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The Liquid Vitamin Mineral Approach
Liquid vitamin mineral The liquid vitamin mineral dietary supplement is a must have for maximum vitality and health. In today's fast food environment most of us do not get the proper balance of food for the necessary for optimal health Unfortunately the body only absorbs 10 to 20 percent of the nutrients found in traditional pills and capsules. Thus the case for the liquid vitamin mineral. Some simple research will that a deficiency in nutrients can cause us suffering and may even shorten our lives. Can you even begin to imagine what this maybe doing to our children and grandchildren as their bodies and minds are trying to develop? Crazy behavior, inattentiveness, bad grades, ancy-pants, hyper? Humm...? After snooping around a little we also learned that four to five crop rotations were planted each year on a single plot of land, intense farming practices have depleted vital nutrients from the soil. 99% of us are deficient in minerals...The alarming fact is that foods, fruits, vegetables, and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough certain needed minerals and are starving us, no matter how much of them we eat. Take a peek at the U.S. Senate Document 264 and the 1992 Earth Summit Report support these findings and suggest that 99 percent of Americans are mineral deficient. We have a serious malnutrition problem here in the USA but its not for the lack of food. Thus the obvious need for the liquid vitamin mineral. Review the nutritional deficiencies chart and learn about the Senate document 264, earth summit report liquid vitamin mineral supplement
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Eating Outside Your Box One way to combat the boredom many people complain accompanies eating healthy is to "eat outside your box," by experimenting with new foods and cuisines and by challenging your long held notions about what to eat and when. Iceberg is not the only kind of lettuce, apples and oranges aren't the only fruits and there is no law that says you can't eat mushroom lasagna for breakfast and a southwestern omelet for dinner. And just because your parents always eat turkey on Thanksgiving, fish on Friday and meatloaf on Mondays doesn't mean you have to. Dare to step outside your comfort zone and put an end to your eating rut, by accepting one (or more) of the following challenges to eat and live more healthily and creatively. Seven Habits of Highly Healthy Eaters "What exercises can I do to ?? As fitness professional I hear these words often. It doesn't matter if the sentence ends with, "get bigger muscles", "firm up my butt" or "flatten my stomach". My initial response is always the same. "Well, what are you eating? In terms of physical fitness exercise is only part of the equation. Proper nutrition is vital regardless of the specific fitness goal. Nutrient Requirements of Women in Sport Female and male athletes respond to training in a fairly comparable way. As volume and intensity of training increases, so does aerobic capacity and hence performance. Body composition tends to change, whether male or female, indicating that physiologically, we are all actually quite similar. Getting Your Target What is health? Everyone wants this thing called health, and yet most people have never thought about what their "target of health" actually looks like. If you and your family were healthy, what would it be like? It is like this: Imagine you are shooting a bow and arrow at a definite target and you have no idea what the target is. What do you think the chances are that you will hit the target? Not very good. Knowing what the target is dramatically increases the chances of you hitting the target. Everyone usually has some definition of health but that is kind of like saying the target is round. A definition doesn't help much. Healthy Eating Tips for Healthy Living Eating healthy is fast becoming a way of life. American's are living longer, however, the goal of many is not to simply live longer, the goal it is to live a longer and healthier life. Simple everyday fruit can help. 10 Flaxseed Facts to Improve Your Nutrition Flaxseeds may be the smallest seeds you will find in any health food store, but there is nothing little about their enormous contribution to our overall health. Discovered in 5,000 BC, these little brown seeds were worshiped for their magical properties, such as healing the intestines, skin conditions, improving energy, and overall health. The New Food Pyramid: Another Attempt At Providing Easy Answers The Food Pyramid, first introduced to the US in 1992, just experienced a major overhaul. Why? Perhaps proper education about nutrition isn't as easy as picking out food from a colorful chart. Last month, The New England Journal of Medicine reported that childhood obesity was causing a retreat in average lifespan. That report seems to only cover part of the picture as chronic disease, such as cardiac dysfunction and Type II Diabetes have been on a steady rise in recent years. Because many people seem to be unwilling to learn how to make better lifestyle choices, it is only the toxic pharmaceutical drugs that seem to be extending the lives of these people. The Hidden Price of Being Healthy What I am also going to point out is the not-so-obvious cost of not being