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Tired of Endless Chores and To-Dos? Stop Running Around in Circles and Enjoy Life Again
Do you feel like you are running around in circles, completing one task after the next only to find there are 20 chores you have not done yet? I am not even talking about the constants such as grocery shopping, returns, doctor appointments, clients, and carpool! If you are tired of fighting this endless battle, stop fighting and start winning. I have come to the realization that I will ALWAYS be able to think of something else that needs to be done-even after completing my long to-do list! Tired of my endless pursuit of checking off my to-do list and interested in silencing my mental clutter, I made a conscious decision to give up the frustrating goal of "getting it ALL done" and instead have regular achievable goals that fit into my larger life path. Here is what worked for me: 1. Visualize and vocalize what you want your life to look like. Take a moment and see yourself as way you want to look. Do you want to seem calmer, more physically fit? How about your home? What do you want your home to look like? Your schedule. Take time to answer these questions. 2. Analyze what you need to do to achieve your visualizations and dreams. Do you need to hire an interior decorator? Do you need to get rid of clutter? Would you like to shed 10 pounds? 3. Strategize with lists. "Oh, no- not more lists!," you may be thinking. Keep several different lists that implement the conclusions you made in #2-Analyze. In Let Go of Clutter, Harriet Schechter recommends keeping a master list, step-by-step lists (breaking down the larger projects on your master list), maintenance checklists for things needing to be done on a continual basis, a next life list- giving yourself permission for things you will not get around to, information lists with phone numbers, addresses, and etc., pro and con lists, grievance lists to free yourself from the injuries and injustices you've had to suffer, and emergency lists- for when you feel SO stressed and overwhelmed and need to get it down on paper. 4. Realize though that you cannot do everything. Nor do you want to! Now that you have a clear mental picture of how you want your life to look like, a LOT of the to-dos on your list may not do anything to further your goals in which case you want to delay, delete, delegate or diminish those tasks. 5. Internalize what you have learned today. Keep that clear picture of how you see yourself living optimally and go at it. When you feel life's demands all over again, stop, breathe, and start from the beginning. Rebekah Slatkin is a professional organizer dedicated to getting people organized through hands-on decluttering sessions, teleconferencing, coaching, and her website Best Organizing Products Superstore. Visit http://www.best-organizing-products-superstore.com to subscribe to Organewz, her ezine dedicated to organized living and get organizing tips and much more, free.
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Clutter Crisis? Clutter costs you time, money, space, and peace of mind. Most of us complain about our cluttered desks, closets, bedrooms, kitchens, attics, basements, and even our cars, purses, and briefcases. Clutter is overwhelming, yet we continue to add to it. Why? And what can we do about it? The Organized Move: Packing Made Simple (This is the second in a series of three articles on "The Organized Move") Heres A Great Way To Organize Your Work From Home Office Virtually How to do keep track of all you have to do on a daily basis? How about things that have to get done this week?.. How about for the month? I used to be a pen and paper guy..everything I had to get done was written (notes) in the yellow pad that sits in front of me. It still sits there, but it's not used as much, except for when I'm taking notes when on the phone. Identifying the Rocks: Organizing Your Priorities In one of my favorite books, First Things First, written by Stephen Covey with Roger and Rebecca Merrill, is a story of the man in front of his class with a pile of rocks and a jar. He puts the rocks in the jar, and then asks the class "Is it full?" "Yes," they answer in unison. "Oh?" he replies, and gets out some pebbles, which he adds to the jar. "Is it full?" he asks. Catching on, they reply, "Probably not." And then he added sand. And, finally, some water. "What does that tell you?" he asked. Answers included comments like "You can always squeeze something else in" or "Just get started." "Oh, not at all!" he said. "If you don't put the rocks in first, there won't be any room for the them. Creating The Perfect Closet Your closet is often the first thing you see in the morning, and its condition can determine your mood for the day. There is something about an orderly closet that makes a person feel stylish