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Im Broke, How Can I Afford...
I'm still amazed every time someone comes to me complaining that they don't have any money to put into their business and that they're broke. I mean what have you been doing with your money man?!? Plain Truth: If you don't have any money you won't make it my friend? it's that simple. You have to at least have some money. Say $200-$500. I don't care what the self-styled slick gurus tell you. If you're flat out of cash your dead in the water before you can even start. Now let me tell you another thing?. I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE BROKE! You're a liar and a self deluded one at that if you think you are. I mean how many Starbucks or soda do you drink a day? How many beers a week do you drink? How many cigarettes do you smoke? How much meat do you eat? How many new clothes have you bought in the last month? How many "gifts" have you just had to buy? How many magazines or newspapers have you bought this month? How many CD's? How many snacks? How much candy do you eat a week? How many TV dinners? How much fast food have you been eating? How much did you spend on the lottery? How much did your TV cost you? How much money do you give to your church? How much are your monthly car payments? So these are really essential to living are they??. No they're not, they're self-indulgent habits! Nothing wrong with that if you can AFFORD them. But you tell me you're broke! Wake up! Ding-dong! I used to walk the streets with no-more than $3 bucks in my pocket to last me the day. Yes I did that for months on end until something happened. I got mad, real mad. Not at the world but with myself. You see I have always had a dream of being personally free, being self-reliant, totally in charge of my time and cash flow, beholden to no-one... not government, not masters, not gurus. Now walking around with $3 bucks aient much fun. It hurts in the pit of your stomach. And when I only had $7 a day to feed my family (yup there were others my pathetic state was impacting) I can tell you, I felt at times of doing something pretty dumb to my body and mind? and occasionally did. If you live in the Western world, you live in the richest part of the planet with the most opportunities the world has ever seen at any point in the history of the human race. If you want to see poverty take a trip to India or any other developing country. I have, and what I saw made me realize my $3 a day "poverty-trap" was simply an ego-trip. Kids working from 5am to 10pm every day for crumbs of bread. Rags and bones. So please don't tell me you're broke and poor, you don't know the meaning of the word. But now I'm not broke, now I'm not looking like a tramp feeling sorry for myself. How did I change it, and get the money to start my information publishing business. I'll tell you. It's real simple? and I want you to do it too: Every single time you buy something, I don't care how many cents or pennies or bucks it might have cost? you MUST ASK FOR AND KEEP THE RECEIPT! At the end of the day in a small note book or on a scrap of paper, total up what you spent your money on. Now ask yourself: "Was what I bought today absolutely essential?" If not, take it back for a refund, you have the receipt after all. Now put that refunded money in a pot or a jar and label the jar "My Business Building Fund". Better still, don't buy the goodie, treat or trinket in the first place and save the cash. If you really want to get in control of your finances you absolutely, positively must raise some working capital, and the only way to do that is to stop buying crap and investing the money in yourself. I mean do you really need that coffee or will water do? Do you really need that steak or will beans or rice suffice along with some healthy cheap vegetables thrown in? "But I want to have a coffee, beer, steak" I hear you say. Well don't tell me that you're broke then. All you've done is exchange what little cash you have for something else other than investing in your business building fund. No-one forced you. No-one but yourself is to blame for where you are right now. You are in the situation you find yourself because of the choices and decisions you have made during the course of your life ?. Stop pointing your fingers outside yourself?. You are the problem, and as such YOU ARE THE SOLUTION! So stop spending money on useless trinkets, and superfluous goodies and snacks. Bread, water, vegetables? you don't need anything else to eat. Chances are you have a wardrobe full of clothes already so you don't need anymore of those... correct? Sell your TV it spews lies anyway. Use TV time to learn, surf the web looking for opportunities etc. Sell your car? Either take public transport, which in the long term is cheaper than a car or get a bicycle. And yes it's gonna pop your skull with frustration. But use that frustration to get your act together and absolutely commit to get with the program and learn how to become a self-reliant cash generating human being. And when that day comes, you'll be able to walk into your bosses office, smack a cream pie in his/her face and walk off to the beach knowing you are, at the end of the day, an immensely and supremely powerful individual?. You simply forgot! About The Author Rob Taylor has been marketing online since 1996. He's sold anything from books, debit cards, security products to art prints. Take advantage of his battle tested marketing strategies that could quietly make you five figure cash profits every single month. Subscribe free to his Internet Marketing Strategies newsletter.
