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How Electronic Checks Work ? Will Paper Checks Eventually Go Away?
Traditional checks probably won't disappear anytime soon, but processing checks electronically is sure to continue! Have you ever been asked to fill out your account and routing number when paying for something online or over the phone ? or have you provided a paper check to pay for something and it is given back to you after it is run through a machine? Did you scratch your head like I did the first time that happened? Here is how electronic check conversion works. Instead of writing out a check the old-fashioned way, the new way of using checks use digital signatures for signing and endorsing and have digital certificates to authenticate the bank account. These e-checks are sent either by direct transmission using telephone lines or by public networks such as the Internet. The "endorsed" e-check with an electronic signature is then sent over the internet to the payee's bank for deposit. Why are companies using electronic checks, you ask? Well, more stores are using e-checks because they work in the same way as traditional checks, and require very little "public" education on the process. Secondly, they are more cost effective, especially for corporate markets. And finally, they can be cleared easier than traditional checks. What Does it Mean to Me that Companies are Switching Over to E-Checks? A downside is that there is little or no "float" on your check. Basically, if you were to write a check today, you need funds in your account at the time you write your check to cover the payment. If funds are not available, the check may bounce and a fee may be assessed by the business. It has been easy to get into the habit of writing out a check right before pay day, knowing that the check would not clear immediately. With the emergence of electronic check conversion, that reasoning no longer is true and it can easily mean trouble. Who Uses Electronic Checks and How do I Know? Everyone from gas stations to restaurants and internet websites may use electronic checks, and to know for sure, you must look for a notice. By law, you must receive notice that your check has been processed electronically. Notice can be given in the following ways:
Do I Get My Check Back and Will the Payment be Shown on My Monthly Statement? Your bank may be unable to give you a copy of your checks, so it is important to keep records of the checks written out ? duplicate checks are a great solution to this dilemma. If you run into a bind and need a copy of a check written to a merchant, check with that business, they may be able to provide it to you. You payment must be shown on your monthly bank statement. It should include the name of the business, the payment amount and the date the payment was electronically transferred from your account. What if There is an Error on Your Account or Unauthorized Transactions? Be in the habit of reviewing your account regularly for errors. Did two payments go through instead of one? Were you charged the wrong amount? By law, you have 60 days from the date your statement was sent to you to notify your financial institution of any errors. Your bank may take up to 45 days from when you notify them to investigate the issue. Normally, your bank will credit your account while the investigation occurs. Robb Ksiazek is a successful author and publisher for Checks-4U.com. He has researched and written hundreds of articles and can simplify your online search by recommending merchants for the best value and selections in business or personal checks, address labels, rubber stamps and envelopes.
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What Are We Teaching our 2005 Graduates about Money? Now that we are in the month of June I can't help but wonder if we have prepared our new graduates for the responsibility of managing and budgeting their money. How To Survive The Grocery Shopping Blues If you are the normal consumer, then you've probably experienced the Grocery Shopping Blues. Most supermarkets use this trick to their advantage to squeeze more money out of their customers and turn a tidy little profit for themselves. The Changing Shape of Family Finances Super-mums Saving Money - The Magic 20 Percent Saving money is not easy and is made more difficult if you have a short-term outlook regarding your personal finances. If, like many people, you are living from one pay cheque to the next, it is difficult to put some money aside for a rainy day or for a summer holiday. But what if you were to change your financial outlook into a medium to long-term one? You might believe that you cannot afford to think ahead and make plans, but in most cases you would be wrong. Most people should be able to save some money and with some effort, maybe even as much as 20 percent of their salary each month. Income Analysis First of all it is important to have a handle on where your income is going. Unless, we are on an extremely tight budget or are very money conscious for other reasons, many of us have never really sat down and considered what our money is being spent on ? we just know that by the end of the month, it has all gone! You will know if you are consistently spending your money on unnecessary purchases, for example. Having this knowledge equips you with the control to change things a little or a lot. Saving Money Mentality Many people have never been taught to save and as children, immediately spent the money they received without any forethought. You often hear people say, "Life is short, if you want something buy it now", but thankfully for most of us life is not really so short and along the way we will have to deal with both opportunities and challenges. Having some money saved will help you make the most of the opportunities and ride the challenges. Savings ? Seeing the Big Picture If you could save 20 percent of your salary each month, imagine what that would mean in real financial terms. For example, if you earn 2000 dollars per month and you saved 20 percent or 400 dollars out of every pay cheque, after 12 months you will have saved 4800 dollars! Regularly saving this amount of money would give you the financial freedom to take advantage of more of life's opportunities. You could plan the special holiday you have always wanted to go on, buy the car that you have been