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Health and Nutrition
The Health and Nutrition Industry has come about as peoples awareness of the damage they have done to their bodies over the years becomes more apparent, both physically and through scientific evidence. Whats more they want to do something about-now!! I know, I've been there and as a Baby Boomer we, in our millions around the globe, are doing what we can to turn our health around for the better. Having read numerous articles gleaned from newspapers, magazines, advertisements, the web and from fellow ''ezinearticle'' contributors, many people are searching for a better lifestyle today. My wife Cath and I decided to do something about it and sooner rather than later. Rather than talking about it, moaning about it, worrying about it, we chose to improve our health and our lifestyle through informed and better choices. We work from home now part time in the Health and Nutrition Industry having had our health improved with nutritional supplements and by adjusting our diets, so that we have both lost weight and feel great for it. Your health improves by first making a decision and then doing something about it. It has been suggested that many of our ailments, sickness and diseases today, particularly in the west, can be attributed to poor nutrition in our diets. The fact that our diets are so poor due to the lifestyles we choose to live, with fast foods and rush, rush, rush, we are not allowing our bodies to rebuild itself, to repair itself properly, as it was designed to do. I am not a scientist but I can tell you that by adding proven nutritional supplements to my diet and eating better and less, my health has improved and I have the energy to accomplish so much more in my day without the tiredness and exhaustion that were part of my life. Obesity levels in the western world are simply staggering and if you do your own research, through various resources, you will have this confirmed in black and white. Our bodies have been wonderfully made, by a master designer, and when we introduce a proper diet into our lifestyle, with the correct ammounts of vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly, your life can be changed dramatically. For those of you who already look after yourselves, athletes, footballers, basketballers, your lives can be improved too, your recovery rates lowered, your overall performances improved with a better diet and nutrition in your life. If we feed our bodies properly, then it will do what it was made to do. It will repair itself, common ailments can be gone forever, as my wife can testify to you from first hand experience. With good and proper nutritional supplements and a carefully planned and balanced diet of lean meats, fruit and vegetables, it is possible to have your health and fitness restored. The Health and Nutrition Industry today, commonly known as the ''Wellness Industry'' is booming!!! Wherever you look, the media today, is full of health improvement tips, the internet is full of sites showing you their own products and services, advising us all that we need to improve our diets and indeed our health!! When you decide to improve your lifestyle and your health, can I ask you to choose carefully. Look to market leaders, and there are half a dozen or so who have stood the test of time, and read about them, read testimonies about peoples health improvements, read about lifestyle improvements that have occurred both in the short and long term through the use of their products. Don't get sucked in by all the hype and there is plenty of that, particularly on the internet. Find out about the products or the company, before you go spending your hard earned money, ensuring that you will get the results you desire. Do not just jump on the bandwagon of the latest craze that is sweeping your nation, make an informed choice of your own and enjoy the benefits to come. Why not contact your local Network Marketer, where Home Based Distributors will have a personal interest in your health improvement and you may even want to join them and help others improve their lives also. We all age, we all die some day, but why bring it along sooner than is necessary. Why don't you choose to do something about it today? Why don't you allow that desire inside, which is niggling away at you now, that desire to improve your health and regain that enjoyment of life, to come out. Do yourself a favour, nobody else will. You choose. Go on, go for it and really live life to the full with your health improved, with the ones you love. It is possible. We have done it!! Colin Thomson partners his wife Cath in a part time business that they run from. They work in the Health and Nutrition Industry and have enjoyed the health improvments mentioned above themselves. Visit one of their web sites today to read more about how you can improve your health, beginning today at http://www.cthomson.plus.com or http://www.fabnuyu.com
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ACAI Berry Named Top 10 Superfoods For Anti-Aging by Dr. Nicholas Perricone The benefits from eating healthy are endless. And, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten to help you look and age better! At the top of the list is the acai fruit from the Amazon forest. This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. It can often be found in juice form in health food and gourmet stores. Omega 3, Close to A Medical Miracle of our Century OmegaRx Fish Oil, quoted as being close to a Medical Miracle in our Century! Omega 3, The Good Fat, Is on your side, they contribute to your good health. They are also a big part of Dr Barry Sears Zone Diet. Guerilla Health Tactics: 5 Snappy Rules For a Healthier, Happier You The subject of health care itself often seems plagued with conflicting advice, or even heated controversy. Witness the recent Cruise-Shields incident, which will doubtless occupy several chapters in future health and nutrition texts. So what to do about this advice-riddled and divisive field when you want to find out what you can do to better your own health? We suggest that you do a little research, read differing opinions, and the reasons given for them, and then go with what you feel confident about. Turning an Addictive Snack into a Complete Meal The proliferation of fast food restaurants, convenience stores, and vending machines in virtually every corner of residential America has created a serious nutritional problem. "Snacking" ? a harmless-sounding verb that deceptively implies something unobjectionable ? has reached addictive proportions[i]. Eating For Success: Breakfast For The Busy Corporate The first place that we cut corners when we are busy or stressed is our eating and in particular