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Correcting Cats Bad Behaviour: How To Discipline Your Cat; Youll Be Happy; Your Cat Will Be Too!
At some time or another even the sweetest cat "misbehaves." Ironically, a cat's bad act is usually quite normal behavior for her, but may have a result humans don't like or want. Screaming at the cat or physically punishing her won't alter negative behavior. The best way to change undesirable behavior is to eliminate the opportunity and/or distract the cat to an acceptable alternative. Immediacy is vital: even seconds late may be ineffective. You must do it as soon as the cat starts misbehaving. Distracting a cat away from an act is not very difficult. A loud, unfamiliar noise will quickly get her attention. Some cat owners use a low growling sound, others imitate the grating sound of a game show buzzer. Keeping the sound low-toned and harsh is important, because you want to save high-pitched sounds for praise and reinforcement of positive behaviors. One well-known way to distract a misbehaving cat is to give her a blast with a spray bottle. While this works, it has some drawbacks. First, you must have the bottle in your hand at the exact moment the cat is about to act in a way you want to discourage. Unless you follow your cat around all day with a spray bottle in your hand, this is unlikely to happen. The second problem is that this technique seems to lose effectiveness after a while with some cats. The best way to extinguish negative behaviors is to remove the opportunity. If your cat obsessively scratches the side of your couch, place a loose blanket or hard acrylic panel against it. Both techniques remove her access to the satisfying feel of the fabric. If she climbs your curtains, shredding them as she goes, fold or pin them out of her reach unless you are around to stop her. If she has accidents only when you are not home, only give her free run of the house when you are there. When you go out, close her in a room with food, water, litter box, scratching post and a couple of toys. Avoid, at all times, any form of physical punishment. It doesn't matter if your vet or the "cat expert" down the street suggests it; physically punishing your cat will do more harm than good. Some people feel that a "little" tap on the cat's nose with your finger is an acceptable form of punishment because you are only using one finger. Humane group experts point out, however, that if you look at that finger in proportion to a cat's nose - a very sensitive body part - it would be like someone hitting you on the nose with a rolling pin. You can try gently pushing the palm of your hand into the face of the cat. This is best used when discouraging something like biting. Don't hit the cat, simply push its face back gently. Inflicting pain has a negative affect on your relationship with your cat. Even the most outgoing cat will back away from your hands, even if they are only reaching out to pet her. If your cat is shy to begin with, physical punishment can have even more deeply negative results. Keep in mind, too, what you are communicating when you swat your cat. Swatting is one of the main ways cats fight with one another. When you swing your hand at your cat, she very well may take it as a challenge to fight. Constantly provoking her can create a serious aggression problem. Pet Medication Supplies http://www.pet-medication-supplies.net can help you get the best possible pet health supplies. Advantix, Arthramine, Cosequin, Frontline, Heartgard - find the best deals in pet medication for flea and tick control, arthritis and lyme disease. Upto 50% discount everyday on brand names.
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Do You Enjoy Watching Your Dog Wear Handmade Dog Scarfs Just To Suit Their Personality? Yes! We love our wonderful and dear Pooches! We care for them so much that we love to dress them up in all sorts of dog clothing. Take for instance, a handmade Dog Scarf. These great looking little dog scarf's do come in all sorts of fun colors just to suit your dog's personality. How To Choose A Professional Dog Trainer 1.) Versatility- A good dog trainer will use techniques and training styles which are compatible with your dog's temperament. Every dog is different, and some dogs respond better to certain approaches. What works for a Rottweiler won't necessarily work for a Poodle. Worms in Your Dog... Gross! Of all the parasites a dog can catch, worms take home first prize for Most Disgusting. Nobody wants to imagine little worms crawling around in their dog's digestive system, but it's a fairly common ailment that's easily passed from dog to dog. So if he does happen to contract them, tell your furry fella not to feel ashamed of his worms! They're easily prevented and controlled with medication that your vet routinely prescribes to hundreds of pooches just like him. Does Your Dog Have Allergies? Many people don't realize that their dogs, just like human beings, can suffer from allergies. In fact, about twenty percent of the dogs in the United States alone suffer from one allergy or another, with flea allergy dermatitis being the most common form of allergies in dogs. Other types include atopic dermatitis, food allergies, and inhalant allergies. Cold Weather Pet Care As we find ourselves in the middle of winter, it's important to pay particular attention to our pets when they're outside. When temperatures get into the twenties and below, with whipping winds, pets can suffer serious health problems. Besides not leaving your dog, cat or other animal outside for too long, there are several other precautionary measures you can take to care for your loving pet. Dog Flea Control Management: How To Prevent, Treat, And Kill Dog Fleas Dog flea control and management requires an integrated approach. For effective treatment both the host animal and the environment must be treated at the same time. Control of fleas on the pet generally requires the