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Small Changes Yield Big Benefits
You can start today - right now, even - on a road to feeling better, looking better, living longer and enjoying a far better quality of life. We're all familiar with the big steps: If you smoke, do yourself and those who love you a huge favor - STOP. It'll be the best, though possibly the hardest, gift you ever give them. Nix unhealthy vices such as drinking, speeding, taking your health and safety for granted, etc. However many fruits and vegetables you consume, double that! Those are the "Big Ones", and I don't have to tell you how important they are, but this article is about the "Little Ones". They don't have the publicity of the larger steps, but they're every bit as important. In no particlular order, here are the small steps I'd love for you to start taking. Ideally, you'll take each and every step each and every day - but realistically, you should just aim at doing just as many as you can, just as often as you can. Let's get to it! Limit empty calories. You can't cut them out entirely, but try to ditch as many sodas, doughnuts, cookies, chips, fries, etc, as you can. Next time you go to your favorite fast food restaurant (go ahead and admit it, I've seen you there!), have a salad in place of the fries and rink tea instead of pop. Replace eating red meat with chicken or fish at every opportunity. The steps will be even bigger if you make sure the chicken or fish is grilled or baked instead of fried. If you're trying to lose weight, switch to using artificial sweetener in your tea and coffee, and switch to a diet drink. A while back, I began a weight loss regime. I simply began using the little pink packets in my morning coffee instead of sugar, and I sweetened my tea with artificial sweetener instead of the cup of sugar I normally used. The final switch I made was going from Dr. Pepper to Diet Dr. Pepper. These are the only changes I made to my diet, and I quickly lost over 10 pounds. You quickly get accustomed to (and even begin to prefer!) the diet drinks and sweetener. I literally can't stand the taste of regular pop now, something I was once incredibly addicted to. Begin walking. Start with a trip around your neighborhood or a stroll through the park or mall. Heck, even start with lapping Wal-Mart, just start and start today. Make your walking a priority and don't allow anything to interfere with it. You will soon be so hooked on the "walking buzz" that you won't allow yourself to miss a single day. When weather or illness prevents me from walking for a day, I feel crummy, absolutely crummy! Small changes can yield very big, glorious results. My husband once told me that he had shaved stubborn strokes off of his all-important golf game. I asked him if he'd gotten new clubs, new balls, changed his stance or started scoring creatively. He showed me one tiny little maneuver with the positioning of his hands - he said it made all the difference in the world. All he did was change his thumb's stance! In closing, here's a website I'd like for you to check out: The Longevity Game. It makes you think - and thinking's usually a good thing. Keep checking Buttermilk Press.com, as we'll be adding health and fitness related articles at an alarming pace. Make these changes today and you'll be thankful tomorrow! Joi Sigers, of Hightide Web Publishing, is a web designer, web publisher and web editor.
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Boost Your Immune System The Immune System is probably the most important system in your body. It was designed by nature, millions of years ago, to aid the body in recovering from injuries and illness. In other words "a natural built in healing system". Curbing Your Carbohydrate Addiction Some experts consider carbohydrate craving and addiction as something more of the body than of the mind, meaning biological factors are generally considered to be the main trigger for carb cravings. These cravings are described as a compelling craving, or desire for carbohydrate-rich foods; an escalating, recurring need or drive for starches, snack foods, junk food, or sweets. Healthy Eating for Executives on the Run For the executive, maintaining the much-needed balance between career, family, and health can often be a challenge and yet without this balance in our lives it is impossible to become focused and efficient during the work day. The one area that seems to be the quickest to fall out of balance is our health. Before you know it you're working late, no longer having time to make a decent meal and exercise becomes a thing of the past. As I talk on the phone to my executive friend Paula, I hear the same old line, "I don't have time to have lunch today, and I need to meet with a client. I'm just going to grab something on my way out". This "something" she is grabbing for lunch usually consists of a handful of chips or perhaps a bagel as she runs out the door. Bathing Suit Season - A Nutritional Guide Spring is in the air and ? summer is around the corner! I know a lot of people have been contacting me about getting themselves and their bodies ready for da-da- DUM ?BATHING SUIT SEASON. Whats The Truth About Fat? When I hear the word fat I usually think of a roll of it hanging over a persons belt, or that guy Milty, from the movie Van Wilder, doing a belly flop off of the top diving platform with the words, "save the swim team", written across his backside. Sometimes, however, the