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Acid and Digestive Disorders: Breaking the Vicious Circle
THE RISK The primary symptom of acid reflux is obvious to those who have it. During the digestive process, acid flows up into the throat and causes a burning sensation. This is caused by a breakdown in the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus. It's an indication that the acid-alkaline balance in the digestive tract has been disrupted. Unless that balance is restored, any attempt to treat or correct the acid reflux problem will provide nothing more than short-term relief. The accumulation of acid in the digestive tract is often the result of eating the wrong types of food. Acid is not caused only by excessive consumption of junk food. Anything processed or overloaded with additives can upset the acid-alkaline balance in the digestive system. Even foods that you think are healthy can be highly acidic. In a digestive tract that's already out of balance, something as simple as cooking your food can lead to further problems. Cooking destroys natural enzymes in the food that assist with digestion. When your digestive system is unable to produce the necessary enzymes for digestion, the loss of natural enzymes makes the problem worse. Lifestyle also contributes to digestive disorders. Stress intensifies hyperacidity. Blood is diverted away from the stomach to the heart, lungs and muscles for the "fight or flight" response. The stomach is deprived of necessary oxygen and nutrients and cannot form sufficient enzymes for proper digestion. THE DAMAGE Acid reflux irritates and swells the mucous lining in the throat, esophagus and stomach, which disrupts the digestive process. The irritation can form ulcers. The acid-alkaline balance of the digestive tract is also upset, leading to further accumulation of acid. The intestines are affected even more severely. Unlike digestion in the stomach, the intestinal digestive process is meant to be alkaline, not acidic. Therefore, the intestinal walls do not have a thick mucous lining that protects from acid as the stomach does. The intestinal walls are meant to facilitate the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. When acid inflames the intestinal walls, it disrupts the acid/alkaline balance of the digestive tract. It kills off the friendly bacteria that aid in digestion ? friendly bacteria that are no longer present in much of our food supply. The intestinal inflammation also slows down peristalsis, the contraction of the colon that pushes food along the intestinal tract. Undigested food particles putrefy and lead to greater accumulation of acid. The liver and gallbladder are also affected. When the liver becomes overloaded with acidic waste that it can't eliminate, it crystallizes bile and acid waste into gallstones. The gallbladder has difficulty releasing bile, which inhibits proper digestion and further slows peristalsis. Acid levels continue to rise, the liver becomes damaged, and all other body organs become vulnerable to deterioration. Degenerative disease sets in. THE BENEFITS OF A BALANCED pH The best way to restore pH balance to your digestive tract is to eliminate foods that cause acid reflux. This also means identifying and eliminating foods that cause an allergic response. Certain raw foods and whole foods and the right combination of vegetable juices can heal the digestive tract lining and eliminate further accumulation of acid waste. They can heal and prevent the formation of ulcers. Supplements that replace the friendly bacteria and the digestive enzymes destroyed by acid can also help. If you truly want to change and help your body heal itself you need to take a proactive approach. Don't expect to feed your body processed foods, not exercise, then pop a pill and be all better? it just doesn't work that way. If you want to bring your body into pH balance then you need a complete approach. A great place to start is the Immersion Kit, you can learn more by going to http://www.pH-health.com
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Nutritional Support in Critically Ill Patients The nutritional support in critically ill patients can be explained in 2 ways ACAI Berry Named Top 10 Superfoods For Anti-Aging by Dr. Nicholas Perricone The benefits from eating healthy are endless. And, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten to help you look and age better! At the top of the list is the acai fruit from the Amazon forest. This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. It can often be found in juice form in health food and gourmet stores. How My Health Was Restored Through Glyconutrition My name is Mildred Shears. I'm retired and I live in the Minnesota Northwoods with my husband, George, our German Shorthair, Bodhi, and our senior citizen cat, Cinnamon. MonaVie Acai Berry Juice - The Tree of Life from Amazonian Rainforest... What ancient tribes and people of the Amazon have known for centuries, the world is just discovering. That an ancient berry, called the Acai Berry, may cause a sexual sensation. This mysterious berry contained in Monavie acai