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Five Reasons You Should Drink More Water
I know you've heard this many times - "Drink more water!". Yet, 99% of the people don't heed this advice. Maybe if water was more expensive, people would pay more attention to consume enough of it on a daily basis. We are living in a dehydrated world of carbonated beverages, caffeine and alcohol. I bet you don't know how important is water for your health, figure and well-being. I didn't know it until I found a book that literally opened my eyes. The book is titled "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. Reason 1: Water can cure many modern diseases According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, a long list of modern diseases can be practically eliminated by just drinking more water. The list includes and is not limited to: asthma, hypertension, back and joint pain, arthritis, constipation, allergies, ulcers and the list goes on and on. I know it sounds crazy. I have heard many weird health theories in my life, but what interests me is the "results of following this or that advice". The "drink more water cure" has worked for so many of my friends and myself that I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone. I cured myself of a nagging skin allergy. I have much more energy, strength, endurance and sleep much better now. I have had 100% success curing chronic constipation with my female clients. I don't know a single person that didn't benefit in some way by drinking more water. Reason 2: Water can decrease your appetite This is common sense. When you drink water, your stomach gets full and your appetite decreases. You end up eating fewer calories. If you drink water before each meal, you'll prevent yourself from eating thousands of calories in the long run. This means you are going to be leaner. Reason 3: Drinking water BURNS EXTRA calories When you drink water, your body burns extra calories. Drinking 18 ounces of water increases your metabolic rate by about 30% for about 40 minutes. This phenomenon is called Water Induced Thermogenesis. The total amount of extra calories burned by drinking 18 ounces of water is about 25 calories. Drinking 72 ounces of water amounts to 100 extra calories. That is a lot of calories in the long run. Reason 4: Water may help you burn more fat and build more muscle It has been shown that dehydration decreases protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is what builds muscle. It is an energy costly process. When you suppress protein synthesis, fewer calories end up building proteins and more calories end up in your fat stores. It's elementary: calories have two possible fates - they either get burned, or they get stored. When more of the calories you eat get burned, less will get stored. Dehydration has been shown to decrease maximal strength. When you are stronger, you can lift more weight and that means you'll build more muscle. Reason 5: Your skin will look much better Nothing will improve the appearance of your skin better than consuming enough water. It's a pity women spend so much money on skin products, while neglecting the cheapest and most effective one - water. How much water should I drink? Dr. Batmanghelidj's advice is simple: drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of bodyweight plus one and one half additional ounces of water for every ounce of beverage you consume containing caffeine, carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day. As you increase your water intake you should also increase your salt intake. Don't buy the "Sodium causes hypertension nonsense". Restricting Sodium does not help the vast majority of people with hypertension. Clearly, Sodium is not the CAUSE of hypertension. Your body needs Sodium to hold its water stores. Even if you consume more than you need to, your body will get rid of the extra amount that you overconsumed. Drink your water. Stay well hydrated. Stay healthy. Hristo Hristov owns X3MSoftware, a company specializing in developing diet and fitness tracking software. Hristo has a degree in Computer Science and passion for strength training. Hristo has designed and written Fitness Assistant, X3MSoftware's leading software product. Download your demo at Download Diet Software and Fitness Software by X3MSoftware
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Antioxidants - Add a Lean, Muscular Body to the List of Benefits! I'm sure by now you've heard all about the amazing health benefits of antioxidant rich foods in your diet. Not only do these free-radical fighting antioxidants help you look and feel younger by slowing down the aging process, but they also help to prevent cancer, heart disease, and loads of other degenerative diseases. But that's not all. Antioxidants also help you to recover better from exercise...and that means more muscle and less fat on your body in the long run! Not all Fats are Bad Fats have been unfairly lumped together as being all bad for too long. Fat doesn't necessarily cause disease, and can actually cause a role in its prevention. The truth is that some fats are very bad for us and some fats are actually very good for us. Whats The Truth About Fat? When I hear the word fat I usually think of a roll of it hanging over a persons belt, or that guy Milty, from the movie Van Wilder, doing a belly flop off of the top diving platform with the words, "save the swim team", written across his backside. Sometimes, however, the picture of a big, juicy, double quarter pounder with cheese will slip its way into my mind. Although, if I were to eat more than the one per month that I allow myself now I would probably be sick for days, thanks to the health food lifestyle I've become accustomed to over the past few years. For the most part, the word fat has a negative connotation. Macrobiotics: Diet and Lifestyle for Long-term Health A frequent misunderstanding about macrobiotics is that it is a diet sick people use - cancer patients especially - in order to heal. While it is true that a macrobiotic approach has helped a great many people get well, macrobiotics is much more than a mere diet, and it is for everyone. Whether you're recovering from illness or simply interested in having greater vitality, macrobiotics is a wholistic, natural system for good health and long life. Eating For Success: Breakfast For The Busy Corporate The first place that we cut