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How Electronic Checks Work ? Will Paper Checks Eventually Go Away? Traditional checks probably won't disappear anytime soon, but processing checks electronically is sure to continue! Have you ever been asked to fill out your account and routing number when paying for something online or over the phone ? or have you provided a paper check to pay for something and it is given back to you after it is run through a machine? Did you scratch your head like I did the first time that happened? Credit Card Debt ? Watch Your Credit Report and Your Bill Most consumers are aware of the importance of their credit report. This document, offered to consumers and lenders by the three major credit bureaus, offers a fairly complete list of financial transactions and debts incurred by a consumer. Lenders examine the report, along with the associated FICO score, to determine whether a consumer is worthy of receiving additional credit or loans. What many consumers may not know is that credit card companies regularly check their credit reports, and unfavorable entries may result in a higher interest rate on their credit cards. Budgeting Your Way to Financial Freedom Financial freedom cannot be achieved without budgeting. Budgeting involves tracking your sources of income and more importantly tracking your expenses. It is novel tool for controlling your expenses and making you aware of how you spend your money. At the outset, budgeting may seem to be onerous and boring, particularly for those of us who hate numbers. But once you realize the benefits emanating from it, you will find it an interesting exercise. Even businesses, whether small or large, use budgeting as a tool to achieve their financial goals. It is, in fact, an integral part of managing an organization. Top 10 Ways Managing Your Money Is Just Like Riding a Bike An avid cyclist and bike racing fan, I sit transfixed during the many hours of Tour de France coverage every July when the race rolls around. This year, during some of the less-than-scintillating early miles of the sprint stages, my mind wandered a bit, and it occurred to me that there are some interesting parallels between winning the Tour de France and winning at personal finance. Having watched Lance Armstrong pull off the win for 7 years in a row, I've compiled this list of the Top 10 Ways Managing Your Money Is Just Like Riding a Bike: 1. If you take safety precautions (e.g. helmet/emergency fund), you'll feel a whole lot more relaxed and confident on the journey. 2. The better prepared you are, the greater your chances of succeeding. It's important to learn from the past, but you must also scout out the road ahead and evolve with the constantly changing environment. 3. Crashes happen. The actions of other participants, bystanders, and the media can sometimes distract you from your goal. If you expect the unexpected and are able to respond with a level head, you'll be better off. 4. If you take too many unnecessary risks, you might end up out of the race, and sometimes it can take quite a while to recover. 5. But you'll probably have to take at least some calculated risks to come out ahead. For example, you might improve your performance by using cutting edge products, e.g. ultra-light wheels for big uphill climbs or, in the financial world, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs.) But you also make some tradeoffs, e.g. less stability going downhill or, with HSAs, penalties if you withdraw the money for something besides health care. 6. There will be rainy days, and there most certainly will be ups and downs. The one who weathers the tough days the best usually comes out ahead in the end. 7. You don't have to come out on top ("beat the market," so to speak) every day ? or any particular day, for that matter ? to win the overall race, the race that really matters. 8. You can go a lot farther if the team you surround yourself with has skills, experience, a well-defined goal, and the right motivation. 9. Even if you start at a huge disadvantage, you can emerge victorious if you have the right attitude, understand the rules of the game, and persist despite setbacks. 10. A little bit of luck never hurts! So the next time you're in doubt as to which road to take on your personal financial journey, consider looking to the peloton for guidance and inspiration. Whether your goal is a yellow jersey on the Champs-Elysées in July or a secure retirement, there's a surprising amount to learn from watching a bunch of bike racers circumnavigate France. Congratulations, Lance! Retirement Income Needs---Less Than You Think? It is widely written that you need 75% of your present income to maintain your present life-style in retirement. If you make 100 thousand now, figure 75 thousand in retirement. How to Obtain a Non ChexSystems Bank Account Without Being Scammed Predatory lending exists in the mortgage industry. It's typically when a mortgage broker add's on unnecessary fee's to a bad credit application, because he or she knows that the applicant is in a desperate situation. Budgeting -- The Critical Flaw That Causes Most Budgets to Fail Budgeting. It's a word we're all familiar with. Everyone knows what a budget is, right? Yet how many of us actually make and stick to a solid monthly budget? The truth is that most of us start out with the best of intentions, but an unexpected expense comes up and busts our budget. Then we give up and go