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If I Had a Structured Settlement, I Would Use It to Pay for Gas
Has anyone been to the gas pumps lately? Soon $3 a gallon will be the asking price and we'll either have to become cyclists or create some additional income. I plan to do both of course because you can balance thrift and greed pretty well as you ride your bike to work. I only live a few miles from my place of employment so riding my bike there is no big deal. I've already made a few practice runs, time and safest route. The problem is I live in S. Florida. And you can't stand still and not break into a sweat let alone pedal for 25 minutes. But I'll find a way. Whatever it takes. As for the additional income side of the equation, I happen to know of a lucrative little program. It's not easy, but if making money was easy plenty of people would be rich. Being a broker for alternative cash flows is a pretty interesting side business. You get to help people, and make money at the same time. I like that. So alternative cash flows take a number of different forms, from cashing out future settlement, annuity, or lottery payments, to equipment leasing, to business factoring. Two great resources to learn more about these businesses. www.prosperitypartners.com and the American Cashflow Association. Both educate average Joes and corporate executives alike to make money in this secondary finance industry. I personally recommend factoring, and structured settlement cash outs second. Gas prices are going up, faster than my salary. I need to spend less and make more. If I had a structured settlement, I'd cash it in and use it to cover my gas expenses. Not for work travel, because I'll be riding my bike. But my new alternative cashflow customers might appreciate it if I show up in a car and not sweaty profusely on my bike. Jason Rigler
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Avoiding A Nightmare On Renovation Street You've decided you want a bigger, better and more desirable house. How do you determine when to renovate, what to do and importantly, how much will it cost and will we get our money back? Budgeting Tips to Save Real Money Sticking to a budget can be difficult, but with so many demands on your finances you have to be extra cautious. TV ads are constantly bombarding the airwaves with messages that you need to buy this or you must have that. Usually, if you just wait a week or two, the urge to buy that new gadget will pass. But, what should you do if you have already spent more than you have? The following are several real world ideas that can help you save real dollars. Improving Your Financial Position If you want money you need to learn how to control it. You need to improve your financial education and build your discipline. I am going to reveal to you how you can do both. Let me ask you a very simple question. Do you want money? Of course you do! Single Mother and Learning how to Save Saving may seem easier if you were saving for a new car, or a vacation however when it comes to saving in general it may prove to be more challenging because you may not necessarily feel you are receiving a reward from it. However saving pays off, especially as a single mother. All you need to do is simply spend less than you make each month. Money Saving Tips. Maximize Savings on Everyday Items! Frugal living is more than a lifestyle. It's a passion. Call Me Crazy! I love It! What is ChexSystems? Commonly referred to as the first of the three major "Check Systems" in the U.S., Chex Systems is an association of financial institutions that network together in order to develop a database that maintains the records of mutually unwanted customers. To make sure that only financially responsible individuals open up checking accounts at member institutions, these banks report on customers who demonstrate poor financial management skills. When a customer's checking account is closed due to demonstrated mismanagement, then he or she is reported to Chex Systems. Once done, the customer will have a very difficult time opening up an account at any other financial institution partnered with Chex Systems for the next five years. Financial Security 1) HOW TO LOOK FOR A JOB Why Live Frugally What is it about being frugal, why do it at all? Actually, some people don't do it at all, they have decided that what they want and desire is what they are going to get and they feel they deserve it. I have no trouble with that; more power to ya, live long and prosper and may you die with the most toys. However, for me, I find little value in the things around me. Personal Loans For Homeowners ? One Of The Numerous Rewards For Being A Homeowner You no longer look at the pictures of homes cause you yourself bought one. Well, you know how you got that, it was a huge investment. Now that you are facing some financial issues and you are thinking of taking a loan to cope with monetary crisis. Taking loans is a growing phenomenon. And this has a lot to do with the changing configuration of the current economic scene. Monetary and fiscal requirement of the people have increased and in turn led to increase in loan borrowing. So, it is not exceptional that you are looking for loans. If you are a homeowner in the pursuit of personal loan, all I can say is "you are fortunate". Save Your Money, Dont Give to Charity Scammers **If it's Spam, it's a Scam!