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The Organized Move: Packing Made Simple
(This is the second in a series of three articles on "The Organized Move") Does the thought of packing all your belongings make you want to run for the hills? Homeowners who are moving on their own (as opposed to a corporate relocation where an employer is paying all the bills) find themselves with the dilemma of whether to do the packing themselves or contract out this huge task. A packing crew can be a good fit for an overscheduled family, a long-distance move where you may already be living in the destination city, or individuals with physical limitations. Summer time is peak season for the moving companies, so if you do decide to use a packing crew during these months be sure to reserve them early. If you choose the less expensive route and pack up your possessions, follow this simple plan to make the packing task more manageable. - If you haven't already done so, now is the time to take a tough look at your belongings and purge, purge, purge. Moving is expensive and you don't want to pay to move unnecessary items! - Purchase the proper packing materials from a local do-it-yourself moving and storage company. Use only clean, unprinted paper for wrapping and padding items. - Pack similar items together. Remember to number your boxes and keep a separate record of the box contents, i.e. box #2 ? crystal stemware. This serves as your master list and as an itemized list for insurance, if a claim has to be filed. - Dispose of any hazardous materials, such as paint, cleaners, ammunition, and propane tanks. These items are not allowed on the trucks or in your regular trash. Contact your local waste company to determine how to appropriately dispose of these items. - Start with the non-essential areas of your home. Items not part of your daily routine should be packed as early as possible. - Set a goal; it can be daily or weekly and try to pack that number of boxes. - Pack valuables that will remain with you such as jewelry, personal records, school information, medical records, financial records, and insurance information. Be sure these boxes are segregated from the others so that they don't inadvertently end up on the moving truck! - If you are having professional movers for the large items, I suggest you have them pack any large heavy glass items, antiques, major appliances, computer equipment, and special collections. Remember that the movers only insure what they pack. - Back up software and data files, and keep these backups with your valuables. - Label and color code boxes by floor and clearly designate the "unpack me first" box. Moving is definitely one of life's more stressful events, but the packing doesn't have to add to the burden. Using these strategies for organization and proper packing can minimize stress and allow you to focus your time and emotional energy on other aspects of your transition. Your possessions will arrive safe and secure and before you know it you will start to feel at home again! ©2004 Bridget Messino About the author: Bridget Messino is a Professional Organizer, speaker and co-owner of Clutter Free Living, Inc. Her work frequently appears on many Internet sites, on her own organizing site Clutter Free Living (http://www.clutterfreeliving.com), as well as in her monthly Home Organizing Newsletter How to Be Clutter Free. Subscribe to the FREE monthly e-newsletter by sending a blank e-mail to mailto:cflnews-subscribe@topica.email-publisher.com
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Do You Have A To-Do list? I have a huge white board in my home office, about 4ft x 3ft..my friends laugh when they come over due to the size of it. Here is where I plan my days. I'll be honest, my memory is not as great as it used to be as I tend to forget things that would never slip me before. Along with my huge white board I also have about 4 dry erase markers..blue - red - green and black. here's how I used my board .. Finish in Style - Organizing Works! One of my mother-in-law's many oft-quoted and wise declarations was "Finish in style." It has been on my mind lately, as I contemplate the end of another year, and the end of the first fifty years of my life. Based on my heritage, I fully expect to live another fifty years, so it seems appropriate to consider what I need to do now, so that I can finish the next fifty in style! 5 Easy Steps to Making Housework More Manageable Sometimes the task of keeping a clean, tidy house just seems overwhelming. Why is that? Because it never ends! You never get done! In order to make the task more manageable and give you the feeling that you have accomplished something. I've broken it done into 5 easy steps. Declutter for Sucess Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely..." --Ralph Waldo Emerson Organizing Tips to Help You Conquer the Laundry Monster Laundry. You sort, you wash, you fold, you blink ? and the pile of dirty clothes has grown all over again. Laundry is a fact of life, but approaching the task in an organized way can make it more manageable. A Simple Effective Tool To Get And Stay Organized Often we are in overwhelm because we are holding too many things in our brain. We are trying to make everything a priority and get it done now. When really we can eliminate 60 % of those things get more accomplished and be more successful. 