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Applehead Chihuahua
The term applehead Chihuahua refers to the shape of a baby Chihuahua's head. The dome of the skull is broader than the jaw, giving rise to the description "applehead". It takes into account that the top of the head has a slight depression. This depression is called a molera (Spanish for fontanel) and corresponds to the "soft spot" on a baby's head. Some Chis have it--some don't. There was disagreement for a while over whether the presence of a molera on an applehead Chihuahua was a bad thing and should be considered a demerit for lineage assessment. Recently, this has been seen as totally discountable. The presence or absence of a molera has NO bearing on a Chihuahua's pedigree. On October 30, 1990, the American Kennel Club adopted a set of standards for the Chihuahua as a breed. It did not differ from the prior April 14, 1943, standard. Listed under "Head" is the following description: "A well rounded "apple dome" skull, with or without molera." So although the official description of the applehead Chihuahua is "apple dome", there's no disputing the AKC Official Breed Standard for "Expression": Saucy! The AKC Breed Standard weight limit for a Chi is 6 pounds. If your young applehead Chihuahua gains too much weight, the "appleheaded-ness" will disappear earlier than through simple aging. As in humans, too much weight puts a strain on all systems, especially the heart. Be nice to your pet and don't feed it huge meals or table scraps. Additionally, the tiny legs of an applehead Chihuahua cannot easily support gross extra weight. They will develop a condition called slipped stifles, which is an injury of the knee caused by patella fracturing. It can be fixed with an operation, but that is an expense and pain that you do not need to incur. Be sure to get your applehead Chihuahua from a breeder that has carefully checked its breeding stock for inheritable weaknesses. And for sure, don't let your Chi jump down from your arms or other high places. Their joints just cannot take the stress. You'll keep your applehead Chihuahua healthy for as much of the 15 year lifespan as possible if you limit its food and correctly provide the exercise it--and YOU--demand! Stephanie Hetu
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The Need for Pet First Aid Kits Even if you have the perfect first aid kit for you and your family, it might not help when Fiddo or Fluffy gets hurt. To help pets in an emergency, assemble a pet first aid kit. What About a Newfoundland Dog Ok, so everyone who stays on top of the show dog world knows that a Newfoundland won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show in 2004. That was a shock to many of the traditionalists who think that the smaller and more assertive dogs are the ideal and drool does not belong on the show floor. The win also caused an inflation in the price of Newfoundland puppies, which was bad for the average income household, but good for some dog breeding operations. Despite the Westminster win, the Newfoundland breed was not elevated to the "Most Popular Breed" spot with the AKC. Which was a relief to many Newfoundland lovers who take to heart a deep responsibility for the well-being and protection of the breed. What are Pug Puppies? Pug puppies make wonderful pets. Pugs are very affectionate and loyal, and are happy to curl up at your feet. If you're looking for pug puppies for sale, you can be sure of a loving companion. Pug puppies are playful with children, they get along well with other household pets an they train quite well. Pug puppies are intelligent, but are also sensitive, so that training needs to be done with gentleness. The Wire Fox Terrier Of the thirty-three terrier breeds (most of which were first used for hunting of some sort and so came up as aggressive and lively), the Wire Fox Terrier has a reputation for scampishness. That is, the breed with the challenging personality that has been identified throughout its history as being as foxy as the fox it was once used to hunt. Christmas Gifts For Cat Lovers The act of offering Christmas gifts is always enhanced if you take some trouble in matching the gift with the recipient. Pet Food Label Secrets Revealed! Know What You Are Feeding Your Dog And Cat Reading a pet food label, how difficult can it be? You just pick up your regular brand and look at the variety on the front, right? Not so fast! Reading a pet food label isn't as easy as you may think. It's not just ingredients and feeding suggestions. There's also a "secret code" you should know about. The code helps you separate the Chicken Formula from the Chicken Dinner and the Beef and Bacon from the Beef with Bacon. You may be thinking "Aren't they all the same?" and the answer is no. What You Should Know About Your Dogs Sleeping Habits It's important to understand your dog's sleeping habits and how they influence its behavior, particularly when your dog gets disturbed. How to Litter Train a Cat For most cat owners, training their cat to use the litter is a relatively painless process. It is among a cat's natural instincts to eliminate in an area that they can cover their feces in. This behavior may be a way of your cat accepting what they perceive to be as the natural order of dominance. In the wild feral cats will bury their feces if they are not at the top of their social hierarchy, if a feral cat does not bury his or her feces it is likely that the cat exhibiting that behavior is the dominant feline. So when your housecat buries his or