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Three Effortless Ways to Win the Paperwork Battle
Buried under mountains of paperwork from your company? Do the projects seem to never end? Imagine how good you would feel if every day you could start with a clean and organized desk? Well dream no further! By following the three powerful tips listed below, your dreams will become reality! Setting up your system: Start by ordering two 8 ½ x 11 "flat desk files". A flat desk file looks like an accordion file, except it lays flat on your desk and can be easily carried with you. One desk file should be tabbed A-Z, the second one should be tabbed 1-31. The A-Z desk file is perfect for hold the resumes of potential new hires, sorted by last name. This A-Z desk file is also great for keeping employee or client "working" files, at your fingertips. The 1-31 desk file is ideal for organizing upcoming meetings or projects, by appropriate dates. Also, this tool is perfect for managing any projects you have delegated to be done by others. For instance, if you have a big project due on the 18th and have assigned others to complete certain portions of the project by the 12th, then file your notes to the 12th and confirm on the 12th the work has been done. Then, re-file this project for completion on the 16th so you can do any last minute changes, before the 18th. Tip From The Coach: Remember, any organization system is only as good as you make it. It generally takes 21 days to incorporate a new idea into your current system. Stick with it?having a system for your paperwork is a real joy! Using the four D's: The four D's are DO IT, DELEGATE IT, DECIDE OR DUMP IT. These are your only four choices when handling any kind of paperwork. "Do It' means exactly that?do it now and do not handle any piece of paperwork a second time. This means, read the information you've been sent and act on it. "Delegate It" requires you to ask the question?"who can help me complete this project or task so I can stay focused on my responsibilities?" Once you have delegated a project to someone else, then use your desk file (1-31) to store your notes until the project is completed. "Decide" means the paperwork you have been sent will require your quiet and uninterrupted attention, like monthly financial reports or annual employee reviews. Put this type of work into a separate folder labeled "To Decide" and find a few quiet minutes early the next morning before your work day begins, and complete this project or task. "Dump it" means exactly that?dump as much as possible in the trash can, the first time you handle any paperwork. It's that simple. Tip From The Coach: In addition to the four D's, schedule an appointment with yourself twice a year when business is the slowest, to review all the paperwork you have filed in your office. Take the time to "dump" everything you no longer need. Each time you do this, it will further clarify for you which paperwork is important to your company to save and which paperwork can be easily discarded. Scheduling your day: Schedule your day using some form of computer software/paper calendar or appointment book. Try to schedule important meetings early in the week so others can work on the assignments you have given them. Try and schedule all interviews early in the morning when you are the most rested and the least likely to be interrupted. By having a busy morning, you then have the freedom to plan the rest of your day more loosely. Use your calendar or appointment book to schedule both professional and personal activities as it is helpful to have everything in one place. Lastly, schedule an appointment with yourself for any projects you are working on. This is a simple way to manage your workload and a powerful way to have your "to do" list LIVE in your week's calendar. Tip From The Coach: Now, once you have followed the tips above, schedule the things most important to you. Start by planning the time you are going to spend with your family, the time you are going to spend with those you love, and yes-time for yourself to relax and enjoy your life. Please know that having a rich and rewarding life starts with simplicity. Want to hear more about this important topic or ask some additional questions? Fax a note on your letterhead to 435-615-8670 or send an E-mail to ernest@powerhour.com and The Coach will fax/E-mail back to you a free invitation to be a participant on a TeleForum conference call. I promise we will have great fun! Author's note: Ernest F. Oriente, The Coach, is the founder of PowerHour® a professional business coaching/recruiting service and the author of SmartMatch Alliances?. He has spent 17,500 hours [since 1995] delivering customized training, by telephone, in leadership, traditional/Internet marketing and sales for fast growing sales companies and entrepreneurial businesses worldwide. PowerHour® specializes in global distance learning by telephone, using their state-of-the-art conference call system for interactive and dynamic TeleForums. Twice-monthly TeleForums link 10-100 executives/professionals/individuals who are geographically dispersed, in a time efficient and profitable format. PowerHour® is based in Olympic-town?Park City, Utah, at 435-615-8486, by E-mail ernest@powerhour.com or visit their TeleForum website: http://www.powerhour.com. To receive a FREE success newsletter, with subscribers in 74 countries, send an E-mail to: ernest@powerhour.com. Recent PowerHour® articles have appeared in 4000+ business/trade publications and websites.