healthy. But, as you know, nothing in life is free. If there is a benefit, there is a cost. What most people do not see is the cost, the price you have to pay for the benefits you are getting. Introduction To Cocaine Addiction Coke, more commonly known as cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant which instantly affects the brain after introducing it to the body. The effects of this drug are extremely pleasurable and give a false sense of euphria. Like caffiene, coke makes the user feel awake, and energized. Cocaine addict's usually experience a sense of well being and feel 'powerful', combined with restlessness and anxiety. When the effects of cocaine wear off the user will 'crash', become depressed, and crave another 'hit' or 'wack'. Cocaine addiction is hard to beat, because of the great length's the user will go to get the drug. Some will even neglect their job, family and loved ones, in order to satisfy their craving for cocaine. This is one of the reasons why cocaine addiction is considered so harsh. It effects the user as well as everyone around him or her. Manganese 101 Manganese is a metallic mineral that was discovered by a 17th century German chemist named Johann Glauber, though it was not isolated in a pure form until 1774, by Johan Gahn. It was Gahn's associate, a Swedish chemist, Carl Scheele, who first determined that manganese was an element. Manganese, as a trace mineral element, is found in all forms of life. It is essential to the health and functioning of the human body and mind in many ways. Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed Some of the things you think you know that just ain't so (these myths are not true): Starbucks and Children Health Risks Do you know the risks to daily intakes of Starbucks Frappachinos? Some believe that Starbucks and Health Risks are linked. For instance we know excessive sugar is not good for you and increases risks of early onset diabetes. We know excessive caffeine can cause risks of heart attacks and cardiac arrest. Yet when you put the two together in a foo foo drink like a frappachino, do you really believe that you will not get fat or addicted? Fruits and Vegetables and Phytochemicals I'm willing to bet you probably haven't heard the word 'phytochemicals' before. But you've been eating them your whole life and they are vitally important to your life and well-being. They are one of the keys to real health. Organic Eating - Why Bother? Originally, all foods were "organic" ? grown and prepared without pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hormones, irradiation to prevent spoilage, and microwave cooking. A Heart Healthy Diet Makeover Heart Disease remains the number one cause of death in the U.S. among both men and women. Part of the problem is it is truly a silent killer. There are few warning signs of a heart attack and the signs that are there donā??t necessarily make us feel bad. The good news is there are many lifestyle changes you can make to significantly decrease your risk of heart disease. Here are 9 simple steps to make over your diet for heart health. The Magic in Food: LOVE Remember the old adage, you are what you eat? The simplest magical ritual that you can do is to cut open a fruit or vegetable and eat it while thinking of your magical intention. Below is a compilation of common foods and their metaphysical associations. Why Digestive Enzymes Are Vital To Good Health! Most digestive disorders develop because of the bodys inability to produce sufficient enzymes for health-enhancing digestion and proper nutrient absorption. Enzyme depletion results in improper digestion and absorption, leading to chronic disorders Malabsorption is the inability of the cells of the body to obtain nutrients from the foods consumed. This inaction causes loss of vitamins, minerals, fiber and the caloric value (energy) of foods, resulting in cellular deprivation. Digestive malabsorption can occur as a result of the following condition: Who Said Bananas Are Not Good For You? After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again. Healthy Eating for Executives on the Run For the executive, maintaining the much-needed balance between career, family, and health can often be a challenge and yet without this balance in our lives it is impossible to become focused and efficient during the work day. The one area that seems to be the quickest to fall out of balance is our health. Before you know it you're working late, no longer having time to make a decent meal and exercise becomes a thing of the past. As I talk on the phone to my executive friend Paula, I hear the same old line, "I don't have time to have lunch today, and I need to meet with a client. I'm just going to grab something on my way out". This "something" she is grabbing for lunch usually consists of a handful of chips or perhaps a bagel as she runs out the door. Vitamin and Mineral Facts Vitamins & Minerals are essential to sustain life. Its what keeps us alive and healthy. Among many other things, they help us digest food, burn energy, grow hair, re-build muscel fibers, strenghten cells, and its what keeps our skin smooth. Since our bodies are made out of these certain vitamins and minerals, we need to consume these nutrients daily to replenish our bodys useages. ![]() |
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