her waste he or she may be recognizing your role as the dominant animal in their social community. It is also possible, however, that your cat may be displaying his or her inherited instinct to bury his or her feces in order to hide their trail from would be predators. Chocolate And Your Dogs Health -- What You Should Know Chocolate. Who can resist it? Take that Junk out of your Trunk Your local grocery store is chock full of food and treats that are stuffed with bad quality ingredients. It is a real shock that the shelves do not simply collapse under the weight of all that rubbish. Here are some bad protein items you will want avoid like the bubonic plague: Soybean meal, wheat or wheat middlings, corn gluten meal, corn meal, whole/crushed corn, and maize are all too often often used for their protein because they cost a heck of a lot less to include in a treat or food than their real-meat protein counterparts such as chicken. Food coloring can also be a big concern with regard to pet food and treats: it is not too unusual, for example, for biscuits to be dyed in order to make them look like fresh meat or vegetables. This would not be a huge thing if we were still the fifties, back when when food dyes were still based on plant-based compounds of one sort or another. But in order for pet food manufacturers to save money and increase longevity, they began producing food colorings largely from chemicals. All too many studies show that chemical food coloring makes hyperactive kids more so, and some dog trainers sat the same applies to hyperactive dogs as well. This artificial food coloring is still widely today despite the reality that they are entirely unnecessary and have been linked to certain medical problems. It is believed by large number in the medical field that if an ingredient is not organic to the body (such as chemical coloring), the body reacts to it and can create a lot of health issues. Pets care about taste, not color, so food dyes are more for people than for them. 7 Puppy Naming Tips You've picked out the perfect puppy. You spent hours on the internet, researching the right breed for you and your family. Then you went from breeder to breeder or humane society to humane society, meeting and greeting pups until you find just the right match. Barking Problems: Train Your Dog To Stop Barking! All dogs bark, it's their way to communicate a message. Dog barks for various reasons: to greet, to alert, out of boredom, to attract attention or when they are excited. Ten Most Popular Goldfish You can't imagine the kind of varieties of Goldfish there are! People have been breeding Goldfish for over 2000 years now. China is believed to have over 100 varieties and to think that it all began with the Carassius auratus ? the gibel carp! Not all goldfish have been bred in China though. Other countries have specially bred their own goldfish around the world. Comets and Veiltails are very American while the Jikin, Tosakin and the Shubunkin are Japanese. The United Kingdom bred its own Shubunkins and there are two types Westie - West Highland White Terrier Puppies - Fragile and Needful Of Protection Have you ever held any Westie puppies? These tiny creatures are cuddly and white furry balls, at least 12-15 inches tall, possessing a pair of coal black eyes and snubbed nose. They look fragile and needful of your protection and care. This is deceiving, for they were initially bred to hunt vermin and are intelligent hunters. Pets: The Wild Kind Just because we moved out to the country a couple years back does NOT mean we want to run a farm. Tending to animals is just not how we want to spend our time. We don't want cows or sheep or chickens. We don't want hogs or ducks. We don't even want a dog or a cat to train. Breed Specific Legislation: Is Your Pit Bull Next? Breed specific legislation otherwise known as "BSL" has started to sweep the world. Germany, Canada, The United States, France, and England are among the major countries that have enacted some form of breed specific law that restricts or calls for a complete ban on several breeds from existing peacefully within their borders. Westies Puppies - How to Prepare for Your Westie Puppy Just like when you bring home a new baby, you will need to prepare before you bring home your westie puppy. The needs of westies puppies are not tremendous, but there are a few things that you must have in place to give your westie a safe, happy transition into your life. Rabbits As Pets Rabbits are one of the most popular pets, apart from dogs and cats. They look attractive, lovely, gentle, friendly and cute. They are easy to take care and undemanding in terms of care and housing. They will settle well either indoor or outdoor, at home. Nervous Cats, Wining the Trust of a Timid Cat Nervous cats hide from people, they do not readily present themselves for petting, and may seem downright scared of you. New Pet Tag Services Provide A Sense Of Security The greatest benefits of ownership is knowing that your property will be there when you need it, but ownership of a pet requires a different type of security measure. Because, pets are living creatures with minds of their own, they have a tendency to want to explore new things, and this often encompasses wandering off and not knowing how to return to where they started. This dilemma poses a unique problem for their owners inthat their pet is out there alone, and they are depending on the kindness of strangers to reunite them with their lost pet. ![]() |
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