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The Crucial Role of the Salt in Our Health
Salt is vital for our health. Right now, you have around 250 gr. of salt - about a cupful - working for keeping you alive. Without enough of it, muscles won't contract, blood won't circulate, food won't digest, and the heart won't beat. Salt, the sodium chloride, is an essential part of the diet of humans and animals and is a part of our fluids, such as blood, sweat, and tears. The two elements of salt - sodium and chloride - play a variety of very important and crucial roles in our bodies as maintaining the balance of our fluids, which carry oxygen and nutrients around our bodies. The sodium it contains is helping maintain the fluid in the blood cells and enables the transmission of electrical impulses between our brain, nerves and muscles. It is responsible for our taste, smell and tactile senses and helps our muscles - including the heart - to contract. The chloride is essential to our food digestion process by providing chloride for hydrochloric acid - an essential element of human digestive fluid - and helps in preserving the acid-base balance in our body. It plays an important role in absorbing potassium and helping the blood to carry carbon dioxide from respiring tissues to the lungs. Salt is an essential element in our lives and our health. Salt is widely and abundantly distributed in nature, dissolved in sea water, salt lakes or in solid form as mineral halite that is the pure salt and can be find in large deposits around the world. In history, the salt has been used as money. Today, researchers have rediscovered the salt benefits. They have noticed that increased salt and water intake help people with chronic fatigue syndrome. An important role it has in respiratory diseases by its anti inflammatory, bactericide, mucokinetic and hydrophilic properties, helping in cleaning and widening the airways in all respiratory diseases. The salt therapy is based on speleotherapy, which is therapy in the conditions of the microclimate of salt mines. Being hard to reach them, people have found the way to bring the salt mines benefits in their homes with devices like Salin and Salt Pipe. Some of the effects of the salt therapy on people with respiratory diseases as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and allergies are: * facilitates the phlegm expulsion and ventilation of lungs of patients with chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract For more information, clinical studies and testimonials kindly refer to the website. NB: The author grants reprint permission to opt-in publications and websites so long as the copyright and by-line are included intact and the article is not used in spam. LTiba Educated and motivated person, having a multicultural background with extensive knowledge about European health products and practices.
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Got Soy? Milk, Snuff, and Soy Beans Milk is highly underrated. Experts say, America finds itself in a calcium crisis today because consumers aren't drinking enough milk. What is the Cause? The question most people think they need an answer to is what is the cause of their this or that? Many people pay it lip service, but what is cause really? Going with the bucket analogy, what is the cause of one of the symptoms or diseases not being covered by water, or being expressed? Could it be that water is leaking out of the bucket through the holes? Which hole is the "cause" of the symptoms or disease being expressed? That is kind of a trick question. Healthy Aging - The Clean-Meat Connection It is shocking how many people are not taking advantage of the lessons from 21st Century research on cellular health. The syntax of disease is known by many researchers; and many of them are telling you what you can do to protect yourself. They wonder why so many still choose to age and ultimately die prematurely. The Anti-Aging Wonders of Hyaluronic Acid ABC News has recently focused on the possible anti-aging benefits of hyaluronic acid, also known as Hyaluron or HA. In a story entitled, "The Village of Long Life: Could Hyaluronic Acid Be an Anti-Aging Remedy?", the focus was on a villiage in Japan named Yuzuri Hara where people usually live a long time and often have perfect skin into their 80's or even into their 90's. More than 10 percent of the population of his village is 85 or older, which is about ten times the average in America. Bathing Suit Season - A Nutritional Guide Spring is in the air and ? summer is around the corner! I know a lot of people have been contacting me about getting themselves and their bodies ready for da-da- DUM ?BATHING SUIT SEASON. Food Additives: Safety versus Health Maintenance / Prevention The topic of food additives is not quickly addressed in one article. 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Digestive malabsorption can occur as a result of the following condition: Hypertension -Twelve Simple Things You Can Do To Lower Your Blood Pressure Headlines: Homeostasis and Complementary Therapies The word 'homeostasis' is made up of two Greek words: homeo; meaning the same or similar, and stasis; meaning stable, or standing in the same place. The body's systems participate in maintaining homeostasis, keeping the body's internal environment healthy despite external environmental change. South Beach Diet - US vs. World Diets concern especially Americans as they do have a "national weight problem". So it would only be natural that dieting issues be so over proportioned in the US. Also, "miracle diet recipes" are very popular and make way rapidly into people's minds. This also happened with the South Beach Diet ? the diet that will not only allow you get rid of a lot of weight rapidly without starving but will also help you improve your health condition. ![]() |
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