3-Step Clean Sweep Program to Organize Getting Started The Natural Law of Attrition I'm cheap and proud of it. Digging out of Paper Clutter - part 1 Digging out from under stacks of paper might seem like a daunting and insurmountable task. Let's face it, paper can be intimidating and overwhelming. It comes relentlessly and without warning, and it never stops coming - bills, insurance policies, faxes, to-do lists, invoices, tax information, user manuals, receipts, itineraries...Add in the magazines, brochures, drafts, booklets, letters, drafts, etc., and it's easy to see how paper molehills become paper mountains. And here's the worst part - somewhere in this ever-growing mound of chaos lies your business - important phone numbers, bills that have to be paid, clients that need attention, receivables that need collecting? Give Up Control to Get Control For some reason, Americans think they have something to prove by doing it all themselves. People say to me all of the time, that someone else just can't do for them, the things that are on the "to do " list. Well, that is not only a ridiculous statement, but one that can be proven wrong over and over again. We all strive to appear in control. However, you cannot be in control if you are constantly struggling to juggle events and lists. So give up some of the control. I know that is a scary thought, but do it. By having professionals handle the items on your list, you will amaze your friends and family by having more time to enjoy life and you will seem more in control than ever. Don't worry. We don't expect you to do this cold turkey. We are going to give you tips on accomplishing this daunting task after we shock you into reality. Don't Be A Statistic! Here are the facts......I think the expression is "read 'em and weep." I know I wanted to when I saw these numbers. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the average U.S. family works between 105-115 hours per week. So let's run the numbers. 168 hours in a 7 day week x2 (if 2 people are working those hours) = 336 Less 110 hours for work Less 112 hours for sleeping Less 28 hours for eating Less 15 hours for commuting So what's left........71 HOURS!!! That is 71 hours for both workers total. Look like a big number of hours? Keep running the math. (If you are single that leaves you with 35.5 hrs - cut everything in half) Now what do you have to do in that 71 hours? Remember, if you are doing something as a family (both workers), you have to double the hours used when you subtract from the 71. Spend time with your family Run/attend children's activities (i.e. soccer, music lessons) Run errands Visit friends/relatives for special occasions Make purchases - clothing, gifts, daily needs Get Organised and Transform Your Life It takes effort to get results, and not just any effort, it takes smart effort. You cannot expect to achieve anything without doing something. Unfortunately in our society today, people are making an enormous effort to keep themselves busy all day, yet for many they look at what they have done and realised that much of the time had been wasted. They review their day and wonder what they had achieved. The Magnificent 7: Tips for Cleaning Up Clutter Clutter is postponed decisions®. Here are some suggestions to simplify the task of controlling clutter: Organizing Lessons from a Bookstore The store reminded me of a well-worn slipper ? tattered and dusty, but obviously used and loved. I toured the aisles and backrooms with storeowner and publisher Britton Trice. Celebrity book signings and individualized customer service are obviously major factors in the success of the store. File after file with details of book parties past. They mail out about 200 autographed Anne Rice books everyday! Piles of papers, some of them back to 1984, and announcements of summer reading programs and travel opportunities for the summer past told the tale that getting rid of things was obviously not his forte! The front counter and the shelves beneath were covered with bits of paper, containers of various sizes containing a variety of items ? most of them identifiable. The Clutter Factor: From Packrativity to Productivity ? Are you embarrassed when you walk into your home or office? ? Do you frequently run out of space? ? Is your desk piled high with UPO's (unidentified piled objects)? ? Are you frustrated by the amount of time you spend looking for things? How Can I Deal With It All? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Have a to-do list a mile long? An in-tray that's about to collapse? Closets that are jam-packed with junk and a stack of family photos? Overwhelmed? Try the Red Zone Tactic Some people seem to be born organized. You probably remember them from school: the ones who always had well-organized pencil cases equipped with erasers, sharpeners, pens, scissors and glue-sticks (probably in duplicate). Their hair was always neatly done; their clothes ironed and bearing a full complement of buttons. 25 Tips and Tricks for an Organized Move Worried because you're moving soon? This really doesn't have to be a stressful, chaotic time. Here are some tips to help you achieve a successful, organized move. Relieve Vacation Stress By Planning Ahead Cindy looks at the calendar and sighs. Ah, the end of May. What a busy time! Memorial Day is just around the corner and the package for her mom for Mother's day is still sitting on her bedroom floor. There are graduations to attend, parties to plan and vacations to pack for. The thought of getting away for a family vacation brings a smile to her face, but preparing her family for that trip is another story. Digging out of Paper Clutter - part 2 We previously noted that papers must be sorted before they can be properly filed. Continuing from our last article, your sort has left you with two piles - 'to file' and 'to throw away/recycle.' You've tossed the garbage/recycling, so now you have a stack of papers to file. Let's finish the sort, and create a basic filing system. Keep in mind three things: A Personal Action Plan for Change There are eight distinct steps to constructing and executing an action plan for effective and lasting change. ![]() |
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