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Kundalini Lessons - Money
I've been going through and interesting growth period lately that I thought I'd share, as some of the lessons were pretty profound (at least for me). I've written before about my awakening and the joys and tribulations since, and I've also mentioned that it's an ongoing process which, as far as I can tell, doesn't really end til you shuffle off this mortal coil. Then you get to come back and start over. :) The last couple of years or so have been a really interesting period, partly through the guidance and help from both Dr. Glenn Morris and Susan Carlson, and it's interesting how much progress I've made and how far I still have to go. I've recently come to an interesting new period in my life, thanks mostly to my other half, Anya. Living with her (and my step-son Jake) has opened up new areas and forced me to deal with things that I was always able to avoid before. When you're a modern day gypsy and bouncing around in an old RV it's really easy to have a casual attitude about living in our society, but settling down really brings on the new challenges. Most of what I'm learning now is probably old hat to those of you who've led stable, settled down lives, but it's a hell of an adventure for me, even at my age. The primary things that I'm dealing with lately are financial. I've always been able to make money, but in the last few months I've come to realize that I've always had bad attitudes about it, and I see the same attitudes reflected over and over from the people around me. It was a big shock for me to realize that much of my attitudes were actually limiting me. It was shocking because most of what I do is about rising above limitations and creating my own realities, then realizing how badly I was doing in this other area. Susan Carlson mentioned to me several times last year that I could learn a lot from Stuart Wilde's books, and I finally got around to reading "The Secret to Money is Having Some" and I have to admit that she was exactly right! Thanks Susan! :) I followed that up with "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" (actually I'm deep into the series and spending a lot of time on his website) and what I learned there was just as shocking, so in the hopes that some of you learn easier than I do I'll pass on some new revelations (apparently only new to me, but what the hell). I grew up in the mountains of North Carolina as a poor country boy and most of the time money was a tool that we just didn't have. Our "reality" was that we had to struggle just to have 'enough to survive'. While the concept of abundance was nothing new to us, we saw our abundance in what we could grow and make rather than what we could buy, and while those skills are definitely valuable, it's a very limiting attitude to have. So within my 'reality' money wasn't really a tool that was very prominent in my toolbox, even though it was consistently one of the factors that prevented me from doing the things I needed to do. Many of my attitudes came from the fact that I'm just not interested in money for it's own sake. I'm pretty unimpressed by the people I've met whose primary characteristic seems to be that they have lots of money. Also it's easy to develop bad attitudes when we see the evils done in the name of money, so for a long time my 'reality' remained that I was working to have 'enough to survive'. Another interesting factor is that many of us in western society are taught to believe that we DON'T deserve a lot of money. We're taught to WANT it, but not to BELIEVE that we deserve it, which only seems like a paradox til you think about how our consumer culture is driven by desire and want, rather than need. What I finally realized is that I have to expand my reality and shake off the bad attitudes. Money is a fact of life in our modern world. It's a tool that too many of us are taught to ignore and misuse, and just because many of the world's ills and evils are concieved to get it doesn't mean that we should ignore the fact that many of the modern worlds GOOD things are caused by it also. The fact that I can write this article and instantly send it out to people all over the world is just one example. I expect the next few months to be a very interesting and rewarding period as I learn more about this 'new' tool and how to effectively use it. Many of the healers and 'new agers' that I know also have similar attitudes to those that I always had, so I thought I'd bring this up here. I'm sure that many of you may have some interesting feedback. :) --- Robert Morgen is a Reiki Master who currently holds a Black Belt in Hoshin Roshi Ryu. He's the founder of the Kundalini Awakening Discussion Group, the Druids Circle Discussion Group and the (offline) Druids Circle in Lakewood, CO. You can find more info on all these at; www.druidscircle.info He's also the founder and Executive Director of the Windhaven Foundation for Sustainable Living. He writes a regular column on subtle energy for Fight Times Magazine and a twice monthly column on Kundalini Awakening at Alumbo.com. In addition to teaching about energy work and Kundalini Awakening he donates time to teach about Renewable Energy, Alternative Building and Creating Sustainable Lifestyles in various Public Schools. He travels and teaches as much as possible and you can find out how to attend one of his Kundalini Awakening seminars at his website at; www.windhavenco.org His new book "Personal Mastery: Develop Your True Inner Power By Awakening Your Kundalini" is now available at http://www.lulu.com/RobertMorgen.
