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Telepathic Communication With Animals
Animal Communication, or telepathy with animals, is as common an occurrence in some people's lives as it is an oddity in the lives of others. Telepathy is an energetic exchange between two sentient beings for the purpose of communication. Combined with body language and sometimes vocalizations, animals use this form of communication among themselves and even across species. Only humans in Western Civilization in the last 2500 years have rejected this form of communication. Indigenous peoples all over the planet consider messages from animal guides a natural part of life, and shamans or medicine men and women, rely on their animal helpers in their spiritual service to their communities. Native peoples around the world consider themselves part of the "web of life". This web includes the subtle energetic pathways that allow for intuitive and psychic energy exchanges. This includes our auric field and the subtle energetic pathways known as meridians, as well as the ley lines of the Earth, who is thought of universally as our Mother, a part of us and of whom we are all a part. Thus, shamans and other healers among native peoples expect to work with animal spirit guides. Hunters call on the spirits of the animals they hunt to ask for offerings of their physical bodies to feed the tribe. Young men and women being initiated into adulthood may expect to receive a communication or lesson from an animal. Telepathic communication, then, is as natural as breathing. Many small children in our culture who have animals in their families communicate telepathically with them even in infancy. It is only in response to the pejorative comments of adults and older siblings, and eventually of their peers, that we either stop using our telepathic abilities or relegate them to the realm of imagination, i.e., outside reality. Telepathy can be thought of as an expansion of intuition, which even in our modern culture is considered anathema, unless you are a top dollar CEO who is willing to admit that your best decisions are those you made based on intuition. For the rest of our society, intuition is often relegated to a place not remotely related to intelligence or sound decision-making. We live in a culture which teaches us to take pills when we are sick and ignore the subtle and not-so-subtle messages of our body telling us we need to rest and re-create itself. We rationalize that we must do this to pursue the almighty dollar. Being so out of touch with ourselves is a symptom of being out of touch with others. Our educational system also rejects the intuitive, creative aspects of our intelligence as soon as budget cutting is required. Even in healthy economic times, we are taught to develop our logical, sequential, analytical thinking, focusing on mathematics and science as the most valued subjects, with the arts and music at the bottom of the pile. How, then, can we restore our natural talents to include our birthright of telepathic communication? Spending time with animals and in nature is a beginning, but not sufficient. Learning to communicate telepathically requires breaking down limiting assumptions and beliefs that have caused us to reject this aspect of our Being. Animals are spirit in physical bodies, just as humans are. The bodies they inhabit are very different in form and sensory systems from the human body, and that has a lot to do with how they experience the world. It also affects how humans and animals communicate with each other. For example, if a dog is unhappy, he may whine or he may just look sad. He can't cry with tears as a human would and he can't speak the words to tell you that he's unhappy. In the same way, if a cat has a urinary tract problem, the cat can't tell you in words, "Hey, I'm in pain and need help." Instead, the cat may start urinating outside the litter box to let you know that something is wrong. Animals have to improvise because humans, from their perspective, are "deaf" and "dumb" to telepathic messages. Telepathic communication includes a wide variety of vibrational frequencies that allows for full communication at many levels. As a professional Animal Communicator, I receive information in a number of ways, including mental images or pictures; physical sensations; words, phrases, and even whole sentences; knowings; intuitions; and emotions. I actually experience in some way what the animal is experiencing. To communicate the message to another human requires that I translate what I receive into spoken language, which for me is English. While animals who live with humans often learn to understand specific words in the preferred spoken language of the human, animals are simultaneously receiving our thoughts and emotions, which we broadcast unconsciously all the time. If our thoughts are jumbled and confused because of our frenetic lifestyles and mental states, the animal may not understand the message completely. In contrast, animals tell me that the sounds they make when communicating with other animals are usually a form of emphasis or punctuation for a telepathic message which the sound accompanies. It is natural for animal mothers to speak this way with their young and for the young to continue to use telepathy for the rest of their lives. Today can be your moment to awaken to the idea that the animals who live with you are more than child substitutes, more than "pets" kept for our amusement or our personal companionship. All animals are, in fact, sentient beings - conscious and intelligent, with life purposes and goals. They are aware of themselves and of their situations. They are capable of feeling the entire range of emotions we so arrogantly have labeled "human". They make life choices. They often express unconditional love for the humans who are part of their families. Rev. Nedda Wittels, M.A., M.S., is a telepathic Animal Communicator, Spiritual Counselor, and Shamballa Master/Teacher, offering private sessions in communication and healing for humans and animals. She teaches workshops in Animal Communication, Communication with Nature, and Shamballa Multidimensional Healing. She can be reached at 860.651.5771, NeddaW@aol.com, and http://www.raysofhealinglight.com
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So much information, so many conflicting theories and opinions! When it comes to dog food, is wetter better? Or should you give dry a try? Take that Junk out of your Trunk Your local grocery store is chock full of food and treats that are stuffed with bad quality ingredients. It is a real shock that the shelves do not simply collapse under the weight of all that rubbish. Here are some bad protein items you will want avoid like the bubonic plague: Soybean meal, wheat or wheat middlings, corn gluten meal, corn meal, whole/crushed corn, and maize are all too often often used for their protein because they cost a heck of a lot less to include in a treat or food than their real-meat protein counterparts such as chicken. Food coloring can also be a big concern with regard to pet food and treats: it is not too unusual, for example, for biscuits to be dyed in order to make them look like fresh meat or vegetables. This would not be a huge thing if we were still the fifties, back when when food dyes were still based on plant-based compounds of one sort or another. But in order for pet food manufacturers to save money and increase longevity, they began producing food colorings largely from chemicals. All too many studies show that chemical food coloring makes hyperactive kids more so, and some dog trainers sat the same applies to hyperactive dogs as well. This artificial food coloring is still widely today despite the reality that they are entirely unnecessary and have been linked to certain medical problems. It is believed by large number in the medical field that if an ingredient is not organic to the body (such as chemical coloring), the body reacts to it and can create a lot of health issues. Pets care about taste, not color, so food dyes are more for people than for them. 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