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When You Eat at the Fridge
I spent a few days at a resort in Mexico this past summer for a friend's wedding. I've known her since the 2nd grade and it was a really fun time hanging out with familiar faces. It was also hot, so very hot. I took sweating to a whole new level. During the afternoon wedding in full sun on the beach, I discovered parts of my body that I didn't know could sweat. Toes, chins, elbows, you name it... I was drenched. Despite the intense heat, it was undoubtedly the most beautiful and moving ceremony I have ever had the privilege to witness. It took some strategic eating to keep my sensitive body cool and comfortable. Not only in what I ate, but how I ate. I was in a different country and yet I had every type of food available to me. When you are in a contained environment, such as an all inclusive resort, with many different nationalities represented, there is food for all types of tastes and appetites. Being a naturally curious person, fascinated by other cultures, I kept my eyes peeled. Culture Curiosity As I walked by the all day buffet and grill, I noticed something rather special. Families, many of them, quietly and peacefully eating together. They would sit down at a table, have selected an array of fresh foods, chosen the ceramic plates, knife, fork, and a glass for their beverage. They were looking at their food, casually taking in their surroundings, eating relatively slowly and seemingly with care and attention. There was a definite appreciation of the food before them. It was subtle, but it immediately caught my eye. I always like to see what people like to eat. It is, after-all, my favorite subject. Upon closer inspection, (that's right, I snooped) I noticed they didn't speak English. I heard German, Spanish, French and even Russian. Day after day, I noticed the same thing. Families, eating together peacefully and they were not American. At first, I didn't know why I was looking at these families. Something about them was attractive to me. Something about the way they were being and eating during their mid-day meal that seemed so pleasant. They actually seemed to be enjoying each other's company and tasting their food. Ah! That was it! My eyes darted from table to table with curiosity. Where were my fellow Americans? There they go! Drive by eat-n-run; grab a paper plate and fix some food to-go; take-out for pool side munching or for seascape snack. Busy! Busy! Busy! Sometimes, I actually saw families sitting together, and oddly enough usually with one or more family members looking away, squirming in their seat or, I silently giggled, trying hard to control an energetic child running circles around their table. There was a distinct if not subtle energy in the way American families were eating their lunches and the way European families ate. A cultural lab experiment, if you will. And I found it fascinating. What IS that about? Food American Style Have we gotten so busy that even during vacation time, we've forgotten the pleasures of dining together? Do we have so much going on that we can not pay attention to what nourishes us? Are we so plum tired from every day life that we can't be bothered? I say, bring on the Slow Food Movement and let's sit down and hang out over delicious treats that also happens to fuel our life energy. Bring on the broccoli revolution! Vote yes for two hour lunch hours! (that IS on someone's campaign promises, isn't it?) It's not just what you eat, it's also HOW you eat. How you may ask? Well let's not omit the obvious benefits of eating consciously: the pleasure and enjoyment factors. That IS nice. But did you also know... - I've had clients get rid of Tums and other digestive aids by simply slowing down enough to chew their food well - you'll eat much less when you pay attention to your food: given half a chance your body will get it's nutrients much more easily and effectively when you give it time to assimilate and concentrate on food digestion vs. your next "to-do" - the presentation of your food, just like a gift, is part of the satisfaction, wouldn't you say? - do you pay attention to how your food looks on your plate or do you slop it on? Is it visually appealing and attractive? Is it colorful and vibrant? Your cravings will actually decrease - eating on-the-go all the time can cause malabsorption of essential nutrients and constant cravings - connecting with the people you dine fills you up on real-nourishment, it just doesn't come on your plate Mindless, Frenzied, Stand-Up Feasting A Beverly Hills plastic surgeon from the new reality show (yes, this is the quality stuff I watch) "Dr. 90210" showed the viewing audience his daily morning routine. He takes 2 dozen, hard-boiled eggs onto his patio and proceeds to choke down each egg white, discarding the yolk. (His wife makes him eat outside due to the smell) You can see his body reflex gag and he winces as he forces himself to eat what keeps him full and trim. I nearly puked just watching this. It wasn't pretty. Nuts I tell you! Borrowing from the author Geneen Roth(www.geneenroth.com), "when you eat at the fridge, pull up a chair." We could all put cameras on our refrigerators and see what we look like in our frenzied, mindless, stand-up feasts. I imagine I look like a lost little girl, when I stare into the fridge, hoping and praying I can spot some chocolate-wrap foil twinkling in the florescent glow. No such luck! Here's an idea: Try having ONE meal a day in peace, even if it's just a mini-meal snack, sit down without television or reading. It may feel difficult at first. Whether alone or with someone, choose to make that meal enjoyable. Breathe... Just check yourself and see how you're eating. Is it always on the go? Hurried? Distracted? Worried? Could our way of eating be affecting our health concerns? Yes, consider it possible. Trust me, you will crave less junk and your digestion will be much better. Now is the perfect time to enjoy slowing down. Pull up a chair and enjoy your meals. Karin Witzig of Wild Woman Wellness? Health Coaching has been in a private practice and a Speaker in the New York metropolitan area for nearly five years and has a national clientele of courageous women breaking out of their food ruts and energy-lulls. She specializes in making getting healthy highly pleasurable, practical and fun. She can be reached via http://www.wildwomanwellness.com
