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More Money? My Cup Runneth Over...But Im Still Thirsty
Most of us, especially those of us who have debtor's disease (if you have it you know what it is!), have commented or at least thought, "If I could just win the lottery, or sweepstakes, everything would be better." Unfortunately, even if that big dream did come true things probably would get worse instead of better. It's a strange phenomenon. It seems the more money you have, the more you need. It makes perfect sense. Given more money, most people would increase their standard of living. My question is, "If you haven't properly managed the money you have now, how do you expect that you'll be able to properly manage two, three, four, five or hundreds of thousands times more money?" A good question, huh? Food for thought. Maybe you need to start learning to properly manage what you have now while it's on a much smaller scale. Then you'll be prepared when that big lottery win, or sweepstakes, comes through! Now you may think this is a crazy, nonsense theory. Surely a million is enough for anyone to be on easy street! I'm sure you have at some time heard rumor about people who fall into great wealth by some means or another, and just a short time later are back where they started or in even worse financial condition. Many of these instances end in bankruptcy. Not convinced? Let me tell you about my own, smaller scale, experience with this strange phenomenon. Once upon a time, I was a single parent raising four children on an income of just under $20,000 per year. My children did not do without, and while I did begin my journey into debtors demise during this time, I had everything under control. Or so I thought. By my understanding now, I certainly was not managing my money well. I was not properly preparing for variable expenses or emergency expenses that were sure to arise. Thank goodness for a great family infrastructure that gave help and support when needed! My monthly payments were well within my income, including debt payments. I monitored my debt to be sure I maintained a comfortable debt to income ratio. I felt that I had the proper perspective on my finances. It was not until the household income increased due to marriage that I somehow lost that perspective and my real problems began. I blame a good deal of this accelerating financial ruin to "over confidence." This "over confidence" lead to an arrogant disregard of proper money management. Looking back, you know hind sight is 20/20, if I knew then what I know now, I would be way ahead of the game! Since my new husband earned more than twice the income I had, I quit work to become a stay at home mom. I've been working since I was fourteen years old (and I'm no spring chicken now) so when he expressed the desire for me to stay at home with the kids, I jumped on it! But, this was not a contributing factor to my financial demise. It was the mindset I acquired when the household income increased. My mindset was this, "If I took care of a family of five on my near poverty level income, surely I have no financial worries now." Life was good! At least for a while. Our standard of living changed of course. Typically, my cup runneth over??and I thirsted for more. Now we could afford to charge those things we "needed?" (I question it because, my definition of this word has greatly changed) and wanted without fear. I had that fear before. The fear of not being able to pay back the debt. I believe that's why I kept it under strict control. With that fear now gone and a new sense of false security replacing it??..debtor's demise set in quickly. Before I knew it we were living paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes, I even found myself juggling funds around to make the budget balance. It didn't seem like so much money any more. I can laugh at myself now that I understand exactly how it happened. That delusion of grandeur mindset I had let little ol' me fall into. After all my research, I now know that I am not unlike millions of other people in this world. It's an easy mindset to get into. This is why more money will never make everything better until you learn to manage first and then spend. Your best preparation for that big winning day is to start planning now. Even if that big money dream never comes true, you may be surprised what a little forethought and planning can accomplish. A good debt free spending plan and monthly budget that encourage frugal living will, at the very least, provide you with more financial security and independence. Why heck, if you're young enough, you can plan your way into millionaire status. It can be done. It has been done! It's the guy next door who you may not even be aware classifies as a millionaire. He or she probably doesn't brag about it, and their lifestyle doesn't hint of it. But I bet that's one happy, stress free, millionaire who has everything he needs and wants. He's probably just about the nicest person you ever want to meet. Simply because he manages his money and refuses to let his money manage him! So what are you waiting for? Quit wishing for more money and make a plan to manage and take control of what money you have! Good Luck and Success Live Debt Free to Be Free. You Deserve It! Cheryl Johnson is a mother of four helping herself and others become and stay debt free. Publisher of Simple Debt Free Living at http://www.simpledebtfreeliving.com - A self-help plan, ideas, and resources for debt management, household budget planning, frugal and debt free living, and extra income opportunities Money Saving tips to maximize savings everyday, reduce expenses, and encourage debt free living.