our breakfast. The food you eat forms the very building blocks of your body, but most of us have lost sight of the fact that food is fuel and that the purpose of eating is to provide our bodies with the tools they need for energy, functioning, building and maintenance. We eat for a variety of different reasons, none of which relate to the idea of providing our bodies with quality fuel. We eat unconsciously, we use food to fill emotional voids or to be sociable and we fill our bodies with things that we all know aren't good for us ? in effect, rather than using food as essential fuel, we use it to inflict damage on ourselves. Food Intolerance Many people experience unpleasant reactions to foods they have eaten and suspect they have a "food allergy". However, only 2?5% of adults and 2?8% of children are truly "allergic" to certain foods. The remainder of people may be experiencing food intolerance, or food sensitivity, rather than true food allergy. What is a Healthy Eating Plan? Healthy eating is important for everyone, from babies to the elderly. Learning to eat well is more than just eating a variety of foods so that your body gets the proper nutrients. It is also about enjoyment of foods and maintaining a healthy weight. Anyone can eat for good health. It involves 2 simple steps. First is to eat foods from all the different food groups. The second step is to eat a variety of foods from each group every day. Sounds simple. However so many people are not following a healthy eating plan. Busy lifestyles, availability of fast food, advertising and a lack of understanding of what healthy food is, all work against people trying for healthier eating. Unhealthy eating causes illness and weight problems. Type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically and is directly linked to the increase in obesity. Heart disease and some cancers are also linked to obesity. Glyconutrients What are Glyconutrients? Glyconutrients are eight newly discovered biologically-active sugars that are responsible for making up the structure of every body cell. First discovered in Aloe Vera, Glyconutrients are essential to good health. It is because of these glyconutrients that cells are able to communicate with one another. 10 Flaxseed Facts to Improve Your Nutrition Flaxseeds may be the smallest seeds you will find in any health food store, but there is nothing little about their enormous contribution to our overall health. Discovered in 5,000 BC, these little brown seeds were worshiped for their magical properties, such as healing the intestines, skin conditions, improving energy, and overall health. The Myths Associated with Human Growth Hormone I would like to dispel some of the myths and worries associated with Human Growth Hormone Therapy, or HGH. Ayurvedic Nutrition: Let Your Food Be Your Medicine It is ironic how something as obvious as nutrition has become overlooked in the modern health care system, and how in the name of convenience our fast paced society has given way to fast foods, microwaves, quick fix medicines, and eating on the run. Fortunately, there is a growing focus in the important role that nutrition plays in maintaining good health. In Ayurveda, India's ancient science of life, health and longevity, food plays a prominent role in promoting health and is therefore considered medicine. Cherries Taste Great and Build Health You must add some fresh cherries, which are now in season, to your health routine this week. Ambrotose Complex Mannatech's patent-pending glyconutrients complex, Ambrotose, is perhaps the greatest wellness discover in the last 50 years. By understanding it, you are in a better position to help others realize that they too would have this phenomenal nutrient Ambrotose complex working on their behalf as well. Avoiding High Cholesterol Foods Cholesterol finds its way into our bodies in two main ways. The first is through our liver, which produces differing amounts of cholesterol in different people, and the second is through our diet. Creating Your Target of Health Creating Your Target is easy. Optimize Your Diet For Maximum Growth The best weight training and cardio workouts will do very little if your diet is off. Make sure you have your diet optimized to build quality lean muscle, have the energy to power you through those tough workouts and drop that excess body fat. Try to get at least 25-30 grams of protein at each meal and consume small meals every 3 hours throughout the day for maximum results! Juice Sensibility Apart from eating many of the wonderful vegetables and fruits that inhabit our planet, drinking them is equally nourishing and satisfying. Juicing vegetables and fruits can also create a dynamic taste treat, causing your taste buds to dance with undiscovered delight. If you're new to juicing, I recommend only juicing vegetables and fruits that you enjoy eating. As time goes on, you can try out other foods as well as increased amounts of those foods. Inflammation Pain Eased with Glyconutrients Every person on earth has experienced pain at one time or another. Likewise, everyone has also dealt with inflammation in the body, even if they weren't aware of it. However, only a handful of people know what glyconutrients are and how glyconutrients relate to pain and inflammation. A Background to Dietary Fiber Fiber is the part of the plant that is resistant to hydrolysis (A chemical decomposition in which a substance is split into simpler compounds by the addition or the taking up of the elements of water) by human digestive enzymes and, with the exception of lignin, fibers are complex carbohydrates. These include pectin, gums, mucilages, hemicellulose, polysaccharides cellulose, and nonpolysaccharide lignins. Fibers are water-soluble except cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, all of which form part of cell walls. Soluble fibers are sticky and combine with water to form gel-like substances. Pectin is a water-soluble fiber found in soft fruits and vegetables. Gums that are common food additives are also water-soluble, found in stems and seeds of some tropical plants. In general, fruits are higher in pectin and vegetables are higher in cellulose. Although cellulose and hemicellulose are not hydrolyzed, intestinal bacterial can digest some fiber to produce lipid fragments known as short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are absorbed in the colon and yield energy when metabolized. Is Chocolate A New Health Food? Could it be possible that our beloved chocolate may actually be good for us? This is the nutrition news we have all been waiting for. So here is the scoop on chocolate and its health benefits. Yes, you read right, health benefits! ![]() |
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