use of insecticides. Although flea combs can remove some fleas, combing should be thought of as a method for detecting fleas rather than removing them. So, You?ve Decided To Kill Your Pet! The other day I was doing a research online for an article I was writing and I came across an article, which the author started by saying: "Euthanasia, is often the hardest thing to do, yet the greatest act of kindness" Then he went on explaining the "grueling" suffering and the guilt the pet owner goes through before making the decision, how it affects the whole family, especially the kids. But then he explains euthanasia in the most loving way I've ever seen someone describe a murder. I remember "simple and peaceful" were some of the words he used, he even gave recommendations on how to avoid stress during the ride to the vet's clinic. Horse Care & Training Tips Do you own a horse? If so, then you have questions about the care, feeding, shoeing, cost, etc. of horse ownership. The least expense of owning a horse, is the actual purchase. Once you have bought your horse, then your expenses begin: shoeing, de-worming, vaccinations, training, boarding, etc. Chicken Compared To Chicken Meal When selecting the best dry food for your dog, why is it better to go with the chicken meal than the pure chicken? Chicken meal is simply chicken that has been baked to remove bacteria and other toxins. Chicken is simply pure chicken. BARF Diet For Dogs - Not As Gross As It Sounds! Are you just starting to research the BARF diet for dogs ? also known as "bones and raw food" or the RAW diet? It can be confusing ? I remember asking TONS of questions when I first started. How do you know how much to feed? WHAT do you feed? Can you mix the BARF diet with processed food? How long does it take to prepare the raw food? How much does it cost to buy all the BARF products necessary? Should you feed raw meat and vegetables? Well, on the last question, only you can decide what's right for your dog, but I'll answer the rest of your questions as best I can. Dog Potty Training: Can I Get My Dog to Stop Eating It? Okay, so it's not the cleanest or most appealing of dog behaviors, but it is a serious problem with most dog owners ? how do I start dog potty training so that my dog stops eating poop?! Keeping Your Cat Healthy Cats need only be provided with decent shelter, food and water and they will be quite healthy most of the time. Like any other living thing, however, they can get sick and can come down with anything from a minor cold to a major ailment. Boston Terrier - The Costs Of Owning A Boston Terrier Having a dog is a little like having a baby. Before you rush out to the nearest breeder or shelter you must consider the costs of ensuring that your new pet remains contented and happy with his home life. Buyer Beware: Purebred Dog Myths Every month I am approached by dog owners of my breed who complain about how poorly behaved, how sickly, how untrainable, and generally my breed is and how deeply they resented spending money on this breed. I listen patiently, but time taught me not to defend 'good' breeders, or explain to the angry owners how their own ignorance cuased them to become victimized. Things You Should Never Feed Your Dog Sadly, there are several household items which we tend to take for granted that are potentially very hazardous to your dog's health. It is especially important to be aware of this because as you know, dogs are very much scavengers and will often eat whatever they can sink their fangs into. I would say that may own dog is more like a mobile garbage disposal. It is also very important to be aware of these items since their sense of smell is so well developed that your pooch will be able to find what you may think is well hidden. DOG ID TAGS-Identify and Protect Your Dog With Any of These Methods The American Humane Society estimated that last year alone; fifteen million dogs entered its shelters. Not even twenty percent of these dogs' owners were ever contacted. They had no identification. It only proves that no matter how much you love your dog, no matter how much you spend on training and no matter many measures you take to ensure your pet's happiness; it could all go down the drain if your pet is ever recovered away from home without proper identification. Dogs and Old Age, How To Care For Your Aging Canine Now that you're dog has shown you so much love and brought you so much joy throughout your many years together, it's time that you return the favor when the dog reaches his elder years. Caring for an older dog is much like caring for an elderly person. Knowing how to do that will help comfort your dog immensely. Hamsters and their quest for world domination "Hamsters?!" I hear you say. "Who cares about some fury little rodents." You ignorant little fool, you're pay the price for your stupidity when the Hamsters lead by yours truly will rise up and DESTROY YOUR LAME SPECIES! We are closer to this than you think. While you sleep, we are slowly spreading our influence. At first it was small. After been first discovered in 1930 by zoologist and Professor Aharoni at the University of Jerusalem, in the Syrian Desert, we quickly made our way to all four corners of the globe. With the exception of Hawaii, which does not allow its residents to own a hamster. A law was passed, hoping prevent escaped hamsters from reproducing and messing up the ecosystem. Huh. How To Find a Lost Cat Losing your cat is a worrying experience, use these 'How to find a lost cat' steps, and try to stay calm. Remember that most lost cats have not run away from home, we all know about cats and curiosity. Mabeke: Gorilla Teacher Mabeke is a young gorilla who was born in captivity and then returned to the wild with several other gorillas of similar birth. I had an opportunity to meet Mabeke during one of the workshops I teach in Telepathic Communication with Animals. ![]() |
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