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What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar?
Unfortunately, the words "diet" and "cheating" go hand in hand. When you say, "I'm on a DIET", it usually means you are depriving yourself of something. Diets do not work; they are restrictive and can become exceedingly frustrating, leading you to "cheat". The more you restrict calories and the tempting treats you love, the more likely you are to binge eat. This is counterproductive in a fat loss program and will prevent you from becoming lean. I'm sure you know the scenario; you embark on a weight loss plan (a.k.a. A Very Low Calorie Diet) fully confident and filled with motivation and willpower. You go out to eat and turn down the dessert you desperately want and then have to sit at the table and watch EVERYONE else gobble down their brownie ala- mode or a slice of Death by Chocolate cake. As the days of deprivation go on you suddenly find yourself thinking about food more and more. You dream about the pint of ice cream that's calling your name. You begin to bargain with yourself, promising to do extra cardio or to fast in exchange for a cheat day. This, of course, never comes to pass and you find yourself "starting over" on your DIET once a week. Worse yet, you have made no progress and have slowed your metabolism to a grinding halt by eat too few calories. The best way to lose weight is to adopt a balanced meal plan you can stick to for life! This means you can still enjoy the so-called "forbidden foods" you love, only less often and in moderation. If you consistently eat "clean" and "balanced" your desire for the "bad stuff" will eventually disappear. If you have SEVERE difficulty resisting sugar and constantly have a high sugar craving, this may indicate that your diet is substantially low in "beneficial" fat and it is likely that you have an intestinal flora imbalance. Beneficial fats regulate mood, taste and fulfillment hormones that help you feel satisfied and reduce cravings. An intestinal flora imbalance means certain "shut off" nutrients that reduce the need for sugars are not fully synthesized into your blood stream. Combined, both of these problems cause you to hold onto fat and create cravings for simple sugars. The solution is to incorporate beneficial fats. Try drizzling 1 to 2 tbsp. of raw safflower, canola, olive or flax oil on your high fiber based vegetables and proteins. Either sauté, grill or make a soup with vegetables like zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, spinach and mushrooms to name a few. Use any of the oils previously mentioned except flax oil. Flax oil is NOT for cooking. Chewing your proteins more fully may combat the intestinal flora imbalance. Instead of trying to digest large pieces, chew more fully to give your protein sources greater surface area. Your protein sources for optimum fat loss are eggs, egg whites, white fish (like cod, halibut, and orange roughy), chicken or turkey breast. Whatever you do, DON'T give up! DO whatever it takes to "clean up" your eating plan and banish your food demons. My fat loss and fitness plan "Every Body Loses" will give you the tools you need to begin a healthy weight loss program. The style of eating and exercising outlined in my book is one that you can follow for life without feeling deprived. If you're serious about losing fat and getting fit go to www.aim4nutrition.com and get started TODAY! Good Luck and Be Well, Aimee Deak Personal Trainer & Nutrition Analyst AIM 4 NUTRITION www.aim4nutrition.com
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Just How Dangerous Are Splenda and Artificial Sweeteners - Which Side is Spinning? There seems to be fairly poor tracking by any formal standards once a product is approved as a food additive. Despite supposedly tracking adverse reactions, the reality has been different at the FDA. Aspartame is a case in point. Apparent collusion, distorted research reports, lack of funding for independent research, questionable practices in tracking adverse reactions and reporting them. It's a pretty ugly sounding story. It's been said that Aspartame is a contract on humanity. Here's one source you might find puts you off Aspartame for good: http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/suffer.faq - "Reported Aspartame Toxicity Effects". Blueberry Picking Techniques First of all you have to have a bucket. You will soon want to have a few with you as the berries are so good that you never get enough, especially when you start freezing them, cooking them for jams and sauces or, my favorite, putting them in the blender with various things for a morning liquid breakfast and treat. Anyway, even if your first intention is to just get enough for your breakfast cereal, you will likely get carried away and want more and more and more. We all do! Unchaining Yourself from an Unhealthy Food Addiction The cry of "I have no willpower!" often emerges from the consumers who jokingly surrender to their lack of will when it comes to eating something clearly unhealthy. However, scientific nutritional research has identified that something much more serious ? much more dangerous ? is often at work here. For many people, what they perceive as a harmless lack of willpower is actually an addiction an addiction to chemicals that the brain secretes in response to stimulation by certain foods, such as chocolate or