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Balance- What Does It Really Mean?
Balance- what a popular topic these days! Finding a work-life balance, being balanced in body, mind and soul, eating a balanced meal, balancing work, play and learning. But what does it really mean? When I ask my clients what balance means to them, most have no idea initially, and find it a good exercise to reflect on. For some it means spending more time with family and/or fun and less time on work, for others it means starting a physical activity. For some it means doing some emotional healing, for others starting a spiritual path. The truth is, we are all individuals, and we each have our unique definition of what balance is. If we take the time to ask ourselves what a balanced life looks like, we'll find the answer. Or we'll at least be shown what is not in balance so we can start there! I lived a large part of my life out of balance. As a mother, daughter, wife, many times I let my needs go to take care of others. Later when the boys left home I let my job consume my life, letting go of the things I knew were good for me because I was 'too tired'. First went the exercise, then my eating got off track, I stopped meditating, stopped socializing and having fun and isolated myself. It was a cycle of overwhelm, then frustration, then isolation, leading to depression. Now that's a life really out of balance, I wasn't taking care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually! It was a huge wake-up call to me that I needed to make some major lifestyle changes if I wanted a fulfilling life, and for that I am truly grateful. As I was recovering from my depression, I started taking care of my body, mind and spirit. As I started leading a more balanced life, I was amazed at the overlap- how when I do something for my physical self for instance, it benefits me in the other areas. Running for example is an exercise for my physical body that has ripple effects mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. Running down a trail and seeing a deer or the sunset is spiritual, filling my heart with gratitude, emotionally I sometimes start out feeling upset about something, then find my mind clears as I run through the situation and come to understanding, mentally I often work out my agenda for the week, or what my newsletter article will be on or other business items. What I eat affects me physically, mentally and emotionally, which in turn affects me spiritually. What I think creates my emotions which in turn create my actions and results. A good reminder if I am to be healthy in all ways, I need to take care of all parts of me. Are you paying attention to all parts of your life? Is there an area that needs improvement- career, finances, recreation/fun, family, relationships, personal/spiritual development, environment, physical health or? If not, congratulations! If so, take a look at where you're at, what you could do to improve your situation and go for it! Change doesn't have to be big. Do one thing to improve one area of your life and you create more balance? Enjoy the life we are meant to live, a life of prosperity and abundance in all areas! Cheers to you! About The Author Norma Reid, CEC, is the owner of From Dreams to Reality Success Coaching. She is passionate about helping others realize their potential, turning their professional and personal dreams into reality. For more info: http://www.fromdreamstoreality.ca or mailto: norma@fromdreamstoreality.ca.
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Organizing Tips to Help You Conquer the Laundry Monster Laundry. You sort, you wash, you fold, you blink ? and the pile of dirty clothes has grown all over again. Laundry is a fact of life, but approaching the task in an organized way can make it more manageable. 10 Easy Maintenance Tips vs Piling on the Chaos Whether you are in your own business or an employee (or neither) -- if you have a family and a home you are in the business of having a life. I'm betting that none of you went into business to become hot at shuffling papers and reams of e-mail. Four Tips For Clearing The Clutter Spring?. Fresh breezes through open windows, sleeping trees come awake with bright new leaves, flowers begin to bloom and the grass becomes green once more. What Momma Never Told Me About Housekeeping A lot of us grew up with Mom taking care of most everything. Now, we do things pretty much the way she did. What if there is a better way? If you are buried under the daily clutter of life, always wondering where you put "that damn thing", read on. There is hope. All you need is a little direction and you can take control of your house. 