Ten Most Popular Goldfish

You can't imagine the kind of varieties of Goldfish there are! People have been breeding Goldfish for over 2000 years now. China is believed to have over 100 varieties and to think that it all began with the Carassius auratus ? the gibel carp! Not all goldfish have been bred in China though. Other countries have specially bred their own goldfish around the world. Comets and Veiltails are very American while the Jikin, Tosakin and the Shubunkin are Japanese. The United Kingdom bred its own Shubunkins and there are two types

? Bristol and London Shubunkin.

And so the endless list of Goldfish varieties goes on, so much so that it's hard to say which is the most unique of them all. Today, we can zero in on at least 20 recognized breeds all sorted out according to their color, body shape, finnage and any other very unique outgrowths. There are the orange or red goldfish which we immediately think of as being typical colors but actually the most genuine goldfish colors are greenish brown, blue, black, bronze, olive green, dark brown, reddish brown, light brown, calico, red and white and even white. All of these have been bred by experts. But some goldfish will be more popular than the others. Lets find out what makes them a hit with the fish keepers in a top ten list.

To view the list of the top ten most popular Goldfish click here.

Dane Stanton is an expert on goldfish health care. To visit his website visit http://www.goldfish-secrets.com for more information on Goldfish care and other aquarium related topics. *Recommended*

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