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Choose Spice Racks That Help You Organize Your Home Today you have almost as many choices of spice racks as you do of the spices they contain. Spice racks are wonderful kitchen home organization gadgets. And a spice rack is a wonderful gift too for a cook. In our household, my husband is the chef. But I'm the shopper. And we own three functional and handsome spice racks that are in use every day. Before you buy your next spice rack for yourself or as a gift consider these factors: The Psychology of Being Organized Individuals who are organized in their personal lives most generally constitute efficient and organized employees in their work environments, succeed in their personal endeavors and are, more often than not, financially secure. Escaping The Clutter Trap? - 5 Steps For Increasing Productivity And Decreasing Stress ? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the "stuff" in your life? Magazines and journals you've never finished reading, clothes you never wear, e-mail you haven't responded to, or photographs you intended to share with friends or colleagues? ? Are you embarrassed to invite people to your home or office because they will see the way you live or work? Do you rush around when someone's coming to hide the evidence? Can Someone Step Into Your Job Or Role And Function Effectively? Working for one of the top Marketers online (David Ledoux) I've been lucky to learn many tips and tricks that can be used in cases of emergency. Like today when I still have the remnants of the flu. One of the first things I learned from David was planning. He plans for just about every or any situation possible. A number of years ago I got a weird request from David.."Chris, I want you to make a list of everything you do in a normal day" please include ... Secrets to Eliminating Emotional Clutter Are you plagued by clutter in your personal or professional life? Is there someone in your family or your work who is? Based on my experience, the answer is probably "Yes!" Words That Inspire - SIMPLIFY What do you gain if you SIMPLIFY? Too Many Unfinished Projects? 7 Time Management Strategies to Move Stalled Projects to Finish Line Q. I have several projects going at once -- but I never seem to finish them! I'm pulled in so many different directions -- and I end up with nothing to show for my efforts! What Balance Looks Like For You Recently, in an online group, we talked about "balance" and an article one member had read decrying the demise of balance altogether. We all had different ideas about what balance is and how to reach it, and I realized, after a number of posts, that we were all right. To Make a Change -- Take a Chance Life is really all about CHANGE. In order to make a CHANGE, you have to be willing to take a CHANCE. To take a chance is to risk. So let's spend a few minutes investigating RISK. We'll examine these characteristics and contingencies: Balance- What Does It Really Mean? Balance- what a popular topic these days! Finding a work-life balance, being balanced in body, mind and soul, eating a balanced meal, balancing work, play and learning. But what does it really mean? When I ask my clients what balance means to them, most have no idea initially, and find it a good exercise to reflect on. For some it means spending more time with family and/or fun and less time on work, for others it means starting a physical activity. For some it means doing some emotional healing, for others starting a spiritual path. The truth is, we are all individuals, and we each have our unique definition of what balance is. If we take the time to ask ourselves what a balanced life looks like, we'll find the answer. Or we'll at least be shown what is not in balance so we can start there! Four Tips For Clearing The Clutter Spring?. 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By the time you were a year old, you had mounds of functional clothing, twenty outfits suitable for dress-up, too many stuffed animals to fit in your bed, custom-sized furniture, a silver spoon, and a plastic Winnie-the-Pooh bowl. Perhaps there was also your christening gown: an heirloom already packed safely away waiting for the next generation. You had not even become a toddler yet, and you had already embarked on the road to the clutter trap. 10 Easy Tips for Digging Out Your Desk Today Has your polished mahogany (or modular plastic) desk been buried for so long that you can't remember what your desk is made out of? If so, use these tips to clear yourself some space to work in, and stay on top of your most urgent action items. Organize (and Decorate) Your Home on a Budget with Baskets What's an item that can help you organize every room in your home, helps create the appearance that you're a tidy housekeeper (even if you're not), and perks up your decorating scheme? 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Every time you look at a pile of untidy papers you may just notice yourself sighing and notice, too, how your energy is diverted into feeling guilty about one more task not yet done. Do You Have Scatter-Brain-Itis? In your quest to get 'up and running' so to speak with your online ventures do you find yourself getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with whatever it is your trying to accomplish? ![]() |
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