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Budgeting is Essential for a Single Mothers Success Today many women are struggling with debt and it's even harder if you are a single mother trying to support your family. According to the Census Bureau single mothers far outweigh single fathers. In 2003 there was a total of 2,260,000 one parent family groups maintained by the father and 10,142,000 one parent family groups maintained by the mother. This is also why many single mothers find themselves diving into debt. How to Attain Your Dreams on a Single Income If you recently became a single parent and see your dreams being washed away because you feel all alone, you aren't alone. There are single parents that face future endeavors alone like dating again, living on one income, and buying the home they've always imagined. It is possible to do things on your own, be successful, and enjoy every bit of getting to where you want to be in life. Should You Borrow From Your 401(k) Account? If you have a 401(k) account, it can be very tempting to borrow from your account especially when your balance is very high and a loan could easily pay off existing debt, fund a home purchase, or pay for college tuition. Before you make the decision to borrow money, there are several things you must keep in mind to avoid risking your funds. Budgeting Tips to Save Real Money Sticking to a budget can be difficult, but with so many demands on your finances you have to be extra cautious. TV ads are constantly bombarding the airwaves with messages that you need to buy this or you must have that. Usually, if you just wait a week or two, the urge to buy that new gadget will pass. But, what should you do if you have already spent more than you have? The following are several real world ideas that can help you save real dollars. Money Matters: Strengthen Your Marriage by Putting Finances in Order Did you know that 43% of all married couples argue over money issues, making it the major reason couples fight? If you and your spouse handle money differently, now is the time to talk, establish expectations, and draw up a financial plan. Save Money on Groceries: Part I One universal of humanity, no matter who you are or where you come from, you have to eat. Unless you grow your own food, you will have to go to the grocery store to get it. That means money. Here are two very simple but highly effective methods for saving money on the food you buy. Budgeting: A Tough Love Way to Handle Your Household Budget Developing and living by a household budget is by far the best way to get your expenses under control which, in turn, can mean a much less stressful life. Budgeting your Savings - Did You Let Your Piggy Bank Get Away? I think most of us have at some point in our lives. Some how we forget to feed the little piggy. And, like most neglected "pets", your piggy bank will disappear if you don't feed it. A personal budget is important to create financial independence and setting goals for feeding that "piggy bank" should be an important part of your budget! Identity Theft ? More Tips on How it Can Be Avoided Recent security breaches at several credit card companies continue to worry Americans, as stolen financial information can lead to identity theft. Identity theft occurs when someone obtains your Social Security number and/or other vital information and uses it to pose as you. By doing so, they can take advantage of your good credit history to open new credit card accounts or obtain loans. They get to spend the money, but you get to pay the bills. It often takes a victim a year or more to even detect that he or she has been a victim of ID theft; clearing up the mess caused by an identity theft scam can take years and can harm you personal credit report indefinitely. Budgeting -- The Critical Flaw That Causes Most Budgets to Fail Budgeting. It's a word we're all familiar with. Everyone knows what a budget is, right? Yet how many of us actually make and stick to a solid monthly budget? The truth is that most of us start out with the best of intentions, but an unexpected expense comes up and busts our budget. Then we give up and go back to juggling our finances and worrying about having too much month left at the end of the money. However, if you are striving to create a budget for the purpose of systematically paying off your debts, or to start a savings and investment program, then it's critical to develop a workable and realistic budget. How To Survive The Grocery Shopping Blues If you are the normal consumer, then you've probably experienced the Grocery Shopping Blues. Most supermarkets use this trick to their advantage to squeeze more money out of their customers and turn a tidy little profit for themselves. Budgets And Eating - Can They Co-Exist? Whatever your reason for having a tight budget, the truth is that going to the grocery store without a plan is a BIG budget breaker. And sadly all that cash ends up vanishing into our stomachs and then...well, you know what comes next. Know Thy Finances The first step to financial success lies in knowing your financial situation at any given time. There is an anecdote attributed to John D. Rockefeller--that as a child he was given a monthly allowance from his parents, but upon stipulation that he had to save 10% of it, give away 10% to charity, and account for the rest of it. While his parents required that he record down to the penny where he spent it--you can be a bit more lenient on yourself! How You Feel Affects How You Shop & How Much You Spend Have you ever stopped to think about how your "mood" affects the way you shop, not to mention the amount you spend? Think about it. What?s New in Checking ? From Designs to Photos Just about everyone has a checking account. Checks present easy ways to make payments and they have simply become a way of life. Most checking accounts are pretty much the same, but there are some ways that you can make the most out of your personal checks. Do You Know What Tomorrow Will Bring? I've been sharing the following idea with people for a few years now, and realized recently that I had never written specifically about it. So here it is: What is a Traditional IRA? With a traditional Investment Retirement Account (IRA) you pay taxes when you take the money out at retirement in the future. Make sure that this account is really worth opening in your situation because what you put in the account today may be fully deductible, partially deductible or non deductible, depending upon your income and other retirement coverage. If you contributions are not fully deductible then this account is probably not for you. Planning Your Financial Future Millions of people give a lot of thought to financial planning but get frustrated and give up before ever making any progress. Making yourself aware of the most common reasons people fail to make a viable financial plan is the first step in reaching your financial goals. The uncertainty of the stock market, social security, and the declining world wide economy have made appropriate financial planning a must for every individual and family. Here are some tips that can make planning for your financial future a more successful experience: How To Get Ahead On A Low Income Do you struggle from week to week trying to make ends meet? Are you consistently going without things that you really wish you could afford? Well I have some possible and practical solutions to your dilemma: How to Draw a Personal Budget that Works Many people spend their little income haphazardly without any planning and end up getting broke before month-end. They then borrow to make ends meet and end up with more problems that they fail to repay their debts promptly. ![]() |
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