- If it sounds too good, if it shows up in your bulk folder or your spam folder - don't touch it, just delete it More Money? My Cup Runneth Over...But Im Still Thirsty Most of us, especially those of us who have debtor's disease (if you have it you know what it is!), have commented or at least thought, "If I could just win the lottery, or sweepstakes, everything would be better." Unfortunately, even if that big dream did come true things probably would get worse instead of better. Why You Should Seek Professional Help With Asset Management Everyone needs to maintain their lives. What I mean by that is that we all need to take certain measures to make sure that we have a home, transportation, food, entertainment etc. Budgeting: A Tough Love Way to Handle Your Household Budget Developing and living by a household budget is by far the best way to get your expenses under control which, in turn, can mean a much less stressful life. Take Control and Master Your Kitchen Those who keep a watchful eye on where their money is spent, have long conquered the kitchen woes. No last minute panic trips to the market. No longer needing the "give-the-kids-$20-for-fast-food" solution. This is no longer a problem or even a concern for the "Kitchen Master". Save Money Off Your Home Utility Bills Many don't realize that our basic utility bills provide the perfect money saving opportunity for practically every household! Know Thy Finances The first step to financial success lies in knowing your financial situation at any given time. There is an anecdote attributed to John D. Rockefeller--that as a child he was given a monthly allowance from his parents, but upon stipulation that he had to save 10% of it, give away 10% to charity, and account for the rest of it. While his parents required that he record down to the penny where he spent it--you can be a bit more lenient on yourself! How You Feel Affects How You Shop & How Much You Spend Have you ever stopped to think about how your "mood" affects the way you shop, not to mention the amount you spend? Think about it. How to Attain Your Dreams on a Single Income If you recently became a single parent and see your dreams being washed away because you feel all alone, you aren't alone. There are single parents that face future endeavors alone like dating again, living on one income, and buying the home they've always imagined. It is possible to do things on your own, be successful, and enjoy every bit of getting to where you want to be in life. Saving Money - The Magic 20 Percent Saving money is not easy and is made more difficult if you have a short-term outlook regarding your personal finances. If, like many people, you are living from one pay cheque to the next, it is difficult to put some money aside for a rainy day or for a summer holiday. But what if you were to change your financial outlook into a medium to long-term one? You might believe that you cannot afford to think ahead and make plans, but in most cases you would be wrong. Most people should be able to save some money and with some effort, maybe even as much as 20 percent of their salary each month. Income Analysis First of all it is important to have a handle on where your income is going. Unless, we are on an extremely tight budget or are very money conscious for other reasons, many of us have never really sat down and considered what our money is being spent on ? we just know that by the end of the month, it has all gone! You will know if you are consistently spending your money on unnecessary purchases, for example. Having this knowledge equips you with the control to change things a little or a lot. Saving Money Mentality Many people have never been taught to save and as children, immediately spent the money they received without any forethought. You often hear people say, "Life is short, if you want something buy it now", but thankfully for most of us life is not really so short and along the way we will have to deal with both opportunities and challenges. Having some money saved will help you make the most of the opportunities and ride the challenges. Savings ? Seeing the Big Picture If you could save 20 percent of your salary each month, imagine what that would mean in real financial terms. For example, if you earn 2000 dollars per month and you saved 20 percent or 400 dollars out of every pay cheque, after 12 months you will have saved 4800 dollars! Regularly saving this amount of money would give you the financial freedom to take advantage of more of life's opportunities. You could plan the special holiday you have always wanted to go on, buy the car that you have been dreaming about for years, or help put a child through college. When it comes to life's challenges, having a lump sum put away could help you pay for private medical care or deal with an expensive plumbing problem in the home, all without having to turn to the bank for a loan and getting into debt. How Can it Be Done? As we have already seen, knowing exactly where your money is going is the starting point. Next, start thinking about the big things you could achieve with some money in the bank. Some people compensate themselves for not having what they really want, by making many frequent small purchases and getting a temporary "feel good" sensation afterwards. Rather than satisfying yourself with small purchases, such as new clothes and CDs every week or always buying the latest mobile phone, think about how much more satisfying it would be to save up and buy or do something special, which you previously thought was out of your reach, but is achievable with a little effort. Budgeting the Key to being Financially Stable Single Mother's in need of Financial Guidance ![]() |
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