picture of a big, juicy, double quarter pounder with cheese will slip its way into my mind. Although, if I were to eat more than the one per month that I allow myself now I would probably be sick for days, thanks to the health food lifestyle I've become accustomed to over the past few years. For the most part, the word fat has a negative connotation. Eating to Health? Think Again! So, what is new about this that you already don't know? Think again. It is not what-you-are-aware that is important, but are-you -alert, that is. Keep your eyes and mind open to avoid upsets to your normal health. Well, take out your diet chart and critically examine it again. Are you eating the right food? And are you eating healthy? Whats That In My Food! If you drop a bomb, you kill not only your enemies but your friends as well. This is the effect food additives have on humans. Reasons to Eat Organic Food Your health Male Infertility and Glutathione Are You Half The Man Your Father Was? A Background to Dietary Fiber Fiber is the part of the plant that is resistant to hydrolysis (A chemical decomposition in which a substance is split into simpler compounds by the addition or the taking up of the elements of water) by human digestive enzymes and, with the exception of lignin, fibers are complex carbohydrates. These include pectin, gums, mucilages, hemicellulose, polysaccharides cellulose, and nonpolysaccharide lignins. Fibers are water-soluble except cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, all of which form part of cell walls. Soluble fibers are sticky and combine with water to form gel-like substances. Pectin is a water-soluble fiber found in soft fruits and vegetables. Gums that are common food additives are also water-soluble, found in stems and seeds of some tropical plants. In general, fruits are higher in pectin and vegetables are higher in cellulose. Although cellulose and hemicellulose are not hydrolyzed, intestinal bacterial can digest some fiber to produce lipid fragments known as short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are absorbed in the colon and yield energy when metabolized. Fibromyalgia: How Simple Sugars Turned Fatigue into Energy Several years ago, Marilyn M. couldn't even spell fibromyalgia. Hypertension -Twelve Simple Things You Can Do To Lower Your Blood Pressure Headlines: What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar? Unfortunately, the words "diet" and "cheating" go hand in hand. When you say, "I'm on a DIET", it usually means you are depriving yourself of something. Diets do not work; they are restrictive and can become exceedingly frustrating, leading you to "cheat". The more you restrict calories and the tempting treats you love, the more likely you are to binge eat. This is counterproductive in a fat loss program and will prevent you from becoming lean. Food with Niacin and The Benefits Niacin, also called nicotinic acid, is a member of the B-group of water-soluble vitamins and occurs in food with niacin. Also known as B3, niacin has many beneficial properties and food with niacin should be included in the diet as part of a healthy lifestyle. Protein, Carbs and Fat: Learn How to Diet with Macronutrients Weight loss plans are almost always trying to get you to get rid of some food that you love. However, the three macronutrients (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat) as well as the unofficial fourth, water, are all necessary for good health. Never try to eliminate any of these from your diet. If you're trying to lose weight, here is the simple truth about the stuff that makes up food. Magnesium Deficiency Causes Personality Change and WLS Patients are at Risk Have you ever felt like you were completely losing your mind? Like the world was swallowing you up and little things were out of your control and unmanageable? Like you were confused, tired, out of sorts and simply wanted to collapse? Has everyday noise become intolerably loud in your head? Food Selection for Gastric Bypass Patients Dieters who dejectedly complain they are figuratively "stuck" with their excess fat may be surprised to learn there is a scientifically-accurate truth to their statement. Fat cells -- which are created when the body is unable to convert excess calories to energy -- are permanent. Fat cells cannot be removed by any diet known to humanity [1]. They can, however, be reduced in size. This is the experience enjoyed by people who lose weight [i]. Top Ten Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Did you know the average American gains 5-7 pounds every year between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day? That equates to ingesting at least 17,500 more calories than you burn on a daily basis during that time period. At a minimum, that equals nearly 500 extra calories per day on average over that stretch of days. Antioxidants and Your Health Get back to the basics - eat fresh at home and neutralize free radical oxidation, which is rusting away your body, by eating a variety of foods high in antioxidants every day. 9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet Most of us are "regular" people. We don't eat the perfect diet all the time and have our struggles with food, same as everyone else. But having an awareness of this fact and knowing a little bit about our health and food nutrition can help when it comes to making wise decisions. ![]() |
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