cheese[i]. Three Steps to Preparing your Body for Summer Summer is not too far away. It is almost time for shorts, tank tops, and bathing suits. Time to prepare the body for not only looking good in such few clothes, but preparing the body for the effects of the heat and sun. Three important steps to this preparation include exercise, eating foods high in antioxidants, and drinking plenty of water. Focus On Fiber: How Much Is Enough? Looking for an easy and natural way increase your vitality and improve your overall well-being? Try eating more fiber! Sports Nutrition Made Simple Following these simple nutrition guidelines will allow you to lose weight, and an abundance of energy throughout the day. There is No Miracle Cure for Arthritis, but Improving Your Diet can Help Arthritis - if you suffer from this illness, I don't have to tell you how bad it is. If you don't suffer from it yet, keep reading - I want to make sure you will do everything in your power to prevent yourself from getting it. Dont Allow Your Food To Control You Food addiction isn't a problem. Pretending like you can't live without eating however, IS the problem. If you're stranded on a desert island without food, what would you do? Your body can survive well over 24 hours without food if you're drinking water. What about Potassium? Information on potassium The Most Effective Treatments for Acid Reflux Disease Acid reflux disease, or GERD, is a common compliant of the digestive system, often characterised by persistent burning or discomfort behind the breastbone. As the symptoms of GERD can mimic those of coronary disease, it is important that you visit your doctor, if you have chronic heartburn. If you have been diagnosed as having acid reflux disease, there are many treatment options available to you to help you manage your symptoms. Post Nasal Drip Post nasal drip is a sensation of mucous build up in the throat. Sometimes you may even feel a dripping sensation from the back of your nose. The cause is over-production of mucous by glands in the nose and in the throat. Calculating Your Calorie Needs In order to eat fewer calories than you need, you have to determine how many calories you actually need. Adults can calculate their approximate energy needs using the following formula: WLS Patients Feeling Gassy & Bloated? Sugar Alcohol May Be To Blame Sugar intake is a real concern for people who've had gastric bypass, in fact most patients fear sugar. The foremost fear isn't weight gain, it's dumping. Foods containing sugar pass too quickly through the small pouch, they are rapidly absorbed and cause insulin levels to drop resulting in dumping. Sugar, America?s Drug of Choice Many people use sugar as medicine. Sugar tends to change the way our metabolism uses specific amino acids to make the neurotransmitters needed for proper brain function. Eating refined carbohydrates increase the level of the amino acid tryptophan, which helps to create the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is the calming neurotransmitter. So when we need to relax we will crave sugar so that we can create more serotonin. This is one of the main reasons sugar is so addictive. Eating Healthy -- Why? The most incredible thing you can do for yourself is have a big enough reason why that will totally light up your life and remind yourself of that reason every single day. We are going to go through a process to help you create your reasons why to make it almost impossible not to eat healthy. If you did this earlier you can do it with another area of your life now. If not DO THIS NOW! PLEASE. Aggressive Behaviour Seems To Be Triggered By Early Age Diet The fact that diet directly affects behaviour is no news, on the contrary, this reality has been perceived a very long time ago, as the old saying "a man is what he eats" proves. The Importance of Water Water is the most abundant substance in the human body. It is a component of virtually everything, except tooth enamel and bone. We are about 70% WATER, 25% PROTEIN and 5% MINERALS. Juicing - A Beginners Guide You can spot a juicer a mile off at the supermarket or greengrocer. Apart from the huge number of carrots and apples they are loading into their trolley, they also have that slightly smug, see-how-healthy-I-am look about them. Or is that just me?! Actually, I don't buy a lot of carrots and apples any more, because (other than my indiscretion with a packet of shortbread this week) I've radically reduced the amount of sugar I take in. My juice of choice is a vegetable one, a green one - but more about that later, first let's ask... The Role of Nutrition in Martial Arts, Police, Military Personnel For a considerable amount of time, nutrition has not played a prominent role in the life of many martial artists, police, and military personnel as a means of improving performance. Top athletes are always looking for an edge. Although the martial arts are more of a way of life and a life style than a sport per se, the needs of the martial artist are the same as that of the elite athlete. Heart Friendly Foods Heart disease results when plaque builds up inside the arterial walls, which causes a partial or complete obstruction of blood flow. This reduces flow of blood to heart and may result in angina. Angina is a sensation of discomfort, pain, burning or pressure, generally felt in the chest area. ![]() |
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