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Fluoride: A Plot to Dull the American Mind During the Second World War, the Germans used fluoride as a tranquilizer in the Russian prison camps. At the same time, American members of the Communist Party met to discuss adding fluoride into the water supply, in order to bring about overall lethargy and thus ease the introduction and eventual dominance of Communism in America. MonaVie Acai Berry Juice - The Tree of Life from Amazonian Rainforest... What ancient tribes and people of the Amazon have known for centuries, the world is just discovering. That an ancient berry, called the Acai Berry, may cause a sexual sensation. This mysterious berry contained in Monavie acai berry juice, has been making headlines throughout USA in the last year. Having been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on NBC's "Today Show", and just last month on the "Oprah Winfrey Show", Dr. Nicholas Perricone, named the Acai fruit as one of the most nutritious and powerful anti-aging foods in the world. Clues for Fibromyalgia Relief Fibromyalgia is a chronic and potentially life-altering disorder with symptoms such as extreme muscle pain, extraordinary fatigue and multiple tender and painful points. Fibromyalgia itself tends to be similar in many aspects to rheumatic diseases although it differs from arthritis in that there is no known inflammation or damage to the joints, muscles or tissues. Ultra Refined Fish Oil - The New Generation of Fish Oil Dr. Barry Sears revolutionized nutritional thinking around the world with his 1995 landmark #1 New York Times best seller The Zone. With The Zone, and his subsequent bestselling Zone books, Dr. Sears describes how a scientifically proven plan of moderate carbohydrate consumption balanced with appropriate amounts of protein and fat may help you live a longer and better life. 5 Secrets of Reading Food Labels Revealed Whether you're concerned about cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or simply losing weight, you want to eat a healthy diet and focus on foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, and balanced in fats, carbs, proteins. The Fountain of Youth - Right in Front of Us All This Time! Can we really stop the aging process, slow it down, or even reverse the effects of aging on our skin and body? It is an enigma for which so many have searched the answers to for years. Now, with advanced modern science making breakthroughs and discoveries every day, the answers have become apparent to the age-old quest for the proverbial fountain of youth. Glutamates Approximately 30 years ago, food manufacturers were competing against the American Homemaker for consumable dollars. Women, traditionally prepared food fed to the family and the food prepared came fresh and cheap! Got Soy? Milk, Snuff, and Soy Beans Milk is highly underrated. Experts say, America finds itself in a calcium crisis today because consumers aren't drinking enough milk. Food Labels: Fact or Fiction? How often do you pick up items at the grocery and scan the labels? Do you understand them? Ever wonder if they are really accurate? Many consumers probably glance at them, but based on the current obesity rate today it seems as if people should pay more attention. The Benefits of Healthy Eating These are questions we have to ask ourselves? because after all We already know all the benefits of eating healthy foods. We've read it in books, seen it on TV, and been told by our friends. The 7 Best & The 7 Worst Food For A Long Life The above foods contain high antioxidant capacity. These foods were chosen because of discovery of the most powerful phytochemicals and anthocyanins, which illustrate strong inhibition of chemocarcinogens. Finding the Elusive Complete-Protein Source Images of "protein powder" containers with accomplished bodybuilders on their labels help inform consumers that protein is a critical macronutrient in strength training success. Yet what is sometimes lost in this protein-bodybuilding link is that protein is an essential component for everyone, regardless of physical activity. Even those who live sedentary lives must ensure that their protein intake is complete and balanced. Dieting -- The Basic of Meal Planning BASIC MEAL & MENU PLANNING Trade In Your Diet For A Lifestyle! Dieting is a pain. I think basically everyone would agree that having to adhere to a rigid restriction of your free-flow eating preferences puts a bit of a damper on the whole food experience. And eating should be one of the pleasures of life, right? You Are What You Eat You really are what you eat. You are also very much affected by the lifestyle you live. Every item that enters your mouth will be digested and reconstructed into your living cells for use. Although it is true that everything is broken down into general building blocks necessary for life (such as sugar, fat, proteins, etc), the quality of what you eat really affects how healthy each of your cells are. Ayurvedic Nutrition: Let Your Food Be Your Medicine It is ironic how something as obvious as nutrition has become overlooked in the modern health care system, and how in the name of convenience our fast paced society has given way to fast foods, microwaves, quick fix medicines, and eating on the run. Fortunately, there is a growing focus in the important role that nutrition plays in maintaining good health. In Ayurveda, India's ancient science of life, health and longevity, food plays a prominent role in promoting health and is therefore considered medicine. Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease Cholesterol is an essential building block of every cell in the body, required for all metabolic processes. It is particularly important in the production of nerve tissue, bile and certain hormones. On average, our body produces about half of a gram to one gram of cholesterol per day, depending on how much of it the body needs at the time. By and large, our body is able to produce 400 times more cholesterol per day than what we would obtain from eating 3,5 ounces (100 grams) of butter. The main cholesterol producers are the liver and the small intestine, in that order. Normally, they are able to release cholesterol directly into the blood stream, where it is instantly tied to blood proteins. These proteins, which are called lipoproteins, are in charge of transporting the cholesterol to its numerous destinations. There are three main types of lipoproteins in charge of transporting cholesterol: Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL), and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). Help Prevent Premature Aging With Nutrition-Science Aging occurs when the body's cells die at faster rates than new cells are generated. People age prematurely because inadequate nutrition resulting from poor diet stimulates cellular destruction and increases the potential for obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases. Chew Your Food I am going to share with you possibly the most important piece of advice you will ever receive about nutrition. This piece of advice is not about supplementation. It is not about what you should be eating. However this piece of advice affects every other dietary choice that you make. The Liquid Vitamin Mineral Approach Liquid vitamin mineral ![]() |
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