back to juggling our finances and worrying about having too much month left at the end of the money. However, if you are striving to create a budget for the purpose of systematically paying off your debts, or to start a savings and investment program, then it's critical to develop a workable and realistic budget. Why Live Frugally What is it about being frugal, why do it at all? Actually, some people don't do it at all, they have decided that what they want and desire is what they are going to get and they feel they deserve it. I have no trouble with that; more power to ya, live long and prosper and may you die with the most toys. However, for me, I find little value in the things around me. Money Matters: Strengthen Your Marriage by Putting Finances in Order Did you know that 43% of all married couples argue over money issues, making it the major reason couples fight? If you and your spouse handle money differently, now is the time to talk, establish expectations, and draw up a financial plan. First Checking Account ? When is it Time? We all know that money doesn't grow on trees, but we all need it to survive. The use of cash will only go so far in life, as you can't send it through the mail. Checking accounts are relied upon to manage our finances and to send in payments for cable, phone, mortgages, etc. Even in this new era of ecommerce, it is still necessary to have the resources that a checking account provides. Personal Finance ? Why You Should Compare, not Despair Sorting out your personal finances can be a tricky and exasperating time. Whether you are looking to obtain money through a loan, protect your finances with life insurance, medical, travel or car insurance, save some money through an individual savings account (ISA), apply for a credit card or a mortgage, change a telephone or fuel utility supplier, or simply decide what the best current account is for your needs, the choices are seemingly endless as well as being extremely complicated. They can also be potentially serious if you get it wrong. With so many options, and so many companies trying to get you to use their product, it is difficult to know where to turn. Money Saving Tips. Maximize Savings on Everyday Items! Frugal living is more than a lifestyle. It's a passion. Call Me Crazy! I love It! Estate Planning Basics You have probably accomplished a great deal with your life. Over the years you have worked, planned and saved. Perhaps you have even made some sacrifices to achieve your current level of success. It's a sure bet that you will want to pass along your accumulated assets rather than hand them over for court costs, taxes or attorney fees. Avoiding A Nightmare On Renovation Street You've decided you want a bigger, better and more desirable house. How do you determine when to renovate, what to do and importantly, how much will it cost and will we get our money back? Financial Fitness - Are You Exercising the Right Muscles to become Financially Fit? Are your financial muscles well toned and healthy or flabby and weak? Do you want to change your relationship with money so you can have control over your financial future or do you want to continue to complain that you don't have enough? Exercise these 10 muscles to achieve Financial Fitness. 10 Steps to Take if You Are a Victim of Identity Theft There have been an estimated 9.9 million victims on America and over 40% of all consumer complaints in the U.S. involve identity theft. About half of the victims do not know how the thief obtained their personal information. The Boston Globe and Newsweek have both covered Identity theft this month telling us how important it is for us to educate ourselves on preventing and protecting ourselves from this type of robbery. Identity theft can happen anytime, anywhere and to anyone, individuals or businesses. Everyone must be educated and aware so it can be avoided. Michael Blanchard, US Postal Inspector says postal money orders and business or certified checks are one way you can be at risk. Most identity theft involves the U.S. Mail which is why the U.S. Postal Inspection Service is a lead agency in investigating Identity Theft. Identity Theft is a criminal offense. Money Matters - Really! One of the biggest challenges facing black RELATIONSHIPS today are finances. Many people mistakenly feel that money does NOT matter. In fact, money matters the MOST! Why? Most people do not have a clue about their own financial destiny. How To Survive The Grocery Shopping Blues If you are the normal consumer, then you've probably experienced the Grocery Shopping Blues. Most supermarkets use this trick to their advantage to squeeze more money out of their customers and turn a tidy little profit for themselves. The Benefits of Banking Online How many drawers did you have to look through to find a bank statement the last time you needed one? Chances are you did not lay your hands on it as readily as you would have liked. If that is a familiar scenario in your home, help has arrived in the form of online banking. Even if you are among the most organized, online banking offers convenience you can't beat. How to Save for A Down Payment Saving for a Down Payment is hard work, so it's a good idea to really want to own your own home by the time you begin your Savings Account. It's difficult to turn down a weekend in the Bahamas (or Downtown at the Clubs!) when you don't have a definite goal. ![]() |
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