corners when we are busy or stressed is our eating and in particular our breakfast. The food you eat forms the very building blocks of your body, but most of us have lost sight of the fact that food is fuel and that the purpose of eating is to provide our bodies with the tools they need for energy, functioning, building and maintenance. We eat for a variety of different reasons, none of which relate to the idea of providing our bodies with quality fuel. We eat unconsciously, we use food to fill emotional voids or to be sociable and we fill our bodies with things that we all know aren't good for us ? in effect, rather than using food as essential fuel, we use it to inflict damage on ourselves. Odd Fact or Oxymoron: Learning How To Cook Will Help You Drop a Few Pounds and Gain a Few Friends Finding simple ways to reduce my waistline is always a personal objective. I am by no means a health expert, and I have not always been too concerned with what I put into my body. But as I get a little older, I fear that if I don't concern myself with health, my doctor will have to. And regardless of the good that they do, I don't like doctors and clinics that much. Do You Know What You Are Eating? With all the news about Splenda of late and the FTC, I had a client ask me the other day, "so what's the deal with Splenda, it's just sugar that has been processed!". I asked him if he knew what Splenda was and he said no. Fighting Burn-out: Natural Help For Stress, Fatigue and Adrenal Insufficiency The adrenal or "stress glands" are small, triangular shaped glands located on the top of the kidneys. Their function is to prepare the body's resources to run or fight through the releasing of specific hormones. When this primitive, instinctive response is activated, blood is diverted from digestive system while our blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar levels increase. At the same time, our pupils dilate and the speed of reflexes increases. All of this happens as a way to ensure our survival. Battling Childhood Obesity through Smart Eating Finally, a positive solution regarding America's difficult and costly campaign to stem childhood obesity is emerging. For the thousands of children and their families who are currently battling with childhood obesity, this good news is long awaited. The Macronutrient Balancing Act Finally, dieters and healthy eaters everywhere have reason to rejoice, for there is a clear understanding of which fats, and which carbohydrates should be eaten for optimal health. The Truth About the Meat You Eat There are so many topics to discuss which affect our health that it is hard to choose just one at a time. My motto is Unhealthy Soil = Unhealthy Plants and Animals = Unhealthy People. With that in mind, let's discuss meat, fish and meat substitutes. I just read an article by some well meaning person who was bragging that chicken and soy are good for you ? WRONG! What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar? Unfortunately, the words "diet" and "cheating" go hand in hand. When you say, "I'm on a DIET", it usually means you are depriving yourself of something. Diets do not work; they are restrictive and can become exceedingly frustrating, leading you to "cheat". The more you restrict calories and the tempting treats you love, the more likely you are to binge eat. This is counterproductive in a fat loss program and will prevent you from becoming lean. Six Ways Soy Benefits Your Health Soy, and most soy-based products, are nutritional powerhouses. Soybeans are the only plant food that has all of the essential amino acids our body requires, making it a complete protein. Soy foods do not have any cholesterol, and most are high in fiber. Soy also has many vitamins, minerals, and phytochemical compounds (like isoflavones) that work together to create numerous health benefits. A Consumers Guide to Soy Terms Although you may have heard about soy and all of its health benefits, you may not have figured out how to incorporate it into your diet, yet. There are so many products available; figuring out exactly what they are may seem overwhelming. Here is an explanation of terms of various soy products to help you understand and evaluate which products are for you. pH and Weight Loss THE RISK Carrots : The Master Key For Healthy Living! It slows ageing, promotes healthy vision, has anti-cancer properties, increases immunity towards various chronic diseases. Yes, carrot does it all for you. This natural health booster enhances your health on various grounds and fills in the essential vitamins to your body like pro-vitamin A, B3, C and E. Other important advantages of carrot besides those mentioned above includes preventing various gastrointestinal complaints like colic and ulcers and it also prevents heart attacks and cancer by reduces cholestrol levels as it has high soluble fibre levels. A Result Producing Guide to Nutrition If you want to build muscle, lose body fat or improve your performance in a sport, you can lift all the weights and do all the cardio you want, but without proper nutrition, diet and supplements you will find yourself falling short of your goals. In this article we will help you gain a better understanding of what kind of foods you should eat and which ones to stay away from, how to set up a daily meal plan and what supplements you should take. Prevent Constipation and Other Health Ailments with Papaya Constipation is a condition whereby the fecal matter traveling through your colon remains too long in your colon before traveling out of the rectum. You become aware that you are constipated if you have difficulty passing motion or take a few days to do one purge. Seven Habits of Highly Healthy Eaters "What exercises can I do to ?? As fitness professional I hear these words often. It doesn't matter if the sentence ends with, "get bigger muscles", "firm up my butt" or "flatten my stomach". My initial response is always the same. "Well, what are you eating? In terms of physical fitness exercise is only part of the equation. Proper nutrition is vital regardless of the specific fitness goal. Missing Link to the Immune System For decades science has been looking for the answers to our health problems in proteins and fats. Carbohydrates have long been overlooked - thought just to be energy or calories and play no other significant role. ![]() |
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