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Organizing Your Finances - Thinking Outside the (Shoe) Box If you're like most people, your personal financial records are most probably kept in less than "Good Accounting Practices" standards. For example, stashing old ATM receipts and hanging on to a stub showing what you paid for a pack of mints two years ago (cash, of course), might be filed with your paycheck stubs, credit card statements ? paid and unpaid alike ? as well as a few tax forms, a stray paper clip and a penny. Anything from an old shoebox to a toolbox would do you for this method of personal financial tracking but you can do better than that. Save On Food - Ten Tips To save on food, be an opportunist. Buy what you like, but buy on sale. Do you need oranges every day? Buy them when they're cheap, then buy grapefruit or orange juice when it's on sale. Opportunism is the key to low-cost living in general. You get everything you like, and lots of variety, because everything goes on sale once in a while. Here are ten more ways to get cheap food. 10 Steps To Improve Your Financial Situation Here are ten steps you can follow to help improve your personal financial situation and inevitably save more money: Money Matters - Really! One of the biggest challenges facing black RELATIONSHIPS today are finances. Many people mistakenly feel that money does NOT matter. In fact, money matters the MOST! Why? Most people do not have a clue about their own financial destiny. Debt Management ? Watch Out for Bank Fees! During the last twenty years, banks have offered a number of improvements in the area of being customer-friendly. The old 9 AM ? 2 PM "banker's hours" are gone, replaced by a schedule that makes it easy for most people to visit when the bank is open. Automatic teller machines are ubiquitous, making it easier to obtain cash even when the banks are closed. And the debit card has made it easier than ever to pay for an item ? you don't even have to write a check anymore. Such conveniences come with a price, however, and banks are charging additional fees for all sorts of services. Some of them can be quite steep, and consumers should watch how they manage the money they have in the bank. How To Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft Identity theft is a serious crime that continues to grow. If you become a victim of identity theft, you may spend months, or years, trying to repair the damage. A compromised credit report can ruin your chances of getting a new job, a loan, insurance or even housing. It's true that it is possible that you could be arrested for a crime you didn't commit if someone else has used your identity to break a law. Do You Really Need the Power of Money Management Software? I have been a loyal user of Quicken(R) for more years than I can remember. But a conversation the other day with my youngest son started me wondering whether or not I really need money management software. 5 Steps to Healthy Spending Habits Next to our physical health most of us are primarily concerned with our financial health, and with good reason. Although our intentions are usually great our follow-through and discipline generally isn't. Mere mention of the word budget or cutback sends us into fits. Saving Money - The Magic 20 Percent Saving money is not easy and is made more difficult if you have a short-term outlook regarding your personal finances. If, like many people, you are living from one pay cheque to the next, it is difficult to put some money aside for a rainy day or for a summer holiday. But what if you were to change your financial outlook into a medium to long-term one? You might believe that you cannot afford to think ahead and make plans, but in most cases you would be wrong. Most people should be able to save some money and with some effort, maybe even as much as 20 percent of their salary each month. Income Analysis First of all it is important to have a handle on where your income is going. Unless, we are on an extremely tight budget or are very money conscious for other reasons, many of us have never really sat down and considered what our money is being spent on ? we just know that by the end of the month, it has all gone! You will know if you are consistently spending your money on unnecessary purchases, for example. Having this knowledge equips you with the control to change things a little or a lot. Saving Money Mentality Many people have never been taught to save and as children, immediately spent the money they received without any forethought. You often hear people say, "Life is short, if you want something buy it now", but thankfully for most of us life is not really so short and along the way we will have to deal with both opportunities and challenges. Having some money saved will help you make the most of the opportunities and ride the challenges. Savings ? Seeing the Big Picture If you could save 20 percent of your salary each month, imagine what that would mean in real financial terms. For example, if you earn 2000 dollars per month and you saved 20 percent or 400 dollars out of every pay cheque, after 12 months you will have saved 4800 dollars! Regularly saving this amount of money would give you the financial freedom to take advantage of more of life's opportunities. You could plan the special holiday you have always wanted to go on, buy the car that you have been dreaming about for years, or help put a child through college. When it comes to life's challenges, having a lump sum put away could help you pay for private medical care or deal with an expensive plumbing problem in the home, all without having to turn to the bank for a loan and getting into debt. How Can it Be Done? As we have already seen, knowing exactly where your money is going is the starting point. Next, start thinking about the big things you could achieve with some money in the bank. Some people compensate themselves for not having what they really want, by making many frequent small purchases and getting a temporary "feel good" sensation afterwards. Rather than satisfying yourself with small purchases, such as new clothes and CDs every week or always buying the latest mobile phone, think about how much more satisfying it would be to save up and buy or do something special, which you previously thought was out of your reach, but is achievable with a little effort. How to Balance Your Checkbook ? Get a Calculator and Pencil and You are Ready To Go! Despite how easy it is to balance a checkbook, very few people take the time to do it and the few who do, don't always do it the right way. If you write down in your checkbook ledger what should be deducted and added, you are on the right track ? if not, start there and follow these nine easy steps to a balanced checkbook. Once you are comfortable with these nine steps, it is possible to balance your checkbook each month within 30-45 minutes. Single Mother and Learning how to Save Saving may seem easier if you were saving for a new car, or a vacation however when it comes to saving in general it may prove to be more challenging because you may not necessarily feel you are receiving a reward from it. However saving pays off, especially as a single mother. All you need to do is simply spend less than you make each month. Eight Ways To Sink Yourself Financially 1. Don't focus on your finances. If All Things Are Possible, Why Cant I Balance My Checkbook? For me, the most terrible time of each month is the day our bank statement comes. We commonly call it BSS (Bank Statement Syndrome). I don't know why it is, but I have trouble getting the parsonage checkbook to balance with the monthly bank statement. The Wonderful World Of Address Labels Ever wonder where address labels come from? AveryŽ is perhaps one of the most well-known manufacturers of address labels. Rightly so in some respects. AveryŽ contributed much to the world of professional labels. Stan Avery, founder of the company started the company in 1935. During that time the company, named Kum-Kleen Products, produced self-adhesive labels for many purposes. Financial Security 1) HOW TO LOOK FOR A JOB Im Broke, How Can I Afford... I'm still amazed every time someone comes to me complaining that they don't have any money to put into their business and that they're broke. Banks Are More Than Just A Place To Park Your Money If you've been to a shopping mall lately, you've probably discovered two different banks within a few feet of each other. Go inside the food store in that shopping plaza and you'll see yet another one, just waiting to offer their services to you. Now drive down the road a few blocks and you'll probably see yet another bank on the corner. With all the banks to choose from these days, it can be too much. How do you know who is reputable and what will serve your purposes? ![]() |
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