and in-control. But digging through a cluttered closet, trying to find a matching outfit can dampen even the brightest of spirits. Not a very good way to start the day! 7 Little Things That You Can Do to Organize the Kids Rooms 1. Sink to their level. Get on your knees in their room to view things from a kid's level. Convenience is an important factor in getting anyone to organize or put things away. Lower clothing racks in the closet. Put most frequently used items on the lowest shelves and in the lowest drawers. Set up decorative, short open bins, crates, baskets and boxes in corners, on closet floors and at the foot of the bed. Digging out of Paper Clutter - part 1 Digging out from under stacks of paper might seem like a daunting and insurmountable task. Let's face it, paper can be intimidating and overwhelming. It comes relentlessly and without warning, and it never stops coming - bills, insurance policies, faxes, to-do lists, invoices, tax information, user manuals, receipts, itineraries...Add in the magazines, brochures, drafts, booklets, letters, drafts, etc., and it's easy to see how paper molehills become paper mountains. And here's the worst part - somewhere in this ever-growing mound of chaos lies your business - important phone numbers, bills that have to be paid, clients that need attention, receivables that need collecting? Organizing Your Day One of the hardest things for most individuals working from home is to stay focused. One of the best ways to stay focused is organization. In addition, being organized will help your time management skills. The two are very much intertwined. Without a Plan, You?re Doomed to Failure "My job is an endless series of deadlines, I am constantly putting out fires" You've probably heard talk like that a time or two. You may sound like that yourself on occasion. Organized For Life Questions come my way all the time regarding my God-given nature to be organized. It has been said that I stayed under the proverbial "organized spout" too long when I was being created. In fact, at one point in my career I had the unofficial title, "Minister of Organization." 10 Tips on Color Coding Your Paper: From Chaos to Coherence Color-There Is No Substitute 5 Reasons to Organize Your Home Today Home organization isn't just for neat-nicks or those drawn toward organized living. Even if you don't fall into those two stereotypes, you should consider learning and implementing some home organizing techniques. Why bother? Here are five good reasons to organize your home: 10 Easy Tips for Digging Out Your Desk Today Has your polished mahogany (or modular plastic) desk been buried for so long that you can't remember what your desk is made out of? If so, use these tips to clear yourself some space to work in, and stay on top of your most urgent action items. Simple Ideas to Conquer Paper Clutter Are stacks of papers, mail, newspapers, and growing "to do" lists cluttering your home? Has it been months since you've seen your countertops or have you completely forgotten what your countertops look like? Paper clutter includes bills, warranties, cards, mail, memos, sticky notes, lists, letters, advertising flyers, school papers, etc. If any or all of these items are cluttering your home and countertops, follow the simple ideas below to organize your papers and gain control over the clutter. Improve Your Workplace to Make Your Life Better What does "quality of life" mean to you? If you want to improve it, you have to define and measure it. Most people think of it in terms of lodging, car, financial income, medical services, and social position. That point of view, however, is not fully complete. An average person is spending more than half of his/her life at work. That is why the level of comfort at workplace is an essential factor influencing on individual's life. The subject matter of this article is the improvement of your working environment and making it more comfortable for you. Please follow the guidelines in this article to minimize tiredness, achieve more results at work and make your life better. The Clutter Campaign - Design Your Vision I like a room you can dance in the middle of! Mariah Burton Nelson Saying Goodbye to Stacks of Paper and Distractions A daily journal will save you time, reduce stress and make you more productive. Organization Tips - How To Get Things Done What stops you from 'getting things done?' New Business? Changing Careers? Youve Got a Whole New Ball Game When you embark on a life transition, the skills that brought you success in a former life will no longer work. It's like trying to play football on a basketball team. The Most Frequently Asked Questions about Organizing Your Kids Rooms 1. In terms of organization, what is the first thing a parent should do before decorating a kid's room? ![]() |
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