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What about Potassium?
Information on potassium When you read about potassium and senate document report 264 you'll life should be changed forever. You're going to discover that the biggest fallacy most people aren't aware of is that if we eat a balanced diet, (the four food groups), we get all the nutrients we need to stay healthy and live a long life. The truth is, this has been a matter of public record for the past 60 years. Fact is that our farming soils are severely depleted of these so important minerals such as potassium. Without adequate mineral intake whether through supplements or certain foods the vitamins our bodies take in are worthless. We need this important mineral as it assists in muscle contraction and in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in body cells. Various surveys would have us believe that we get adequate amounts of daily intake but in truth how's that possible according to the senate document. We're taught that potassium rich food does the trick but in reality that really can't be so. Fruits and vegetables are mostly depleted of nutrients ? yes they still look good in the stores for sure. A little fancy treatment makes good marketing sense for the venders but not for us. As we contemplate the issues it makes us really wonder who's needs are being met with so many conflicting reports. The giant supermarkets aren't concerned about our nutrition; it's the cash register that dictates the bottom line. Plant foods are harvested before they've even ripened; many are gas retarded from ripening, trucked across the United States, and then gas ripened. By the time the food gets to our dinner tables there's little or no nutrition left. But they sure look good. No longer can we rely on a "balanced" diet with merely so many calories or certain vitamins or fixed proportions of starches, proteins and carbohydrates. We know for certain that our diets must have a score of minerals. And potassium along with many others just isn't there. Senate doc 264 and liquid vitamin supplements
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Avoiding High Cholesterol Foods Cholesterol finds its way into our bodies in two main ways. The first is through our liver, which produces differing amounts of cholesterol in different people, and the second is through our diet. Essential Fatty Acids - Americas Major Dietary Deficiency America's major dietary deficiency - EFA a panacea for good health Food for Potential Energy FOOD (Macro-nutrients) Vitamin D - The Sunshine Vitamin! Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin like A and E. This vitamin is hard to obtain from food. Luckily, sunshine is a significant source of this vitamin because UV rays from the sun trigger Vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Autism and Nutritional Supplements Unfortunately, it has been proved beyond doubt that a large percentage of the United States population suffers from nutritional deficiency. Studies show, 30% of the general population has a marginal level of Vitamin C and 15% are Vitamin C deficient. Low level of vitamins and minerals like, calcium, iron, folic acid, magnesium, and chromium continue to be a significant but common problem in the United States. It is also being noticed that children suffering from Autism are the most common patients for vitamin and mineral deficiency. Generally children suffering from Autism have much lower level of vitamins A, C, D, and E, and all B vitamins (except choline) and some minerals (zinc, magnesium, selenium). Sugar Lovers Beware It would be fair to assume that almost everyone on the planet loves sugar and sweet foods. Processed sugar is in many products and is a key ingredient for baking. It seems that everyone has a sweet tooth for some sugar food in one way or another. Most people know to limit their intake of processed sugar, however, what most people don't know is that sugar is one of the worst ingredients to put into your body. The chemical reaction of sugar in the body acts as a poison. Studies show that sugar has drug like effects in the body. The Two Faces of Chlorine If you are like most people, you don't enjoy the taste of chlorine in your drinking water. Nevertheless, you're willing to put up with it because it kills certain bacteria that are harmful to your health. The Best Protein Powder What is the best protein powder to buy? I get this question all the time, and really, there is no best protein - many are very good for different reasons! In my opinion, it is futile and possibly detrimental to stick to only one brand for the following reasons: Getting More Minerals From Your Fruits and Vegetables Before the thirties, people knew the importance of mineral. Their soil was rich in minerals and they ate plenty of vegetable grown in these soils. When vitamins were discovered during this time, people began to forget about the important of minerals and started their fascination with vitamins. Fluoride Debate Continues The debate regarding Fluoride continues to rage, is it good for your teeth or, the teeth of our children. There does not appear to be a survey available, without bias, that goes one way or the other. The Niacin Rush Your face turns flush and your skin starts to itch. Your heart begins to beat faster. The itching may be felt all across your face and extend down your arms to your fingertips. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Essential Fatty Acids are oils, omega-3 and omega-6, that you can find, in certain amounts, in all oils that you can purchase in most the health food and regular grocery stores. These fatty acids are called essential because you cannot create them in your body and your cells use them every day. Ocular Nutrition and Eye Health Food Understanding ocular nutrition and eye health can be one of the ways to support your vision. As early as in our 30's, our eyes and vision can begin to deteriorate. Wind, dust, chlorine fumes, automobile fumes, smoking, freezing temperatures and physical injury are examples of threats to healthy eyes and good vision. Long hours spent at a computer screen and the vibration from driving have a cumulative negative impact on eye health over time. Top Ten Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Did you know the average American gains 5-7 pounds every year between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day? That equates to ingesting at least 17,500 more calories than you burn on a daily basis during that time period. At a minimum, that equals nearly 500 extra calories per day on average over that stretch of days. What Actually Is Health? Nature works mostly on the principle of thing and no thing. Light is the thing and darkness is the absence of light. Sound is the thing and silence is the absence of sound. Health is the thing, and symptoms and disease are the absence of health. But some time back they got mixed up. Somehow symptoms and disease became the thing, and once you treated away the symptoms and disease, you would be left with health. And yet most people know that health is more than the absence of symptoms and disease. So what does this mean? It means you have to do something other than treat symptoms and disease to be healthy. Let me show you why. If there are shadows or darkness in a room, the only way to get light in the room is by turning on the light. No matter how many ways you can measure and quantify shadows, you cannot sweep them under a rug, cut them out of the room, or invent some chemical to get rid of the shadow. The only thing you can do is turn on the light. Free List of Fat Burning Foods This free list of fat burning foods will help you make the right choices to burn off more fat than you ingest by eating them. The fat burning secret to losing weight is to eat and drink until you are full and satisfied, choosing foods that burn more calories than you consume. This helps your body burn up the excessive stored fat. Nutrition Secrets Never Before Revealed The topic of nutrition is one that is always present in our lives no matter where we turn. It's on the news, magazine articles, at school, at your doctor's office, and even is a major topic for many books. Eating to Gain Mass This is usually the forgotten element of most mass programs. Food. The truth is, no one will gain muscle without food. It seems so simple and basic, yet most don't get enough of it to build muscle. Feeling Tired? Cant Lose Weight? Tap Into Protein Power! You're always hungry right? The last thing you have time for is to plan meals ahead. Don't despair, you body was designed to be refueled continually. We are not camels and we are unable to work in tip top condition without the essential nutrients our body requires. Your body was designed for a regular supply fo good quality food throughout the day. Who Said Bananas Are Not Good For You? After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again. ![]() |
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