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Single Mother Resources Directs You Towards Success
As a parent you are bound to face a few challenges but as a single mother you are bound to face challenges almost everyday. Raising a child is not meant to be done alone however today it is occurring more often then traditional value holders would like to see. If you are a single mother trying to successfully raise your children you are among the many. There are a vast number of women that successfully raise their children. However there is also a great number of single mother's that must bear the burden of covering their own costs as well as their child's, all on one income. Whether you are working full time or going to school to better your education you have to make sure your child has proper care after school lets out or during the day while you are away. Whether this proper care is day care or a babysitter, they all come with costs. Many households today are faced with debt so it's not a surprise to see single parents in debt. With the stress of everyday life, it's important to not let your debt be ignored. Managing your debt right away is the first step, which is followed by finding out ways to reduce your expenses and paying the rest off. Answers to your questions and concerns about financial issues can all be found at the Single Mother Resources website. There are many things you can do to make sure you stay out of debt or get out of debt fast. According to many sources along with singlemotherresources budgeting is a key factor in helping so many people get out of debt and stay out of debt. The core of budgeting is for you as a single mother to see your monthly spending needs and habits. The purpose of a budget allows you to track your personal cash flow. Your personal cash flow is how much money comes in and how much goes out. Once you make a list you are going to realize that you have a lot more money going out then coming in especially on unnecessary goods such as impulse buys at the grocery store checkout, or items that your children want. Instead of giving in and giving your child what he or she is asking for, it's best to tell them the truth that you can't afford it right now. Suggest that your child starts or continues doing weekly chores and in return you will give them a small allowance where they can save up for something they want. This way it will take the burden off of you each time they ask for something. Once they save up enough money they can buy it themselves and then feel as if they earned it. As for yourself and your expenses you need to make a monthly budget and follow it. You need to have the will power to control yourself from buying unnecessary items at the grocery store or taking your children to the latest movie. Go see a matinee film instead where prices are lowered, and eat before going to the grocery store so you won't want to buy everything in site. Set financial goals for yourself and keep track of what you are spending. This way if you know Girl Scout dues are coming up, you can set a goal to put that money aside where you might have spent it on something else otherwise. Also by keeping track of what you are spending you might come to some realizations such as what you buy at the grocery store. Name brand products are just as good as generic minus the name so it's worth buying generic products; you'll be surprised in how much you save. Let your children be involved with budgeting as well. Have them make a list of chores they do and how much money they receive in return. They will see how hard work pays off. Keep in mind that owning something that you worked hard for creates something that no one can take away from you which is your pride. Before you know it, you will be on your way to being a debt free mom and able to treat your children to something special. But remember, it's going to be difficult at first and you'll want to give in or give up, but in it's all worth it in the end. Single Mother Resources will help guide you to become a debt free mom as well as a successful mom in teaching your kids a valuable lesson in life; hard work pays off. Kelly K specializes in advising young mums on personal budgeting and has long authored educational and support pieces for women and single mothers. Kelly is a contributing author and editor to a variety of international and domestic web sites, and free newsletters.
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By doing so, they can take advantage of your good credit history to open new credit card accounts or obtain loans. They get to spend the money, but you get to pay the bills. It often takes a victim a year or more to even detect that he or she has been a victim of ID theft; clearing up the mess caused by an identity theft scam can take years and can harm you personal credit report indefinitely. One Income Source Is Not Enough! My personal opinion is that in today's new economy, it is wise to have multiple income streams. Reliance on one income source poses a risk to individuals, entrepreneurs, and even large corporations. A single-source income stream, rather it comes from a job, a million-dollar customer, or a highly targeted market segment can dry up for any number of reasons. Chex Systems ? 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The younger generation tend to be feeling the pinch the most, but parents are increasingly being required to bail them out, often at great expense to their own limited mortgage or retirement savings. 10 Money-Saving Tips 1. If you have your haircut every 3 weeks, try going 4 or 5 weeks in between haircuts. If you pay $10 for a haircut, you could save $70 a year by having a cut every 5 weeks instead of 3. ![]() |
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