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How To Get Ahead On A Low Income
Do you struggle from week to week trying to make ends meet? Are you consistently going without things that you really wish you could afford? Well I have some possible and practical solutions to your dilemma: 1. TIPS TO HELP YOUR BUDGET STRETCH FURTHER. There are many ideas that you could adopt to help your hard earned dollars buy more than you could before (or so it seems!) · Do you take your lunch to work? You could save between $15 -$25 per week, if you packed it yourself. You'd have to make it interesting so you weren't tempted to go and buy something else. · Make your lunchbox food, and that of your children, rather than buying stuff. It is so much cheaper and often tastier! Start making cakes, biscuits and slices etc. If you have a bread maker, make bread and home made rolls for the kids. Get them to design their own shapes, they'll love it. If you add up the costs of bought biscuits, cakes, muesli bars, etc, you'd realise this could be a huge saving, and considerably better for you. It's just a training and prioritising exercise, you can do it if you really really want to save the money. · Do you eat out regularly, or have a coffee or supper at a café? Why not consider having friends over or going to their place for tea or a night out. Play games, watch a video, whatever. This would be great fun but importantly, A LOT CHEAPER. One video hire for $7 compared to all of you paying $12 each to go to the movies. A meal out could cost $70 for 2 people quite easily, and that often doesn't include drinks. You could have a great dinner party for that ? and share it around at friend's places so you all get a turn of cooking and resting as well as sharing the costs. · Menu planning is a great way I've found to reduce my weekly shopping bill. Menu planning involves deciding at the start of the week what you'll eat EVERY night (and day) that week. Include a couple of pasta dishes or cheapies like tuna mornay or whatever. Determine what ingredients you'll need for all these meals and then only shop for those items. You'll find you wont have the waste and you wont buy 'on the spur of the moment' items. This could also save about $20 - $50 per week (depending on your family and tastes etc) If you put your mind to it, I'm sure you could come up with heaps more ideas of HOW you could make your income go further. 2. If you have your belt pulled in as tightly as you can, and you really can't find any areas of your life that you could spend less, then perhaps you could try and increase your income. I don't mean ask your boss for a pay rise either. There are many ideas of earning extra income at home e.g. home based business ideas or running your own internet business. Both of these ideas are cheap and easy to start up, you just have to know how and where. I won't go into any detail here, you may want to chase up some of my other articles later. Saving more money or earning more income on its own is NOT going to make you any wealthier. It's what you do with those savings or extra earnings that will set you apart from the normal and help you get ahead in life. Based on my own experience, I have found that investing in real estate, particularly real estate with a POSITIVE CASH FLOW, is the best and most secure way to get ahead and stay ahead. Before you think 'I can't do that, only the rich can invest in property,' then I want to tell you that 'ANYONE CAN INVEST in POSITIVE CASH FLOW property.' You just have to know how (refer to other articles of mine). How much could we estimate you could save each week based on only those suggestions at the beginning of the article: $15 (packing lunch) Now, what's something productive you can do with this saving to help you really increase your wealth and get out of the 'rat race?' SOLUTION: INVEST IN POSITIVELY CASH FLOWED PROPERTY. The changes you've made to your budget will get you the deposit in no time, plus your extra earning (if you made some!) After that, the tenants pay off the mortgage for you (assuming it has a positive cash flow). You also have some left over money from your better budgeting which you could put towards the mortgage, or better still, save for another deposit on another property. Before you go investing in real estate, I'd encourage you to get educated so that you really know what you're doing. If it's not done properly, it could be expensive, but if it's done correctly, then it will set you up for the rest of your life. I hope you have found this article thought provoking and encouraging. You can change your current circumstances if YOU CHOOSE to. I hope this has given you some positive ideas as to HOW. Mandy Nield is a recognised authority on the subject of investing. Whether you are a fully experienced master craftsman or a raw apprentice, you will learn exciting and achievable ways to improve your saving and invest profitably in real estate, to secure a financial future. http://www.anyonecaninvest.com
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Do You Know What Tomorrow Will Bring? I've been sharing the following idea with people for a few years now, and realized recently that I had never written specifically about it. So here it is: Stretching Your Grocery Dollars Shopping for groceries is an inevitable fact of our ever busy lives. We may imagine that we are saving time by dashing in, roaming the aisles and throwing whatever looks good into the cart. Most often, what we end up with is repetitive, nutritionally unbalanced meals and ballooning grocery bills. Or worse, frequent fast-food stops and pizza calls. Brighten your meals and save time and money by planning ahead ? an added bonus you may even save a few calories. A Quck Lesson in Saving Money Did you have a piggy bank when you were a child? I did. Mine sat empty for a long time until my mother convinced me that I should really start putting my pennies and nickels into it in order to save my money for when I was older and wanted to buy something. When do You Need a Financial Management Company on Your Side? We live in a crazy world. Someone ought to sell tickets. It seems that people, especially those in the US, are always clamoring for products and services that they don't need and ignoring those that they do. Financial Management is a prime example. Companies that provide financial management services are often inundated with requests from potential clients that really can't benefit from their services while many people that should be using a financial manager of some kind are literally flying by the seat of their monetary pants without anyone to navigate for them. Money Matters - Really! One of the biggest challenges facing black RELATIONSHIPS today are finances. Many people mistakenly feel that money does NOT matter. In fact, money matters the MOST! Why? Most people do not have a clue about their own financial destiny. Financial Readiness: Preparing for BRAC (Base Realignment And Closing) The recommendations for military base closings have been released and the news is not good. If the recommendations are accepted, you will lose your job. So what do you do? Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Developing a budget? Watch out for Those Budget-Bursting Gremlins If you've developed a household budget to get your spending back in line or to just reduce stress, good for you! Creating and sticking to a budget isn't easy by all means. But it represents the best way by far to manage your finances so you can relax and worry about other things. How to Attain Your Dreams on a Single Income If you recently became a single parent and see your dreams being washed away because you feel all alone, you aren't alone. There are single parents that face future endeavors alone like dating again, living on one income, and buying the home they've always imagined. It is possible to do things on your own, be successful, and enjoy every bit of getting to where you want to be in life. Chex Systems ? Why Every American Needs To Guard His Checking Account With His Life Most Americans have been brought up to be concerned about a good personal credit rating, because of the role a positive rating can play in your long term plans; purchasing a home, buying a car, getting a business loan, etc. They have also been made to understand that the premier organizations that pretty much hold the key to their financial futures are Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Know Thy Finances The first step to financial success lies in knowing your financial situation at any given time. There is an anecdote attributed to John D. Rockefeller--that as a child he was given a monthly allowance from his parents, but upon stipulation that he had to save 10% of it, give away 10% to charity, and account for the rest of it. While his parents required that he record down to the penny where he spent it--you can be a bit more lenient on yourself! Healthy Eating On A Budget It is possible to eat a healthy, balanced diet without breaking the bank! Here are some suggestions: The Wonderful World Of Address Labels Ever wonder where address labels come from? Avery® is perhaps one of the most well-known manufacturers of address labels. Rightly so in some respects. Avery® contributed much to the world of professional labels. Stan Avery, founder of the company started the company in 1935. During that time the company, named Kum-Kleen Products, produced self-adhesive labels for many purposes. Save Your Money, Dont Give to Charity Scammers **If it's Spam, it's a Scam!- If it sounds too good, if it shows up in your bulk folder or your spam folder - don't touch it, just delete it Budgeting: A Tough Love Way to Handle Your Household Budget Developing and living by a household budget is by far the best way to get your expenses under control which, in turn, can mean a much less stressful life. Organizing Your Finances - Thinking Outside the (Shoe) Box If you're like most people, your personal financial records are most probably kept in less than "Good Accounting Practices" standards. For example, stashing old ATM receipts and hanging on to a stub showing what you paid for a pack of mints two years ago (cash, of course), might be filed with your paycheck stubs, credit card statements ? paid and unpaid alike ? as well as a few tax forms, a stray paper clip and a penny. Anything from an old shoebox to a toolbox would do you for this method of personal financial tracking but you can do better than that. How Electronic Checks Work ? Will Paper Checks Eventually Go Away? Traditional checks probably won't disappear anytime soon, but processing checks electronically is sure to continue! Have you ever been asked to fill out your account and routing number when paying for something online or over the phone ? or have you provided a paper check to pay for something and it is given back to you after it is run through a machine? Did you scratch your head like I did the first time that happened? I Want to Buy a Home - Now What? If you were to ask 100 women "What would you like to achieve financially?" Buying a home or apartment is usually one of the answers. Some women think that they can never own a home - which is not true! In fact, there are so many success stories of home buyers who never thought they would get there. In addition, homeowners tend to have greater financial success in the other areas of their finances life. I've seen it over and over. Why Live Frugally What is it about being frugal, why do it at all? Actually, some people don't do it at all, they have decided that what they want and desire is what they are going to get and they feel they deserve it. I have no trouble with that; more power to ya, live long and prosper and may you die with the most toys. However, for me, I find little value in the things around me. Honor Those Who Serve with Checking Account Supplies Our global society has had a wake up call in the last five years regarding our safety. But there are those in our communities that fight to keep us safe from day to day. They are take charge people and we like to honor them as our heroes. What better way than on your checking supplies? What is ChexSystems? Commonly referred to as the first of the three major "Check Systems" in the U.S., Chex Systems is an association of financial institutions that network together in order to develop a database that maintains the records of mutually unwanted customers. To make sure that only financially responsible individuals open up checking accounts at member institutions, these banks report on customers who demonstrate poor financial management skills. When a customer's checking account is closed due to demonstrated mismanagement, then he or she is reported to Chex Systems. Once done, the customer will have a very difficult time opening up an account at any other financial institution partnered with Chex Systems for the next five years. ![]() |
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