presence of negative emotions -- we give no thought to what becomes of our food once it has been swallowed. Nutrition For Your Young Athlete Nutrition is extremely important for any young person, especially an athletic one, and even more so during the developmental years of their life. Whether your child is involved in soccer or football, gymnastics or swimming or Little League, he or she needs a good nutritive balance in order to be successful in any endeavor. It cannot be stressed enough that anorexia and bulimia, chronic malnutrition, are absolutely devastating not only to an athlete's career, but also to overall health and well-being. You should always watch for decreased eating in your child, no matter how robust and healthy they may seem. Manganese 101 Manganese is a metallic mineral that was discovered by a 17th century German chemist named Johann Glauber, though it was not isolated in a pure form until 1774, by Johan Gahn. It was Gahn's associate, a Swedish chemist, Carl Scheele, who first determined that manganese was an element. Manganese, as a trace mineral element, is found in all forms of life. It is essential to the health and functioning of the human body and mind in many ways. The Four Cornerstones of Nutrition What is nutrition? We hear so many reports today on different foods containing them, but the reporters rarely provide any context in which the informaiton can be understood. To receive the benefits of good nutrition, it is important to understand how the different components fit together. Here's one way to look at nutrition as a whole. In nutrition, we have components called micronutrients. There are different ways to group them, but I like to call the following the Four Cornerstones of Nutrition. Omega 3, Close to A Medical Miracle of our Century OmegaRx Fish Oil, quoted as being close to a Medical Miracle in our Century! Omega 3, The Good Fat, Is on your side, they contribute to your good health. They are also a big part of Dr Barry Sears Zone Diet. Reverse Disease and Maintain Optimal Health PROTEIN DEFICIENT? CHANCES ARE YOU ARE! Cherries Taste Great and Build Health You must add some fresh cherries, which are now in season, to your health routine this week. Choosing Organic for Health We come from a society where growing organic and just growing produce and livestock for food Was once one of the same. Small, family farms still grow their own food using traditional methods passed down through the generations. As commercial farming became big-business, however, growers and farmers started to investigate methods of increasing crops and building bigger livestock in order to increase their profits. This led to increased use of pesticides and drugs to enhance yield. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Essential Fatty Acids are oils, omega-3 and omega-6, that you can find, in certain amounts, in all oils that you can purchase in most the health food and regular grocery stores. These fatty acids are called essential because you cannot create them in your body and your cells use them every day. The Truth About the Meat You Eat There are so many topics to discuss which affect our health that it is hard to choose just one at a time. My motto is Unhealthy Soil = Unhealthy Plants and Animals = Unhealthy People. With that in mind, let's discuss meat, fish and meat substitutes. I just read an article by some well meaning person who was bragging that chicken and soy are good for you ? WRONG! What is the Atkins Diet and How Can It Help You? What is the Atkins diet and how can it help you? The Secrets of the Centenarians: How to Live to 100! When Helen Boardman was still a girlish 99, she fell in love again--with a younger man. Water, The Magical Drink Glowing skin comes free of charge to you. Our simple water does it effectively. The effect of water is immediate, say overnight. Your skin not only glows but you also feel a lot better after having a glass of water. Your wrinkles will seem less pronounced and your body will work most effectively as the waste and toxins are washed away. This is what our free of cost renewable source of energy does to us. Fish Oil Data-some new facts about Fish Oil According to the renowned research scientist and inventor of the Z one Diet Plan Dr. Barry Sears, studies are increasingly focusing on high dose fish oil. Actually, fish oil has been studied for some time. However, it has been looked at with more intensity ever since the Greenland Eskimos were analyzed by Danish and other European doctors in the 1970's. They wanted to know why the greenlanders suffered very little in the way of heart disease-even though they had a lot of fat in their diets. ![]() |
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