dreaming about for years, or help put a child through college. When it comes to life's challenges, having a lump sum put away could help you pay for private medical care or deal with an expensive plumbing problem in the home, all without having to turn to the bank for a loan and getting into debt. How Can it Be Done? As we have already seen, knowing exactly where your money is going is the starting point. Next, start thinking about the big things you could achieve with some money in the bank. Some people compensate themselves for not having what they really want, by making many frequent small purchases and getting a temporary "feel good" sensation afterwards. Rather than satisfying yourself with small purchases, such as new clothes and CDs every week or always buying the latest mobile phone, think about how much more satisfying it would be to save up and buy or do something special, which you previously thought was out of your reach, but is achievable with a little effort. Financial Fitness - Are You Exercising the Right Muscles to become Financially Fit? Are your financial muscles well toned and healthy or flabby and weak? Do you want to change your relationship with money so you can have control over your financial future or do you want to continue to complain that you don't have enough? Exercise these 10 muscles to achieve Financial Fitness. Kundalini Lessons - Money I've been going through and interesting growth period lately that I thought I'd share, as some of the lessons were pretty profound (at least for me). Retirement Income Needs---Less Than You Think? It is widely written that you need 75% of your present income to maintain your present life-style in retirement. If you make 100 thousand now, figure 75 thousand in retirement. Bankruptcy Laws Get Tougher - More Expensive If you've been thinking about filing for bankruptcy, your best bet might be to file now. 10 Money-Saving Tips 1. If you have your haircut every 3 weeks, try going 4 or 5 weeks in between haircuts. If you pay $10 for a haircut, you could save $70 a year by having a cut every 5 weeks instead of 3. Bank On It: Places to Hide and Invest Money Today I passed a thermometer at a bank that read 110 degrees, but I am not telling you that to show you how hot it was. I am telling you that because this bank really needs to fix their thermometer. According to their thermometer, it was also 110 degrees in December. There are a lot of people, places and things that can be more accurate with the weather, and as I've never said (but have always wanted to), "Whatever I trust with the weather is what I also trust with my money." Here are some examples: If I Had a Structured Settlement, I Would Use It to Pay for Gas Has anyone been to the gas pumps lately? Soon $3 a gallon will be the asking price and we'll either have to become cyclists or create some additional income. I plan to do both of course because you can balance thrift and greed pretty well as you ride your bike to work. If All Things Are Possible, Why Cant I Balance My Checkbook? For me, the most terrible time of each month is the day our bank statement comes. We commonly call it BSS (Bank Statement Syndrome). I don't know why it is, but I have trouble getting the parsonage checkbook to balance with the monthly bank statement. Strategies for Success Holy Shenanigans! More STUFF? Introduction to Australian Superannuation Australians, in general, constitute some of the worst savers in the world. Current estimates suggest that, on average, Australians save just 4% of their income. This is less than half of the 11% estimate for Australians in the late 1970s. Save On Food - Ten Tips To save on food, be an opportunist. Buy what you like, but buy on sale. Do you need oranges every day? Buy them when they're cheap, then buy grapefruit or orange juice when it's on sale. Opportunism is the key to low-cost living in general. You get everything you like, and lots of variety, because everything goes on sale once in a while. Here are ten more ways to get cheap food. Debt Management ? More Ways to Save on Gas Consumption The price of gas continues to climb, and with continued uncertainty in the Middle East, they will probably continue to do so. In California and elsewhere, prices for some grades of gas have now reached the previously unthinkable three dollars a gallon. Granted, that is lower than the inflation-adjusted prices of early 1981, but that doesn't make anyone feel better when they've just paid nearly $100 to fill the tank of their sport utility vehicle. Save Money on Gas Gas prices have soared to unimaginable heights of late. Since most of us are not likely to turn to bikes or horse-drawn buggies we will have to learn to get the most from our gas dollars. Try a few of the following tips to make your gas go farther. Personal Finance - Have Consumers Had a Belly Full of Personal Debt? For months, we were trigger-swipe happy, putting our groceries, clothes, holidays and service charges on our credit cards. We wanted mortgages, we took out loans, we watched Property Ladder and What Not To Wear. Whether you were born middle class, had middle class aspirations, you became middle class through your spending. Debt united people around the UK, we sympathised with each other on what we couldn't afford ? but it didn't matter, we still bought it. Soon everybody had a bottle of Jacob's Creek in their kitchen and olives and humous in the fridge. The Joys of Address Labels Address labels are many things to many different people. If you are a huge fan of address labels, you aren't alone. If you are not a fan, you simply haven't yet realized the many benefits address labels carry. Address labels are quite simply a quick and efficient tool for creating a more convenient life. How to Save Money in a Grocery Store Now there are ways to save money in the grocery store, and they may or may not take much effort on your part to learn some great ways to save money. Your greater savings can often be found in the perishable departments of a grocery store. The perishable departments are the bakery, meat, and produce departments. Looking at the grocery ads can also be of great assistance. Also, believe it or not something as simple as writing down a list can help you save money. I'll show you a few techniques that will help you save money. ![]() |
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