7 Little Things That You Can Do to Organize the Kids Rooms 1. Sink to their level. Get on your knees in their room to view things from a kid's level. Convenience is an important factor in getting anyone to organize or put things away. Lower clothing racks in the closet. Put most frequently used items on the lowest shelves and in the lowest drawers. Set up decorative, short open bins, crates, baskets and boxes in corners, on closet floors and at the foot of the bed. Organizing Solutions for the Disorganized Entrepreneur After more than 20 years as an entrepreneur and a consultant to entrepreneurs, I am convinced that for many entrepreneurs, "organized" is an enigma. "Organized entrepreneur" may even be an oxymoron, because the very strength that makes great entrepreneurs makes for poor organizing ? at least organizing as most of the world defines it. Organizing Lessons from a Bookstore The store reminded me of a well-worn slipper ? tattered and dusty, but obviously used and loved. I toured the aisles and backrooms with storeowner and publisher Britton Trice. Celebrity book signings and individualized customer service are obviously major factors in the success of the store. File after file with details of book parties past. They mail out about 200 autographed Anne Rice books everyday! Piles of papers, some of them back to 1984, and announcements of summer reading programs and travel opportunities for the summer past told the tale that getting rid of things was obviously not his forte! The front counter and the shelves beneath were covered with bits of paper, containers of various sizes containing a variety of items ? most of them identifiable. The Magnificent 7: Tips for Cleaning Up Clutter Clutter is postponed decisions®. Here are some suggestions to simplify the task of controlling clutter: Organizing for Today, Tomorrow and the Next Day Getting organized is hard. If it weren't, we wouldn't put it off until it got even harder. There are hundreds of books out there on how to get organized; they have ideas on how to work in your garage, in your living room, in your mind, in your job. They offer every sort of idea for every sort of situation... but you know what happens to most of those books? They end up in the middle of some pile on our disorganized tables and desks. 1-2-3 Sort Article excerpted from the new book, "How to Do Space Age Work with a Stone Age Brain" by Eve Abbott The Most Frequently Asked Questions about Organizing Your Kids Rooms 1. In terms of organization, what is the first thing a parent should do before decorating a kid's room? Family Management Tip #2: Choosing the Right Organizer for Your Family What method do you currently use to organize your family? Do you mean my paper calendars or my electronic ones, you ask? If you're like the vast majority of people we surveyed, you're probably using a wall calendar on or near the fridge. And, for portability, you keep the same information on your pocket day planner, which you carry around. 10 Easy Tips for Digging Out Your Desk Today Has your polished mahogany (or modular plastic) desk been buried for so long that you can't remember what your desk is made out of? If so, use these tips to clear yourself some space to work in, and stay on top of your most urgent action items. Three Effortless Ways to Win the Paperwork Battle Buried under mountains of paperwork from your company? Do the projects seem to never end? Imagine how good you would feel if every day you could start with a clean and organized desk? Well dream no further! By following the three powerful tips listed below, your dreams will become reality! Simple Ideas to Conquer Paper Clutter Are stacks of papers, mail, newspapers, and growing "to do" lists cluttering your home? Has it been months since you've seen your countertops or have you completely forgotten what your countertops look like? Paper clutter includes bills, warranties, cards, mail, memos, sticky notes, lists, letters, advertising flyers, school papers, etc. If any or all of these items are cluttering your home and countertops, follow the simple ideas below to organize your papers and gain control over the clutter. 5 Tips to Banish Clutter From Your Life For Good Studies show that 80 percent of what we use comes from 20 percent of what we own. That means that 80 percent of the things in our homes are rarely or never used. Follow these tips to de-clutter your life. Keep, Get Rid Of, Or Not Sure? Cleaning out can seem overwhelming -- especially if it's been a while since you've done it! But there is a very simple process you can follow that will A) help you sort and separate your belongings into manageable piles, and B) keep you from completely tearing up your house while you are cleaning out! When you begin clearing area, you should have three large boxes close at hand. One box is labeled "Keep" -- one is labeld "Get Rid Of" -- and one is called "Not Sure" (we'll talk about other possible sorting categories later on). Do You Have Scatter-Brain-Itis? In your quest to get 'up and running' so to speak with your online ventures do you find yourself getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with whatever it is your trying to accomplish? Too Many Unfinished Projects? 7 Time Management Strategies to Move Stalled Projects to Finish Line Q. I have several projects going at once -- but I never seem to finish them! I'm pulled in so many different directions -- and I end up with nothing to show for my efforts! 9 Simple Strategies for Home Organization Home organization means being able to find your stuff when you need it, not after an hour or more of searching. But home organization doesn't necessarily mean you're neat or clean. It doesn't even mean you're not a pack rat. Home organization just means everything has a place and you know where that place is in your home. ![]() |
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