berry juice, has been making headlines throughout USA in the last year. Having been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on NBC's "Today Show", and just last month on the "Oprah Winfrey Show", Dr. Nicholas Perricone, named the Acai fruit as one of the most nutritious and powerful anti-aging foods in the world. Correct Your Acid / Akaline Balance by the Water You Drink: What the Experts Say In health circles there has been much recent talk about acid / alkaline imbalance. Let's see if we can clarify how experts recommend we correct this imbalance. Three Steps to Preparing your Body for Summer Summer is not too far away. It is almost time for shorts, tank tops, and bathing suits. Time to prepare the body for not only looking good in such few clothes, but preparing the body for the effects of the heat and sun. Three important steps to this preparation include exercise, eating foods high in antioxidants, and drinking plenty of water. Understanding Cholesterol Levels and Decrease the Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes What is Cholesterol? Food Additives: Safety versus Health Maintenance / Prevention The topic of food additives is not quickly addressed in one article. Searches on the internet can reveal information that is either pro or con regarding food additive substances. Food for Healthy Nails Nails are a protective horn at the end of our most sensitive extremities: fingers and toes. They can often become injured from accidents or crushing weight such as heavy walking or running. They can also become infected from bacterial or fungal infections as well as separated from the nail bed or chipped from harsh weather. An Apple a Day, Does Keep the Doctor Away Increasing the fiber in your diet has been shown to: reduce your cholesterol, reduce your hunger, lower your fat absorption, reduce surges in insulin levels, help with weight loss, lower the risk of colon cancer, and lower your risk of heart disease. WOW! Sounds like a miracle cure - where can I get this stuff? The answer: At your grocery store. Whats Missing Could Be Making You Sick Here's something you probably don't know. The fruit and vegetables you eat today are not as nutritious as the food from fifty years ago. Being Proactive With Your Health Decisions In today's world, there's a definite need to be proactive in protecting our health. But that assumes there's something you CAN do to protect it. Most of Us Talk and Think About Nutrition and Exercise as a Distant Activity to be Started Some Day! If you do not take time to stand back at your nutrition and exercise habits then be ready with a big paycheck for those hospitals bills and some loans because you will not earn when you are hospitalised. The In-Office Emergency Nutritional Kit Tired of having stare-downs with those boxes of Krispy Kremes, trays of brownies, and platters of cookies some well-intentioned but nutritionally clueless co-worker brings into the office? Be prepared for these and other nutritional setbacks at your office by stocking up on a few key items that will have your desk a veritable nutritional emergency kit. Preventing Heart Disease: What Not To Eat About 12.6 million Americans currently have heart disease. Debunking the Myth About Bottled Water: Is It Really Safer for Your Kids? When you actually sit down and think about it, bottled water companies do something really peculiar. They sell a product freely available to every man, woman, and child in every home - water. And they sell it very, very successfully. Nutrient Requirements of Women in Sport Female and male athletes respond to training in a fairly comparable way. As volume and intensity of training increases, so does aerobic capacity and hence performance. Body composition tends to change, whether male or female, indicating that physiologically, we are all actually quite similar. Ayurvedic Nutrition: Let Your Food Be Your Medicine It is ironic how something as obvious as nutrition has become overlooked in the modern health care system, and how in the name of convenience our fast paced society has given way to fast foods, microwaves, quick fix medicines, and eating on the run. Fortunately, there is a growing focus in the important role that nutrition plays in maintaining good health. In Ayurveda, India's ancient science of life, health and longevity, food plays a prominent role in promoting health and is therefore considered medicine. How to Have Great Sex - Nutrition and Foods That Create Passion Is the thrill gone? Has the thrill gone out of your love life and sex. Do you just spend boring evening after boring evening together watching the prime time TV lineups. On the weekends he watches sports with the guys, she goes shopping with the gals. You eventually wake up one day thinking - "Gee my life and sex life have gotten pretty dull!" Nutrition Secrets Never Before Revealed The topic of nutrition is one that is always present in our lives no matter where we turn. It's on the news, magazine articles, at school, at your doctor's office, and even is a major topic for many books. ![]() |
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